
Introduction to Computers Discussion 1.Do you play computer games? 2.What other things do you do with computers? 3.How much do you know about computers? 4.Do you know the first computer in the world? February 14th,1964 a desktop computer a laptop computer A world of computers Computers are the main means of communication. Employees use computers to deal with jobs. People also spend much free time on the computer. to create letters to calculate payroll to prepare teaching to finish homework What is a computer? A computer is an electric device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its memory that can accept data, manipulate the data according to certain rules, produce results, and store the results for future use. A computer input output Information Processing Cycle Computers process input into output. process output storage activities The components of a computer Input Devices Output Devices System Unit Storage Devices Communications Devices Answer the questions 1.What is an input device? It is any hardware component that allows you to enter data or instruction into a computer. 2.What is an output device? It is any hardware component that conveys information to one or more people. 3.What are the two components on the motherboard? The processor and the memory. Power computers Computers are powerful for many reasons. huge amount of date and information communication Networks and the Internet 1.What is a network? It is a group of computer and devices connected together by communications devices and transmission media. 2.What does the server do? The server controls access to a network’s resources. Computer software Categories of computers A computer’s size, speed and processing power usually decide which group it fits. Computers personal computers mobile computers and mobile device midrange servers mainframes supercomputers Computer applications in society Education Finance Government Healt


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