What is Monkey Patch

Monkey patch就是在运行时对已有的代码进行修改,达到hot patch的目的。Eventlet中大量使用了该技巧,以替换标准库中的组件,比如socket。首先来看一下最简单的monkey patch的实现。

class Foo(object):def bar(self):print 'Foo.bar'def bar(self):print 'Modified bar'Foo().bar()Foo.bar = barFoo().bar()


Python namespace


  • locals
  • globals
  • builtin


Python module Import & Name Lookup


  • 导入一个module
  • 将module对象加入到sys.modules,后续对该module的导入将直接从该dict中获得
  • 将module对象加入到globals dict中


  1. 将我们自己的module加入到sys.modules中,替换掉原有的模块。如果被替换模块还没加载,那么我们得先对其进行加载,否则第一次加载时,还会加载标准模块。(这里有一个import hook可以用,不过这需要我们自己实现该hook,可能也可以使用该方法hook module import)
  2. 如果被替换模块引用了其他模块,那么我们也需要进行替换,但是这里我们可以修改globals dict,将我们的module加入到globals以hook这些被引用的模块。

Eventlet Patcher Implementation

现在我们先来看一下eventlet中的Patcher的调用代码吧,这段代码对标准的ftplib做monkey patch,将eventlet的GreenSocket替换标准的socket。

from eventlet import patcher# *NOTE: there might be some funny business with the "SOCKS" module
# if it even still exists
from eventlet.green import socketpatcher.inject('ftplib', globals(), ('socket', socket))del patcher

inject函数会将eventlet的socket模块注入标准的ftplib中,globals dict被传入以做适当的修改。


__exclude = set(('__builtins__', '__file__', '__name__'))def inject(module_name, new_globals, *additional_modules):"""Base method for "injecting" greened modules into an imported module.  Itimports the module specified in *module_name*, arranging things sothat the already-imported modules in *additional_modules* are used when*module_name* makes its imports.*new_globals* is either None or a globals dictionary that gets populatedwith the contents of the *module_name* module.  This is useful when creatinga "green" version of some other module.*additional_modules* should be a collection of two-element tuples, of theform (, ).  If it's not specified, a default selection ofname/module pairs is used, which should cover all use cases but may beslower because there are inevitably redundant or unnecessary imports."""if not additional_modules:# supply some defaultsadditional_modules = (_green_os_modules() +_green_select_modules() +_green_socket_modules() +_green_thread_modules() +_green_time_modules())## Put the specified modules in sys.modules for the duration of the importsaved = {}for name, mod in additional_modules:saved[name] = sys.modules.get(name, None)sys.modules[name] = mod## Remove the old module from sys.modules and reimport it while## the specified modules are in placeold_module = sys.modules.pop(module_name, None)try:module = __import__(module_name, {}, {}, module_name.split('.')[:-1])if new_globals is not None:## Update the given globals dictionary with everything from this new modulefor name in dir(module):if name not in __exclude:new_globals[name] = getattr(module, name)## Keep a reference to the new module to prevent it from dyingsys.modules['__patched_module_' + module_name] = modulefinally:## Put the original module backif old_module is not None:sys.modules[module_name] = old_moduleelif module_name in sys.modules:del sys.modules[module_name]## Put all the saved modules backfor name, mod in additional_modules:if saved[name] is not None:sys.modules[name] = saved[name]else:del sys.modules[name]return module


if new_globals is not None:## Update the given globals dictionary with everything from this new modulefor name in dir(module):if name not in __exclude:new_globals[name] = getattr(module, name)

这里为什么不用from ftplib import *的缘故,应该是因为这样无法做到完全替换ftplib的目的。因为from … import *会根据__init__.py中的__all__列表来导入public symbol,而这样对于下划线开头的private symbol将不会导入,无法做到完全patch。

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