VectorDraw Developer Framework(VDF)是一个用于应用程序可视化的图形引擎库。有了VDF提供的功能,您可以轻松地创建、编辑、管理、输出、输入和打印2D和3D图形文件。该库还支持许多矢量和栅格输入和输出格式,包括本地PDF和SVG导出。
VectorDraw web library (javascript)是一个矢量图形库。VectorDraw web library (javascript)不仅能打开CAD图纸,而且能显示任何支持HTML5标准平台上的通用矢量对象,如Windows,安卓,iOS和Linux。无需任何安装,VectorDraw web library (javascript)就可以运行在任何支持canvas标签和Javascript的主流浏览器(Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Dolphin, Boat等等)中。

一. 导出背景色的SVG文件
答:可以通过一些代码行来指示VDF(VectorDraw Developer Framework)组件在OnDrawBackground事件中使用Palette的背景颜色,例如:

// the form conatins a vdFramedControl and a Buttonbool isOnSVGSave = false; // use this global boolean in the form and make it true just before saving the SVG and then again to false after save is finishedprivate void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{vdDocument doc = vdFramedControl.BaseControl.ActiveDocument;doc.Open(@"C:\test\simple1.vdml"); // open a test filedoc.Palette.Background = Color.LightYellow; // change the background colordoc.Palette.Forground = Color.DarkSlateGray; // and the foreground color.....
.....isOnSVGSave = true; //set this flag to true before saving SVGdoc.OnDrawBackground += new vdDocument.DrawBackgroundEventHandler(doc_OnDrawBackground); // enable the eventdoc.SaveAs(@"c:\test\svg1.svg"); // save the SVGdoc.OnDrawBackground -= new vdDocument.DrawBackgroundEventHandler(doc_OnDrawBackground); // disable the eventisOnSVGSave = false;//set this flag back to false after saving SVG
}void doc_OnDrawBackground(object sender, vdRender render, ref bool cancel)
{if (isOnSVGSave && render!=null && render is RenderFormats.SvgRender) // check that is on "save" and render is SvgRender{cancel = true; // you need to pass this as trurender.Clear(vdFramedControl.BaseControl.ActiveDocument.Palette.Background); // clear the render and use the Palette’s Background color!}

二. 在非XY平面中创建polyhatch
问:如何在非X / Y平面中创建polyhatch?
答:在创建剖面线时,多边形曲线和剖面线应位于X / Y平面中,因此如果在相同但不是X / Y平面中有折线,则需要将它们“带”到X / Y平面,创建聚阴影线,然后让他们回到他们的平面。请看以下代码:

private void Test(){vdDocument doc = vdFramedControl.BaseControl.ActiveDocument;doc.New();#region create 2 random polylines// we will use two circles in order to get some random points from them to create the polylines.vdCircle cir1 = new vdCircle(doc, new gPoint(3, 2), 5);vdCircle cir2 = new vdCircle(doc, new gPoint(3, 2), 2);Vector vec = new Vector(0.3, 0.7, -0.2); vec.Normalize();cir1.ExtrusionVector = vec;cir2.ExtrusionVector = vec;// 2 circles are created in the same "random" plane// get some points from these just to "have" two polylinesgPoints pts1 = cir1.geomMeasure(7); // points of 1st polylinegPoints pts2 = cir2.geomMeasure(4); // points of 2nd polyline#endregionMatrix mat = new Matrix(); // this is the matrix of the plane that the circles belong tomat.SetToViewDirection(vec, 0.0d);Matrix invmat = new Matrix(mat.GetInvertion());// create the curves for the polyhatchvdPolyline pl = new vdPolyline(doc, pts1);// vector should be perpendicular in the plane where the polyline is and can also calculated using CalculateNormal3P, like:Vector vec2 = new Vector();Vector.CalculateNormal3P(pl.VertexList[0] as gPoint, pl.VertexList[1] as gPoint, pl.VertexList[2] as gPoint, out vec2);// in this case we already have it from the circle, as we set it = vec;pl.Flag = VdConstPlineFlag.PlFlagCLOSE;pl.Transformby(mat); // we need to bring these points to X/Y planepl.Update();VectorDraw.Professional.vdCollections.vdCurves curves_Outer = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdCollections.vdCurves();curves_Outer.AddItem(pl);pl = new vdPolyline(doc, pts2);pl.ExtrusionVector = vec;pl.Flag = VdConstPlineFlag.PlFlagCLOSE;pl.Transformby(mat); pl.Update(); // we need to bring these points to X/Y planeVectorDraw.Professional.vdCollections.vdCurves curves_Inside = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdCollections.vdCurves();curves_Inside.AddItem(pl);//'create polyhatchvdPolyhatch onehatch = new vdPolyhatch(doc);onehatch.PolyCurves.AddItem(curves_Outer);onehatch.PolyCurves.AddItem(curves_Inside);onehatch.HatchProperties = new VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.vdHatchProperties(VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstFill.VdFillModeSolid);onehatch.Transformby(invmat); // bring this to the plane where the circles are.doc.Model.Entities.AddItem(onehatch);//just add the circles for display reasons. There is no need to add themcir1.PenColor.FromSystemColor(Color.Red);cir2.PenColor.FromSystemColor(Color.Red);doc.Model.Entities.AddItem(cir1);doc.Model.Entities.AddItem(cir2);doc.CommandAction.Zoom("E", 0, 0);}

三. 导出txt文件中的xyz坐标

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{vdDocument doc = vdFramedControl.BaseControl.ActiveDocument;doc.New();doc.Open(@"c:\test\MyModel Layout_1.0.dxf");using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(doc.FileName+".txt")) //export c:\test\MyModel Layout_1.0.dxf.txt file containing the points of lines and polylines only{foreach (vdFigure item in doc.Model.Entities){if (item != null && item is vdLine){writer.WriteLine("vdLine " + (item as vdLine).StartPoint.ToString() + " " + (item as vdLine).EndPoint.ToString());}if (item != null && item is vdPolyline){writer.Write("vdPolyline ");foreach (Vertex item2 in (item as vdPolyline).VertexList){writer.Write(item2.AsgPoint().ToString() + " ");}writer.WriteLine(" ");}}}


四. 如何覆盖折线的夹点

..... // need to have these
doc.OnFigureDrawGrips += new vdDocument.FigureDrawGripsEventHandler(doc_OnFigureDrawGrips);
and//overrides the default draw grip//draw the first grip of all vdFigures as red circle//and the others as rectangle using the default grip colorvoid doc_OnFigureDrawGrips(object sender, vdRender render, ref bool cancel){vdFigure fig = sender as vdFigure;if (fig == null) return;//calculate the circle points and grip box points relative to grip center.double half_viewsize = render.PixelSize * render.GlobalProperties.GripSize * 0.5d;gPoint offsetPoint = new gPoint(half_viewsize, half_viewsize);Box GripBox = new Box(offsetPoint * -1, offsetPoint);gPoints circlepts = Globals.GetArcSamplePoints(16, half_viewsize, 0, Globals.VD_TWOPI);Matrix morigin = new Matrix();gPoints pts = fig.GetGripPoints();//points are in world CSint i = 0;foreach (gPoint pt in pts){if (!render.IsSectionVisible(pt)) continue;//check the 3d section clip visibilitygPoint ptInView = render.CurrentMatrix.Transform(pt);System.Drawing.Point p = render.View2PixelMatrix.Transform2GDIPoint(ptInView);if (!render.Contains(p)) continue;//check if grip is inside the screen//initialize a new offset matrix represents the center of grip in current view CSmorigin.IdentityMatrix();morigin.TranslateMatrix(ptInView);//push to matrix where the grip figure points are reference(see GripBox and circlepts)render.PushToViewMatrix();render.PushMatrix(morigin);if (i == 0)//if it is the first grip{render.PushPenstyle(Color.Red, true);render.DrawPLine(sender, circlepts);render.PopPenstyle();}else render.DrawBoundBox(sender, GripBox);render.PopMatrix();render.PopMatrix();//if a rendering procedure was break usually by a user pan / zoom in-outif (render.StatusDraw == vdRender.DrawStatus.Break) break;i++;}render.IsMessageQueEmpty();//update the render StatusDraw by checking if a mouse action was placed by the usercancel = true;//do not call the default VectorDraw grip draw.}

五. VDF滚动的鼠标滚轮控制

//For the wrapper we have to get the vdDocument object like below.
VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.vdDocument doc = vd.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject as VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.vdDocument;doc.MouseWheelZoomScale = 1.0;              //1.0 means disabled mouse wheel. 0.8(less than 1.0) or 1.2(more than 1.0) values can reverse the mouse wheel functionality.


vd.JobStart += new AxVDrawLib5._DVdrawEvents_JobStartEventHandler(vd_JobStart);void vd_JobStart(object sender, AxVDrawLib5._DVdrawEvents_JobStartEvent e)
{if (e.jobName == "BaseAction_ActionPan") e.cancel = 1;}


... // these events must be useddoc.MouseWheelZoomScale = 1.0d; // disable mouse wheel zoomdoc.ActionStart += new vdDocument.ActionStartEventHandler(doc_ActionStart);vdFramedControl1.BaseControl.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(BaseControl_MouseWheel);...void BaseControl_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e){if ((e != null) && (e.Delta != 0)){vdDocument doc = vdFramedControl1.BaseControl.ActiveDocument;double height = doc.ActiveRender.Height * doc.ActiveRender.PixelSize;double width = doc.ActiveRender.Width * doc.ActiveRender.PixelSize;double stepY = height * (e.Delta / Math.Abs(e.Delta)) / 10.0d;double stepX = width * (-1.0d * e.Delta / Math.Abs(e.Delta)) / 10.0d;if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift){ // if Shift key is pressed scroll horizontallydoc.ScrollActiveActionRenderView(stepX, 0.0d, true); // scroll only in dX}else //else scroll vertically{doc.ScrollActiveActionRenderView(0.0d, stepY, true); // scroll only in dY}}}void doc_ActionStart(object sender, string actionName, ref bool cancel){if (actionName == "BaseAction_ActionPan") cancel = true; // cancel middle mouse button pan}


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