There are three ways to read data from stdin in Python.


  1. sys.stdinsys.stdin
  2. input() built-in functioninput()内置函数
  3. fileinput.input() functionfileinput.input()函数

1.使用sys.stdin读取标准输入 (1. Using sys.stdin to read from standard input)

Python sys module stdin is used by the interpreter for standard input. Internally, it calls the input() function. The input string is appended with a newline character (\n) in the end. So, you can use the rstrip() function to remove it.

解释器将Python sys模块 stdin用于标准输入。 在内部,它调用input()函数。 输入字符串的末尾附加换行符(\ n)。 因此,您可以使用rstrip()函数将其删除。

Here is a simple program to read user messages from the standard input and process it. The program will terminate when the user enters “Exit” message.

这是一个简单的程序,可以从标准输入中读取用户消息并进行处理。 当用户输入“退出”消息时,程序将终止。

import sysfor line in sys.stdin:if 'Exit' == line.rstrip():breakprint(f'Processing Message from sys.stdin *****{line}*****')



Processing Message from sys.stdin *****Hi
Processing Message from sys.stdin *****Hello

Python stdin Example

Python stdin示例

Notice the use of rstrip() to remove the trailing newline character so that we can check if the user has entered “Exit” message or not.


2.使用input()函数读取标准输入数据 (2. Using input() function to read stdin data)

We can also use Python input() function to read the standard input data. We can also prompt a message to the user.

我们还可以使用Python input()函数读取标准输入数据。 我们还可以向用户提示消息。

Here is a simple example to read and process the standard input message in the infinite loop, unless the user enters the Exit message.


while True:data = input("Please enter the message:\n")if 'Exit' == data:breakprint(f'Processing Message from input() *****{data}*****')print("Done")



Python input() Read From stdin

Python input()从标准输入读取

The input() function doesn’t append newline character to the user message.


3.使用文件输入模块读取标准输入 (3. Reading Standard Input using fileinput module)

We can also use fileinput.input() function to read from the standard input. The fileinput module provides utility functions to loop over standard input or a list of files. When we don’t provide any argument to the input() function, it reads arguments from the standard input.

我们还可以使用fileinput.input()函数来读取标准输入。 fileinput模块提供实用程序功能来循环标准输入或文件列表。 当我们不向input()函数提供任何参数时,它将从标准输入中读取参数。

This function works in the same way as sys.stdin and adds a newline character to the end of the user-entered data.


import fileinputfor fileinput_line in fileinput.input():if 'Exit' == fileinput_line.rstrip():breakprint(f'Processing Message from fileinput.input() *****{fileinput_line}*****')print("Done")



Python fileinput.input() Read Standard Input

Python fileinput.input()读取标准输入



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