1.在自己的 module 中定义:

<global><cache><types><first translate="label,description" module="first"><label>MyCache Requests</label><description>MyCache Requests</description><tags>MYCHE_CACHE</tags></first></types></cache></global>

magento cache types:

When you enable this type, you work with all the modules or custom configuration that are saved in your database.Layouts
Layout in Magento is set of XML tags, that collects the page from all the blocks.Blocks
Generally HTML output every Magento block when you load a webpage. This cache type includedlogic that helps to collect all the blocks together without conflict between them.EAV types and attributes
EAV (entity-attribute-value model) requires configuration to be loaded from database. For example,
you want to add one attribute to your customer - his shoe size, EAV allows not to overload the grid values​​for all users (default value is  0), but it loads only one value for a custom client.Translations
Default module or theme can have it’s own translation file,
we cache it to avoid wasting time on recompilation.Collections Data
If you enable this type of cache, all the objects in Magento can be cached according to specific
id logic for each collection. (In few words - you can enable or
disable caching for custom Magento collection).Web Services Configuration api
Web Services API Is a software interface that controls a
web-service - your server. You can cache configurations
for your services to make loading faster.

2.Flat Catalog Data and Flat Product Data

Category page:

Product View pages.

3.Merge CSS and Merge JS



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