

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;class node
public:char instruct;int stepId;
};const int SIZE = 12;
char aLine[SIZE];
node map[SIZE][SIZE];void move(int &curRow,int &curCol,char instruct)
{switch (instruct){case 'N':curRow --;break;case 'S':curRow ++;break;case 'W':curCol --;break;case 'E':curCol ++;break;}
int countStepBeforeExit(int initCol,int endRow,int endCol)
{int curRow = 1,curCol = initCol;int stepBeforeExit = 0;while (1){if (curRow == endRow && curCol == endCol)break;stepBeforeExit ++;move(curRow,curCol,map[curRow][curCol].instruct);}return stepBeforeExit;
int judgeExit(int curRow,int curCol,int row,int col)
{if (curRow < 1 || curRow > row || curCol < 1 || curCol > col)return 1;return 0;
}int main ()
{int row,col,initCol;while (scanf("%d%d%d",&row,&col,&initCol) != -1){if (row == 0 && col == 0 && initCol == 0)break;//初始化for (int i = 0;i < SIZE;i ++)for (int j = 0;j < SIZE;j ++)map[i][j].stepId = 0;for (int i = 1;i <= row;i ++){scanf("%s",aLine);for (int j = 1;j <= col;j ++){map[i][j].instruct = aLine[j - 1];}}int isExit = 1,stepBeforeExit,stepLoop;int preRow,preCol;preRow = preCol = -1;int curRow = 1,curCol = initCol;int stepCount = 0;while (1){//这一点之前曾走过,说明出现了回路if (map[curRow][curCol].stepId != 0){stepLoop = map[preRow][preCol].stepId - map[curRow][curCol].stepId + 1;//计算走到当前点的前一点用了多少个step(s)stepBeforeExit = countStepBeforeExit(initCol,curRow,curCol);//最后没能走出去isExit = 0;break;}else if (judgeExit(curRow,curCol,row,col)){isExit = 1;stepBeforeExit = map[preRow][preCol].stepId;break;}stepCount ++;map[curRow][curCol].stepId = stepCount;preRow = curRow , preCol = curCol;//走到下一点
            move(curRow,curCol,map[curRow][curCol].instruct);    }//能走出去if (isExit)printf("%d step(s) to exit\n",stepBeforeExit);elseprintf("%d step(s) before a loop of %d step(s)\n",stepBeforeExit,stepLoop);}return 0;


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