语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 7《Computers》ppt课件1.ppt



上传时间: 2018-04-04




Computers,UNIT 7,,电脑,计算机,Dark Screen,1.What can we do by using computer,----For boys play computer games ----For girls do shopping online ----For businessman do business 做生意 -----For studentslearning,QQ,MSN,reading, finding jobs,黑 屏,Dark Screen,2.What troubles can computer take,黑 屏,We will get into trouble if the computer is down.,,,第1段 Key Sentences Phrases (重点句型及词组)1. Computers sometimes can get you into trouble and the terrible words in English are “Our computer is down”. 计算机有时会使你陷入困境,英语里很让人头疼的话是“我们的计算机死机了”。 get into trouble 使某人陷入困境eg Too much money will get you into trouble. 钱太多也会给你带来麻烦。 down 死机,坏了eg This machine is down. 这台机器坏了。,Dark Screen,黑屏,,,2. You hear it more and more in your daily life. 在你的日常生活中,这种话听得越来越多。 more and more 越来越多的 in ones daily life 在某人的日常生活中 eg Computer is more and more popular in our daily life。电脑在我们的日常生活中越来越流行。3. One day, I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Paris and the pretty girl in the booking office said , “Im sorry, I cant sell you a ticket . Our computer is down.” 一天,我正在飞机场等着买去巴黎的票,这时订票处的漂亮的女孩说“对不起,我们的电脑坏了。” wait for 等待eg He is waiting for his wife now.他正在等他的妻子。,Dark Screen,黑屏,,,Dark Screen,黑屏,第1段译文 电脑有时会让你陷入困境,英语里的可怕的说法是“电脑死机了”。日常生活中越来越常听见这句话。一天,我正在飞机场等着买去巴黎的票,这是订票处的漂亮女孩说“对不起,我不能卖给你票了,我们的电脑坏了。”,,,“If your computer is not working , just write out a ticket.” “如果你的电猫不工作了,就请手写一张票吧” But only computer is allowed to do so. 但是只允许计算机这么做。 be allowed to do 被允许做eg We are not allowed to play games in class. 在课堂上不允许我们玩游戏。,Dark Screen,黑屏,,,2. I looked around and found all the passengers just drinking coffee and looking at the dark screen, Then I asked her, “what do all your people do” “We give the computer the ination about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can take this flight or not . 我环顾四周,发现所有的乘客都在喝咖啡,并且看着黑屏。我问她“你们的人都在做些什么呢” “我们把你们的行程信息输入电脑,然后计算机告诉我们您是否能乘坐这次航班。” whetheror not 是否eg I dont know whether he will come or not. 我不知道他是否会来。,Dark Screen,黑屏,Dark Screen,,,第2-8段译文 “如果你的电脑不工作了,就手写一张票吧。” “但是允许电脑这样做。” 我环顾四周,发现所有的乘客都在喝咖啡,并且看着黑屏。我问她“你们的人都做些什么呢” “我们把你们行程信息输入电脑,然后它会告诉我们你们是否能搭乘这班飞机。” “因此如果电脑不工作了,你们也就不工作了” “是的,先生。” “电脑会死机多久呢”,,,第9-12段 Key Sentences Phrases (重点句型及词组)1. Sorry, I have no idea . 对不起,我不知道。 I have no idea I dont know. 我不知道。2. I have no way to find out without asking the computer. 不问计算机,我没办法知道。 have no way to do 没办法做eg He has no way to get his money back. 他没办法把钱要回来。 find out 发现,找出eg Please find out when the train starts. 请查看一下火车什么时候开。,Dark Screen,黑屏,,,第9-12段 Key Sentences Phrases (重点句型及词组)3. “Sorry, I dont know,” she said, pointing at the dark screen. “对不起,我不知道。” 她指着黑屏说。 point at 指着eg He pointed at the blackboard. 他指着黑板。4. I was in trouble. 我陷入了困境。 be in trouble 处于困境中eg We should help him when he is in trouble. 当他陷入困境时,我们应该帮助他。,Dark Screen,黑屏,,,第9-12段 Key Sentences Phrases (重点句型及词组)5. It is clear that the trouble doesnt come from the computer but the person who works on it. 显然,问题不是出在计算机上,而是出在操作计算机的人身上。 “it” 是形式主语,真正的主语是从句“that the trouble doesnt come from the person who works on it”eg It is important that we should learn English well. 我们学好英语是很重要。 notbut 不是而是eg He is not a teacher but a writer. 他不是教师而是作家。,Dark Screen,黑屏,Dark Screen,,,第9-12段译文 “对不起,我不知道。有时候可能会十分钟,有时候可能持续两个小时。不查询电脑我没法知道。但是现在电脑死机了,它回答不了我。” “近几个小时有没有其他飞往巴黎的航班” “对不起,我不知道。”她指着黑屏说“只有电脑知道。它现在不能告诉我,所以我也不能马上回答你。” 我该怎么办我遇到了麻烦。 很明显,麻烦并非来自电脑本身,而是操作电脑的人。,黑屏,P54 Reading Comprehension (阅读理解),1.Computers sometimes can get you into trouble and the terrible words in English are ”Our computer is ________ ” 2. When I was waiting for a ticket, I heard the pretty girl in the booking office say, “ _________________________________ . ”3. I __________ and found all the passengers just drinking coffee and ___________ the dark screen.4. We give the computer the ination about your trip, and then it tells us whether _______________________________.,down,Im sorry I cant sell you a ticket. Our computer is down,looked around,you can take this flight or not,looking at,P54 Reading Comprehension (阅读理解),5. “How long will it be down” I asked. The girl answered, “ Sorry, ___________. Sometimes its down for ___________. Sometimes its down for two hours.”6. It is clear that the trouble doesnt come _____________ but ________________ who ________________.,I have no idea,ten minutes,from the computer,the person,works on it,P54 Reading Comprehension (阅读理解),One day I was waiting at the airport for ______ to Paris in the booking office and the computers there got me __________. Their computers were down. I couldnt get _______. I looked around and found _____________ just ___________ and looking at _________________. I didnt know ______ long the computers would be down. The girl in the _________ couldnt tell me whether I _________ the flight and whether there was ________ flight to Paris in a few hours. Some people said, ”We can not __________ when the computer is down. If the computers dont work, we ________ either.,

中职计算机英语课件ppt,语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 7《Computers》ppt课件1.ppt...相关推荐

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