Ubuntu 16.04, ROS Kinetic , Gazebo 7.0


n file included from /usr/include/gazebo7/gazebo/msgs/MessageTypes.hh:91:0,from /usr/include/gazebo7/gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh:24,from /usr/include/gazebo7/gazebo/physics/Entity.hh:28,from /usr/include/gazebo7/gazebo/physics/Model.hh:32,from /home/thesis/gazebo_animate_pose/animate_pose.cc:4:
/usr/include/gazebo7/gazebo/msgs/wrench_stamped.pb.h:17:2: error: #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
/usr/include/gazebo7/gazebo/msgs/wrench_stamped.pb.h:18:2: error: #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
/usr/include/gazebo7/gazebo/msgs/wrench_stamped.pb.h:19:2: error: #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.

查看protoc版本,高于 2.6.1:

$ protoc --version



cd /usr/local/include/google

sudo rm -rf protobuf




$ ./autogen.sh

$ ./configure

$ make

$ make check

$ sudo make install

$ sudo ldconfig




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