环境:Win10、python3.6.5、pygame( version 1.9.3)


import pygame
class Player:# constructordef __init__(self):pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 1, 2048)pygame.init()# add a notedef add(self, fileName):self.notes[fileName] = pygame.mixer.Sound(fileName)


pygame.error: Unable to open file 'test.wav'


Create a new Sound object from a file or buffer object

Note: The buffer will be copied internally, no data will be shared between it and the Sound object.


You cannot use pygames’ library’s unless you initialize either the modules your using or all of pygame.

这个说是没有初始化,但我的代码中将初始化放在__init__() 函数中了,不应该提示错误,然后还有的同学说是

It turned out that the frequency rate was too high for pygame, so I used one of the free tools to reduce the sampling rate (to smth like 128 bps) and it worked.


pygame.error: Unable to open file 'test.wav'


pygame.error: DirectSoundCreate: No audio device found


pygame.mixer.Sound()语句提示错误:pygame.error: Unable to open file 'test.wav'相关推荐

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