

Human bodies are an ingenious but strange design solution. Not fast by animal standards, but we cover the ground well. We have above-average vision, good climbing abilities and excellent fine motor skills.

人体是一种巧妙但奇怪的设计解决方案。 按照动物标准,这还算不算快,但是我们可以很好地覆盖地面。 我们拥有超乎寻常的视野,良好的攀爬能力和出色的精细运动技能。

One thing we’re actually not very well designed for is sitting.


In fact, one 2012 study suggests sitting for extended periods is more damaging to your health than smoking.

实际上,2012年的一项研究表明,长时间坐着比吸烟更有害健康 。

A hundred years ago, this wasn’t so much of a problem. Most of us spent our days rivetting ships, toiling in fields or striding a delivery route.

一百年前,这并不是什么大问题。 我们大多数人一整天都在铆接船只,在田间劳作或走过送货路线。

Unfortunately, as desk jockeys and code monkeys, we spend most of our waking hours in front of a computer by necessity.


Comfortability is very subjective, but there are some more or less universal ergonomics rules how to arrange your work environment to reduce trauma and increase productivity.


首先,什么是人体工程学? (Firstly, what is Ergonomics?)

Ergonomics is a relatively modern term – it was first used in 1949. It comes from the Green “ergon,” (work) and “nomoi” (natural laws). Ergonomics is essentially usability, so it should naturally resonate with designers.

人机工程学是一个相对现代的术语–于1949年首次使用。它来自绿色的“ ergon”(工作)和“ nomoi”(自然法则)。 人机工程学本质上是可用性,因此它应该自然引起设计师的共鸣。

According to the definition in the Merriam Webster dictionary:

根据《 韦氏词典》中的定义:

  • ergonomics: a science that deals with designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and safely

    人机工程学 :一门科学,致力于设计和安排事物,使人们可以轻松,安全地使用它们

  • ergonomics: the parts or qualities of something’s design that make it easy to use

    人机工程学 :易于使用的某些设计的组成部分或质量

The purpose of ergonomics is to increase your productivity and to keep your health. In some countries, legislation makes it mandatory for employers to ensure ergonomics in the workplace, but this isn’t the case everywhere.

人体工学的目的是提高您的生产率并保持健康。 在某些国家/地区,立法规定雇主必须确保在工作场所中符合人体工学,但这并不是每个地方都如此。

Workplace ergonomics is a big topic, and I’m not a doctor or ergonomics consultant. But I can give you a hit-list to target some of the biggest issues: desk & chair, monitor, mouse & keyboard, and miscellaneous.

工作场所的人机工程学是一个大话题,我不是医生或人机工程学顾问。 但是我可以给您一个命中清单,以解决一些最大的问题:桌子和椅子,显示器,鼠标和键盘以及其他。

课桌椅 (Desk & Chair)

The desk and chair are key to ergonomics because they ensure the correct working posture. According to the US Department of Labor, there are actually several correct working postures :

桌子和椅子是人体工学的关键,因为它们可确保正确的工作姿势。 根据美国劳工部的说法,实际上有几种正确的工作姿势:

1). Upright sitting posture: torso and neck are approximately vertical and in-line, the thighs are approximately horizontal, and the lower legs are vertical

1)。 直立的坐姿:躯干和脖子大约垂直且成一直线,大腿大约水平,小腿竖直

2): Reclined sitting: user’s torso and neck are straight and recline between 105 and 120 degrees from the thighs


3). Declined sitting: user’s thighs are inclined with the buttocks higher than the knee and the angle between the thighs and the torso is greater than 90 degrees.

3)。 坐姿下降:使用者的大腿倾斜,臀部高于膝盖,大腿与躯干之间的角度大于90度。

Obviously you’ll need a desk you can regulate the height of and a chair that has an adjustable backrest to provide support for the lumbar area.


Your back is the main concern here, but incorrect posture could injure other parts of your body as well.


For instance, feet that are not at 90 degrees, can lead to knee problems. This happens most often when taller workers don’t have enough room under the desk for his or her feet to rest naturally.

例如,脚不成90度角可能会导致膝盖问题。 当高个子工人的桌子下面没有足够的空间让他或她的脚自然休息时,通常会发生这种情况。

Arm and neck position are also important. The neck should be straight vertical and not bent down or back. The arms should be in-line with the body, the forearms at 90 degrees from them. The wrists and fingers shouldn’t be bent down, up, or sideways.

手臂和颈部的位置也很重要。 脖子应该是笔直的,不能弯腰或向后弯曲。 手臂应与身体成一条直线,前臂与手臂成90度角。 手腕和手指不应向下,向上或侧弯。

The classic upright setup (#1) is recommended as best, but for many of us it’s less comfortable than a reclined setup (#2) or standing.


Personally, I’ve found setup 3 strains my back less, but the distance from the monitor (when there is no monitor arm) becomes a problem. If you are working from home, you can work straight from the easy chair but in this case the monitor, mouse, and keyboard are a problem because usually there is no suitable place to put them.

就个人而言,我发现设置3减轻了我的背部负担,但是与显示器的距离(当没有显示器臂时)成为问题。 如果您是在家工作,则可以直接从安乐椅上工作,但是在这种情况下,显示器,鼠标和键盘是个问题,因为通常没有合适的放置位置。

The easy-chair setup works best for laptops where all the parts are together. Laptops are an ergonomics disaster in their default configuration, but you can use various stands to improve the angle of the monitor and the keyboard.

安乐椅设置最适合所有部件都在一起的笔记本电脑。 笔记本电脑的默认配置不符合人体工程学,但是您可以使用各种支架来改善显示器和键盘的角度。

站立书桌 (Standing Desks)

Standing desks have gained a lot of momentum over the last 5 years — and with good reason. Though they always require an adjustment, their benefits in just extra calorie burned are significant.

在过去的五年中,站立式办公桌获得了很大的发展动力,这是有充分理由的。 尽管他们总是需要进行调整,但仅消耗额外的卡路里就可带来明显的好处。

Now, if cost isn’t a concern, the Up Desk might be your best option.


It looks amazing, is power-adjustable and, like an expensive Audi, even remembers your favorite settings. Cali Lewis demonstrates its wondrous beauty here.

它看起来很棒,可调节功率,并且像昂贵的奥迪一样,甚至还记得您喜欢的设置。 卡利·刘易斯(Cali Lewis)在这里展示了其奇妙的美丽 。

But, let’s face it: cost IS a concern for most of us, and convincing your boss (or partner) to drop $2,000 on an office desk is no mean feat – particularly if you might not have convinced yourself yet.


Hacked standing desk at Flippa


Thankfully, many intrepid geeks have ‘IKEA-hacked’ their way to standing desk nirvana for less than a few hundred dollars.


Tim, Prem and Alex from the Flippa.com team use a stacked coffeetable arrangement to give themselves standing desks that can revert to a seated arrangement quickly and easily.


The small tables were $50 each.


Jason from Atlanta built this very slick construction using a set of cheap and ubiquitous IKEA Expedit shelves as his base. He also employs old CDs to raise the desk surface to the right level.

来自亚特兰大的杰森(Jason)使用一组便宜且无处不在的宜家宜家(IKEA Expedit)架子作为基地, 建造了这座非常光滑的建筑 。 他还使用旧的CD将桌面提高到正确的高度。

Functional and attractive!


监控 (Monitor)

In addition to getting a quality monitor with a good picture (fortunately CRT monitors are history for years now!), a monitor arm to regulate the vertical and horizontal position of the monitor (height and distance from the eyes) is another ergonomics recommendation.




Of course, you can do without a monitor arm. A couple of bricks or a few sturdy books will do — I’m sure we all have a few old tech manuals we don’t need.

当然,您也可以不使用显示器臂。 可以用几块砖块或一些坚固的书来做-我确定我们都有一些不需要的旧技术手册。

Lift your monitor up to center on your natural eye-level. This prevents the shortening of the scalene muscles in the front of your neck, which in turn prevents you from hunching.

将显示器抬起至自然视线中央。 这样可以防止脖子前部的斜角肌缩短,从而防止驼背。

Regardless of the quality and ergonomic purity of your monitor, the best gift for your eyes is not to stare at the monitor all the time.


Look away from your the monitor in those moments when you are thinking, and get up and go for a wander at least every hours.


滑鼠与键盘 (Mouse & Keyboard)

Non-ergonomic mice and keyboards are responsible for all sorts of wrists, fingers, and forearm injuries. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to make your mouse & keyboard as ergonomic as possible.

非人体工程学的鼠标和键盘会导致各种手腕,手指和前臂受伤。 幸运的是,您可以做很多事情来使鼠标和键盘尽可能符合人体工程学。

Firstly, if your desk is high enough, you might want to get a sliding keyboard tray — though not everyone is comfortable with this.


The Ergodox Split Keyboard


Secondly, there are ergonomic keyboards, such as the (successors of) Microsoft Natural Keyboard that open your wrists to a more relaxed position. You could also consider a split two-piece keyboard like the Ergodox.

其次,还有符合人体工程学的键盘,例如Microsoft Natural Keyboard(自然键盘)的(其后继产品)可以将手腕打开到更放松的位置。 您还可以考虑像Ergodox这样的两件式拆分键盘。

Ideally you should also learn to type with ten fingers. This will reduce the number of movements your wrists and fingers make.

理想情况下,您还应该学会用十个手指打字。 这样可以减少手腕和手指的动作次数。

One approach that works for me is choosing a keyboard without a number pad.


I enter numbers only occasionally and the numbers pad isn’t of much use to me. When it’s gone, the mouse gets closer and I don’t have to stretch my right arm.

我只是偶尔输入数字,而数字键盘对我而言并没有太大用处。 当它消失时,鼠标会靠近,而我不必伸直右臂。

Another worthwhile tactic is to learn to use a mouse with both hands and switch them.


This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. I’ve done it from time to time, especially when the setup was more comfortable for a left-hand mouse.

这并不像听起来那样困难。 我有时会这样做,尤其是当设置对于左手鼠标来说更舒适时。

Precise movements (like dragging a shape in GIMP or Photoshop) are more of a challenge, but they are not impossible to master.


其他因素 (Other factors)

In addition to desk & chair, monitor, mouse & keyboard, there are some other ergonomics factors to consider such as:


  • Lighting. Proper lighting is especially important to protect your eyes. Lighting must be sufficient to light the monitor and the desktop surface but it should neither be too bright, nor fall directly on the monitor (because this causes reflections that further strain your eyes).

    照明 。 适当的照明对于保护您的眼睛尤为重要。 光线必须足以照亮显示器和台式机表面,但既不能太亮,也不能直接落在显示器上(因为这会引起反射,使您的眼睛进一步疲劳)。

    Luminescent lighting is an eye killer but if your office uses it, I’m, afraid there isn’t much you can do.


  • Get/stay fit. When you have a stronger core, you’ll always have better posture and fewer back problems. You also tire less easily, which reduces slouching and bad body positions.

    保持身材 。 当您拥有更强壮的核心时,您将始终拥有更好的姿势和更少的背部问题。 您还不容易疲倦,从而减少了晃动和不良的身体姿势。

  • Clothes. Developers and designers tend to wear casual clothes at work and this is not because they lack taste in clothing. T-shirts, loose tops, jeans are much more comfortable to work in than formal wear.

    衣服 。 开发人员和设计师倾向于在工作中穿休闲服,这不是因为他们缺乏服装品味。 T恤,宽松上衣和牛仔裤比正装更舒适。

    Clearly, if your job requires you to suit up, do it, but put some thought into getting well-tailored shirts that aren’t tight or restricting at the shoulders or forearms.


  • Cut the time you spend in front of the computer. This is the best solution to your problems with eyes, wrist, back, etc. but unfortunately, it’s next to impossible to achieve. Anyway, if you can spend less time in front of the computer, don’t miss any opportunity to do it.

    减少您花在电脑前的时间 。 这是解决眼睛,手腕,背部等问题的最佳方法,但不幸的是,这几乎是不可能实现的。 无论如何,如果您可以花更少的时间在计算机前,请不要错过任何这样做的机会。

结论 (Conclusion)

There is really a lot one can do to make his or her place ergonomics-friendly. For instance, this checklist lists many items to check and optimize.

要使他或她的地方符合人体工程学,确实可以做很多事情。 例如, 此清单列出了许多要检查和优化的项目。

However, very often we’re not in a position to apply all these rules. What’s more, it’s likely you won’t need them all.

但是,通常我们无法应用所有这些规则。 而且,您可能不需要全部。

The best you can do is not to follow rules blindly. See what works for you and apply it. Ergonomics is both universal and individual. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for others. I’d love to hear some of your personal ergonomics tricks.

您能做的最好的事情就是不要盲目遵守规则。 看看有什么适合您并应用它。 人机工程学既是通用的又是个体的。 对一个人有用的东西不一定对其他人有用。 我很想听听您的一些人机工程学技巧。

It might take some experiments to find the optimum solution but don’t give up – try to find your personal ergonomics heaven!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/simple-ergonomics-tips-desk-jockeys/


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