我正在使用Spring MVC构建一个完全宁静的Web应用程序.当我有一个PUT方法时,不会填充我的@ModelAttribute表单bean(所有值都为null).如果我使用POST方法,则所有内容都会正确填充.


@Table(name = "positiongps")

public class PositionGPS implements BaseEntity {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)

@Column(name = "id", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "SERIAL", updatable = false)

private Long id;

@Column(name = "latitude", precision = 11, scale = 7, columnDefinition = "NUMERIC", nullable = false, updatable = true, unique = false)

private BigDecimal latitude;

@Column(name = "longitude", precision = 11, scale = 7, columnDefinition = "NUMERIC", nullable = false, updatable = true, unique = false)

private BigDecimal longitude;

// ** Constructeur **//

public PositionGPS() {


latitude = new BigDecimal("0");

longitude = new BigDecimal("0");


// ** Get and Set **//



@RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT)

public boolean update(@ModelAttribute("positionGPS") PositionGPS positionGPS, @PathVariable Long id, Model model) {

LOG.debug("update :: IN, PositionGPS.Id=[" + id + "]");

PositionGPS positionGPSOld = positionGPSService.getById(id);

LOG.debug("update :: getId=[" + positionGPS.getId() + "]");

LOG.debug("update :: getLatitude=[" + positionGPS.getLatitude() + "]");

LOG.debug("update :: getLongitude=[" + positionGPS.getLongitude() + "]");

try {

if (positionGPSOld != null) {



PositionGPS newpositionGPS = positionGPSService.update(positionGPSOld);

} else {

LOG.debug("update :: PositionGPS Error test");


} catch (Exception e) {

// TODO Auto-generated catch block



return true;












DEBUG: PositionGPSController - update :: IN, PositionGPS.Id=[136]

DEBUG: PositionGPSController - update :: getId=[136]

DEBUG: PositionGPSController - update :: getLatitude=[0]

DEBUG: PositionGPSController - update :: getLongitude=[0]

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