math.sqrt 有问题

JavaScript | Math.sqrt()方法 (JavaScript | Math.sqrt() Method)

The Math.sqrt() method is inbuilt in JavaScript to find the square root of a number. In this tutorial, we will learn about the sqrt() method with examples.

JavaScript中内置了Math.sqrt()方法 ,以查找数字的平方根 。 在本教程中,我们将通过示例了解sqrt()方法

In the math library inbuilt in the JavaScript programming language. There are many methods that support mathematical operations. The sqrt() method in JavaScript is used to find the square root of the number that is passed to the method as parameters.

在JavaScript编程语言内置的数学库中。 有许多支持数学运算的方法。 JavaScript中sqrt()方法用于查找作为参数传递给该方法的数字的平方根。






  • n – It takes only one value which is an integer whose square root is to be found.

    n –仅取一个值,该值是要找到其平方根的整数。

Return value:


The return type of this method is number, it returns the square root of the given parameter, if the given number is negative then it returns NaN.

此方法的返回类型为number ,它返回给定参数的平方根,如果给定数字为负,则返回NaN 。

Example 1: passing integers to the sqrt() method.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
document.write(Math.sqrt(4) + "<br>");



Passing other values to the sqrt() method


All the following values if passed to the sqrt() method will return NaN. Denoting not a number passed to the method: Negative numeric value, non-numeric strings, an array with multiple numeric values, empty string or array.

如果将以下所有值传递给sqrt()方法,则将返回NaN 。 不表示传递给该方法的数字:负数值,非数字字符串,具有多个数值的数组,空字符串或数组。

Example 2: passing error values to method that will return NaN.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
document.write(Math.sqrt(-6) + "<br>");
document.write(Math.sqrt("Include Help") + "<br>");



You can also to operations inside the method and the result of these operations will be passed to the method to calculate the square root.


Example 3: passing expressions to sqrt() method.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
document.write(Math.sqrt(5.3 + 3.7) + "<br>");




math.sqrt 有问题

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