首先,它任然是有效的C++代码,应为你写的char* 是具有c风格的字符串,所以g++不识别

可以选择在编译的时候加上:g++ -Wno-write-strings text.cpp //忽略警告。。。



1 #include <iostream>2 #include <stdio.h>3 #include <string.h>4 using namespace std;5 6 class Student{7   private:8     int score;9     char *name;//可变的变量10   public:11     Student(const char *name,int score);12     Student(Student& stu);13     ~Student();14     void  show();15 };16 17 Student::Student(const char *name1,int score1)//这里改了const18 {19   cout<<"constructing ..."<<endl;20 21   name = new char[strlen(name1)+1];22   if(name != 0)23   {24     strcpy(name,name1);25     score = score1;26   }27 }28 29 Student::~Student()30 {31   cout<<"Destructing..."<<endl;32   name[0] = '\0';33   delete name;34 }35 36 Student::Student(Student& stu)37 {38   cout<<"copy constructing ..."<<endl;39   name = new char[strlen(stu.name)+1];40   if(name != 0)41   {42     strcpy(name,stu.name);43 44     score=stu.score;45   }46 }47 48 void Student::show()49 {50   cout<<name<<endl;51   cout<<score<<endl;52 }53 54 int main()55 {56   Student stu1("huhao",101);//在这里传入的是const的变量57   /*58   Student stu2=stu1;59   stu1.show();60   stu2.show();*/61 }

c++:warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]相关推荐

  1. deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’

    deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...

  2. warning:deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char *' 解决方案

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; int fuc(char *a) {     cout << a << endl; ...

  3. C++: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]

    不允许将字符串常量,给char指针. warning.c: In function 'int main()': warning.c:9:19: warning: ISO C++ forbids con ...

  4. C++11编译问题:warning: ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to ‘char *‘

    在新写的采用C++11标准的编译器里,进行编译以后,原来没有任何提示的语句,竟然出现如下问题: char* a="abc"; std::cout << a <&l ...

  5. linux c++ 警告 warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*‘ [-Wwrite-strings] 解决方法

    在C++中, char* p = "abc"; // valid in C, invalid in C++ 会跳出警告:warning: ISO C++ forbids conve ...

  6. warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*‘ [-Wwrite-strings]

    warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings] 在C++11中有明确规定 char ...

  7. arm linux c++编译警告:ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*’(需要把const char*转换成char*)

    编译时遇到警告: /home/yg/rv/sdk/rv1.8/rv1126_rv1109/buildroot/output/rockchip_rv1126_rv1109/build/ky_ai_cam ...

  8. linux c++ 警告: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to char*

    在C++11中有明确规定 char* p = "abc"; // valid in C, invalid in C++ 如果你进行了这样的赋值,那么编译器就会跳出诸如标题的警告.但 ...

  9. 「 C/C++疑难杂症 」warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘CHAR*’ {aka ‘char*’} [-Wwrite


  10. Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion

    当出现Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion时 输入export LANG=C即可解决


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