

backport of #11744 to maintanance branch

As described in the Angular docs, a HttpResponse.url can be null or string. Therefore it should be checked in the AnonymousConsentsInterceptor before accessing it with startsWith.

By the way, now we export AnonymousConsentsInterceptor in the public API. There is no reason to hide it in the private API.

因为根据Angular文档,url 可以为null,因此在调用其方法之前,要先检查其是否可用。



关于 Spartacus API place order (下单) 的问题:

How are transactions handled in Spartacus? How many API requests are launched to create the order? If we use a WAF with Rate Limiting feature enabled, if one of the order related API request gets blocked is there any risk of payment not appearing to be created which could cause customer resending payment request, hence causing duplicated payments?


should be just one request in the end to place the order based on all the previously captured products, coupon, payment, addresses, shipping method, … which have more interaction bases APIs
so no worries, there should not be such an edge case as you explained, unless SPA is miss-customised


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