
以下这些都是引入了无法向下兼容的breaking changes,需要尽量避免:

  • Changing the selector of a component, directive, or pipe. 更改了Component,directive或者pipe的selector
  • Removing or changing the name of exported classes, functions, constants, interfaces or types in public_api.ts.

Note that index.ts barrels can also bubble up exports to public_api.ts.

index.ts中的类型也要特别小心。原因参考这篇文章:SAP Spartacus的API暴露逻辑和index.ts的设计原理 - 什么是所谓的PUBLIC API

  • Changing or removing interface properties. 修改或者删除接口属性

  • Adding new, required properties to interfaces and types. However, you can add optional properties with ?.
    给接口增添了新的必需属性。注意使用?.增添的接口属性,不算是breaking changes.

  • Changing or removing public or protected class members. 更改或者删除public或者proected类成员。

  • Changing or removing existing public or protected function parameters. Note that changing the order also introduces a breaking change.
    更改或删除已有的public或者protected函数参数。注意修改参数的相对顺序,也算breaking changes.

  • Adding new, required parameters to public functions. However, you can add optional parameters to public functions.
    给公有函数增添必须的参数算breaking changes. 增添optional参数不算。

  • Changing access levels on classes, functions or interfaces to a more restrictive access level. In other words, changing public to protected or private, or changing protected to private introduces a breaking change.

将类,函数和接口的restrictive access level修改成更严格的更改算是breaking changes, 例如从public改成protected或是private,从protected改成private.

  • Changing function’s return type form T to T | S
    函数的返回类型从T改成T | S.

  • Changing function behavior where the function returns different results. In other words, when changing function behavior, the function should return the same results for the same provided input as it did before the change.

  • Changing assertions in unit tests or end-to-end tests.


  • Removing anything from Angular modules, such as imports, providers, declarations, entryComponents, or exports. 删除了Angular modules里的imports, providers, declarations, entryComponents或者exports等声明。

  • Removing or updating existing values, or changing the order for exported enums. However, you can add new values.

  • Changing the default value for function parameters. The default value should match the function behavior from before the change.

  • Making any changes to the class constructor signature. Note that super calls need to be updated in classes extending ours.

  • Changing the initial values of an exported class’s public or protected fields, or changing them to read-only.

  • Changing or removing translation keys or values.
    修改或者删除了translation keys / values.

  • Changing default configurations.

  • Changing any CSS or SCSS attributes, classes or selectors.

  • Changing anything that affects the rendering of the existing DOM.

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