Given a string, and we have to append more string (text) at the end of the string using += operator in Python.

给定一个字符串,我们必须在Python中使用+ =运算符在字符串的末尾附加更多字符串(文本)。

There are two methods to add string (text) at the end of the string:


  1. String.append() Method


  2. By using += operator

    通过使用+ =运算符

String.append() Method: Appends text at the end of the string. Read more: String.append() Method with Example

String.append()方法:在字符串末尾附加文本。 : 带示例的String.append()方法

Another way is to add text by using +=, this operator concatenates the text in the given string.

另一种方法是使用+ =添加文本,此运算符将给定字符串中的文本连接起来。



str: 'New Delhi'
Concatenation of more text
str += ' ' #space
str += 'Chennai'
str += ' ' #space
str += 'Mumbai'
str += ' ' #space
str += 'Bangalore'
str: 'New Delhi Chennai Mumbai Bangalore'



# Python program to add strings
# to the string
str = 'New Delhi'
str += ' '    #adding space
str += 'Chennai'
str += ' '    #adding space
str += 'Mumbai'
str += ' '    #adding space
str += 'Banglore'
# print the string
print 'str:',str



str: New Delhi Chennai Mumbai Banglore


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