If you’re out on the road in the future and find your electric vehicle is in dire need of a charge, you’ll soon be able to look to Google Maps for help finding a charging station.

如果您将来出门在外,并且发现您的电动汽车急需充电,那么您很快就能向Google Maps寻求帮助,以寻找充电站。

Starting today, if you need to search for an EV charging station to get all juiced up, Google Maps app will include support for keywords that’ll point you in the right direction. Simply search for keywords like “ev charging” or “EV charging stations” from the Google Maps app and the nearest supported stations will pop up.

从今天开始,如果您需要搜索EV充电站以解决所有问题,则Google Maps应用将支持对关键字的支持,这些关键字将为您指明正确的方向。 只需从Google Maps应用中搜索“电动汽车充电”或“电动汽车充电站”之类的关键字,就会弹出最近的支持的充电站。

Google Maps will also include a rundown of helpful information about the charging stations, including where it is, what types of ports are available, their charging speeds, and how many of them there are. When applicable, photos, reviews, ratings, and questions will be displayed as well, just like when you search for restaurants or businesses.

Google Maps还将包含有关充电站的有用信息的摘要,包括充电站的位置,可用的端口类型,充电速度以及其中的几个。 在适用时,也会显示照片,评论,评分和问题,就像您搜索餐馆或企业时一样。

Speaking of businesses, any that also have charging stations will include a link to more information about each charger when you search.


The new feature will support various charging stations around the world, including Tesla and Chargepoint globally. The US’s SemaConnect, EVgo, and Blink are supported, while the UK’s Chargemaster and Pod Point will be available for overseas users. Meanwhile, AU and NZ’s Chargefox will also be featured in the app.

这项新功能将支持全球的各种充电站,包括全球的Tesla和Chargepoint。 支持美国的SemaConnect,EVgo和Blink,而英国的Chargemaster和Pod Point将面向海外用户。 同时,澳大利亚和新西兰的Chargefox也将出现在该应用程序中。

The feature is rolling out both iOS and Android apps starting today, with desktop support launching “in the coming weeks.”


Source: Google Blog

资料来源: Google网志

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/google-maps-will-soon-show-electric-vehicle-charging-stations/


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