Syntax 语法


Effect 作用

This event keyword defines an event block whose event is triggered by the ABAP-runtime environment when an executable program, a module pool, a function group or a sub-routine pool is loaded in the internal session.


When calling a program through SUBMIT or through a transaction code, then, at every call, a new internal session is opened and the event block is executed once at every call. You can initialize global data objects of the program here.


At the first call of an external Procedure (sub-program or function module), the framework program of the called procedure is loaded into the internal session of the caller, thus triggering the event LOAD-OF-PROGRAM. The event block is executed before the called procedure. At any further call of a procedure of the same framework program by a caller of the same internal session, the event LOAD-OF-PROGRAM is triggered no longer.

在第一次调用一个外部过程(子程序或者函数模块),被调用过程的程序框架将会被加载到调用者的内部会话中,就这样触发了事件LOAD-OF-PROGRAM 。事件块在被调用过程之前被执行。在任何一个被调用者的相同会话具有相同程序框架的过程的深度调用中,事件LOAD-OF-PROGRAM 不再被触发。


The event LOAD-Of-PROGRAM should mainly be used to initialize global data when calling external procedures or Transactions. If you call executable programs with SUBMIT, we recommend that you use the event INITIALIZATION, as the Starting values for parameter and selection criteria are set after LOAD-OF-PROGRAM (see program flow after SUBMIT).

当调用外部过程或者事务时,事件LOAD-OF-PROGRAM 应当主要被用来初始化全局变量。如果你用SUBMIT调用可执行程序,我们建议你用事件INITIALIZATION,因为参数字段或者标准选择的初始值是在LOAD-OF-PROGRAM 之后被设置的。(参见程序flow after SUBMIT).



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