
usage: sqoop export [GENERIC-ARGS] [TOOL-ARGS]Common arguments:--connect <jdbc-uri>                         Specify JDBC connectstring--connection-manager <class-name>            Specify connection managerclass name--connection-param-file <properties-file>    Specify connectionparameters file--driver <class-name>                        Manually specify JDBCdriver class to use--hadoop-home <dir>                          Override $HADOOP_HOME--help                                       Print usage instructions
-P                                              Read password from console--password <password>                        Set authenticationpassword--username <username>                        Set authenticationusername--verbose                                    Print more informationwhile workingExport control arguments:--batch                         Indicates underlying statements to beexecuted in batch mode--clear-staging-table           Indicates that any data in stagingtable can be deleted--direct                        Use direct export fast path--export-dir <dir>              HDFS source path for the export
-m,--num-mappers <n>               Use 'n' map tasks to export in parallel--staging-table <table-name>    Intermediate staging table--table <table-name>            Table to populate--update-key <key>              Update records by specified key column--update-mode <mode>            Specifies how updates are performedwhen new rows are found withnon-matching keys in databaseInput parsing arguments:--input-enclosed-by <char>               Sets a required field encloser--input-escaped-by <char>                Sets the input escapecharacter--input-fields-terminated-by <char>      Sets the input field separator--input-lines-terminated-by <char>       Sets the input end-of-linechar--input-optionally-enclosed-by <char>    Sets a field enclosingcharacterOutput line formatting arguments:--enclosed-by <char>               Sets a required field enclosingcharacter--escaped-by <char>                Sets the escape character--fields-terminated-by <char>      Sets the field separator character--lines-terminated-by <char>       Sets the end-of-line character--mysql-delimiters                 Uses MySQL's default delimiter set:fields: ,  lines: \n  escaped-by: \optionally-enclosed-by: '--optionally-enclosed-by <char>    Sets a field enclosing characterCode generation arguments:--bindir <dir>                        Output directory for compiledobjects--class-name <name>                   Sets the generated class name.This overrides --package-name.When combined with --jar-file,sets the input class.--input-null-non-string <null-str>    Input null non-stringrepresentation--input-null-string <null-str>        Input null string representation--jar-file <file>                     Disable code generation; usespecified jar--map-column-java <arg>               Override mapping for specificcolumns to java types--null-non-string <null-str>          Null non-string representation--null-string <null-str>              Null string representation--outdir <dir>                        Output directory for generatedcode--package-name <name>                 Put auto-generated classes inthis packageGeneric Hadoop command-line arguments:
(must preceed any tool-specific arguments)
Generic options supported are
-conf <configuration file>     specify an application configuration file
-D <property=value>            use value for given property
-fs <local|namenode:port>      specify a namenode
-jt <local|jobtracker:port>    specify a job tracker
-files <comma separated list of files>    specify comma separated files to be copied to the map reduce cluster
-libjars <comma separated list of jars>    specify comma separated jar files to include in the classpath.
-archives <comma separated list of archives>    specify comma separated archives to be unarchived on the compute machines.



$ sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://db.example.com/foo --table bar  \--export-dir /results/bar_data

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