python gzip压缩

Python gzip module provides a very simple way to compress and decompress files and work in a similar manner to GNU programs gzip and gunzip.

Python gzip模块提供了一种非常简单的方式来压缩和解压缩文件,并以类似于GNU程序gzipgunzip的方式工作。

In this lesson, we will study what classes are present in this module which allows us to perform the mentioned operations along with the additional functions it provides.


Python gzip模块 (Python gzip module)

This module provides us with the Gzip class which contains some convenience functions like open(), compress() and decompress().


The advantage Gzip class provides us is that it reads and writes gzip files and automatically compresses and decompresses it so that in the program, they looks just like normal File objects.


It is important to remember that the other formats which are supported by the programs gzip and gunzip are not supported by this module.


使用gzip模块 (Using gzip module)

We will now start using the functions we mentioned to perform compression and decompression operations.


使用open()编写压缩文件 (Writing Compressed Files with open())

We will start with the open() function which creates an instance of GzipFile and open the file with wb mode to write to a compressed file:


import gzip
import io
import osoutput_file_name = 'jd_example.txt.gz'
file_mode = 'wb'with, file_mode) as output:with io.TextIOWrapper(output, encoding='utf-8') as encode:encode.write('We can write anything in the file here.\n')print(output_file_name, 'contains', os.stat(output_file_name).st_size, 'bytes')
os.system('file -b --mime {}'.format(output_file_name))

Let’s see the output for this program:


Python Gzip write to compressed file

Python Gzip写入压缩文件

To write to the compressed file, we first opened it in the wb mode and wrapped the GzipFile instance with a TextIOWrapper from the io module to encode Unicode text to bytes which is suitable for compression.


将多行写入压缩文件 (Writing multiple lines to compressed file)

This time, we will use almost the same script as we used above but we will write multiple lines to it. Let’s look at the code how this can be achieved:

这次,我们将使用与上面几乎相同的脚本,但是将向其中写入多行。 让我们看一下如何实现此代码:

import gzip
import io
import os
import itertoolsoutput_file_name = 'jd_example.txt.gz'
file_mode = 'wb'with, file_mode) as output:with io.TextIOWrapper(output, encoding='utf-8') as enc:enc.writelines(itertools.repeat('JournalDev, same line again and again!.\n', 10))os.system('gzcat jd_example.txt.gz')

Let’s see the output for this program:


Writing multiple lines to compressed file


读取压缩数据 (Reading Compressed Data)

Now that we’re done with the file writing process, we can read data form the compressed file as well. We will now use another file mode, which is rb, read mode.

现在我们完成了文件写入过程,我们也可以从压缩文件中读取数据。 现在,我们将使用另一种文件模式,即rb ,读取模式。

import gzip
import io
import osread_file_name = 'jd_example.txt.gz'
file_mode = 'rb'with, file_mode) as input_file:with io.TextIOWrapper(input_file, encoding='utf-8') as dec:print(

Let’s see the output for this program:


Read compressed file


Notice that there was nothing special we did here with Gzip apart form passing it a different file mode. The reading process is done by the TextIOWrapper which uses as File object which is provided by the gzip module.

请注意,我们在这里对Gzip进行分离并没有什么特别的形式,它将不同的文件模式传递给了它。 读取过程由TextIOWrapper完成,该TextIOWrapper用作gzip模块提供的File对象。

阅读流 (Reading Streams)

Another big advantage gzip module offers is that it can be used to wrap other types of streams as well so they can make use of compression too. This is extremely useful when you want to transmit a lot of data over web sockets.

gzip模块提供的另一个重大优势是,它也可以用于包装其他类型的流,因此它们也可以利用压缩。 当您想通过Web套接字传输大量数据时,这非常有用。

Let’s see how we can compress and decompress stream data:


import gzip
from io import BytesIO
import binasciiwrite_mode = 'wb'
read_mode = 'rb'uncompressed = b'Reiterated line n times.\n' * 8
print('Uncompressed Data:', len(uncompressed))
print(uncompressed)buf = BytesIO()
with gzip.GzipFile(mode=write_mode, fileobj=buf) as file:file.write(uncompressed)compressed = buf.getvalue()
print('Compressed Data:', len(compressed))
print(binascii.hexlify(compressed))inbuffer = BytesIO(compressed)
with gzip.GzipFile(mode=read_mode, fileobj=inbuffer) as file:read_data ='\nReading it again:', len(read_data))

Let’s see the output for this program:


Read Stream


Notice that while writing, we didn’t have to provide any length parameters. But this wasn’t the case when we re-read the data. We had to pass the length to read() function explicitly.

请注意,在编写时,我们不必提供任何长度参数。 但是,当我们重新读取数据时情况并非如此。 我们必须将长度明确传递给read()函数。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this lesson, we studied Python gzip module which can be used to read and write to compressed files with a big advantage that the modules makes the compressed file looks like just a normal File object.

在本课程中,我们研究了Python gzip模块,该模块可用于读取和写入压缩文件,这具有很大的优势,即模块使压缩文件看起来就像普通的File对象。

Reference: API Doc

参考: API文档


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