高通的HAL层其实分为两种,一种是直接从kernel这边报数据上来的,由sensor HAL层来监听,另一种是走ADSP的模式,HAL层是通过qmi的形式进行监听的;






从下面可以看到此文件定义了sensor的type以及string type;

 1 /*
 3  * reporting-mode: continuous
 4  *
 5  *  All values are in SI units (m/s^2) and measure the acceleration of the
 6  *  device minus the force of gravity.
 7  *
 8  *  Implement the non-wake-up version of this sensor and implement the wake-up
 9  *  version if the system possesses a wake up fifo.
10  */
11 #define SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER                    (1)
12 #define SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER             "android.sensor.accelerometer"



 1 /**
 2  * Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM
 3  * and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t
 4  * followed by module specific information.
 5  */
 6 struct sensors_module_t {
 7     struct hw_module_t common;
 9     /**
10      * Enumerate all available sensors. The list is returned in "list".
11      * @return number of sensors in the list
12      */
13     int (*get_sensors_list)(struct sensors_module_t* module,
14             struct sensor_t const** list);
16     /**
17      *  Place the module in a specific mode. The following modes are defined
18      *
19      *  0 - Normal operation. Default state of the module.
20      *  1 - Loopback mode. Data is injected for the supported
21      *      sensors by the sensor service in this mode.
22      * @return 0 on success
23      *         -EINVAL if requested mode is not supported
24      *         -EPERM if operation is not allowed
25      */
26     int (*set_operation_mode)(unsigned int mode);
27 };



  1 struct sensor_t {
  3     /* Name of this sensor.
  4      * All sensors of the same "type" must have a different "name".
  5      */
  6     const char*     name;  //传感器名字
  8     /* vendor of the hardware part */
  9     const char*     vendor;  //生产厂家名字
 11     /* version of the hardware part + driver. The value of this field
 12      * must increase when the driver is updated in a way that changes the
 13      * output of this sensor. This is important for fused sensors when the
 14      * fusion algorithm is updated.
 15      */
 16     int             version;  
 18     /* handle that identifies this sensors. This handle is used to reference
 19      * this sensor throughout the HAL API.
 20      */
 21     int             handle;  //传感器handle句柄
 23     /* this sensor's type. */
 24     int             type;   //传感器类型
 26     /* maximum range of this sensor's value in SI units */
 27     float           maxRange;  //最大范围
 29     /* smallest difference between two values reported by this sensor */
 30     float           resolution;  //解析度
 32     /* rough estimate of this sensor's power consumption in mA */
 33     float           power;
 35     /* this value depends on the reporting mode:
 36      *
 37      *   continuous: minimum sample period allowed in microseconds
 38      *   on-change : 0
 39      *   one-shot  :-1
 40      *   special   : 0, unless otherwise noted
 41      */
 42     int32_t         minDelay;
 44     /* number of events reserved for this sensor in the batch mode FIFO.
 45      * If there is a dedicated FIFO for this sensor, then this is the
 46      * size of this FIFO. If the FIFO is shared with other sensors,
 47      * this is the size reserved for that sensor and it can be zero.
 48      */
 49     uint32_t        fifoReservedEventCount;
 51     /* maximum number of events of this sensor that could be batched.
 52      * This is especially relevant when the FIFO is shared between
 53      * several sensors; this value is then set to the size of that FIFO.
 54      */
 55     uint32_t        fifoMaxEventCount;
 57     /* type of this sensor as a string. Set to corresponding
 58      * SENSOR_STRING_TYPE_*.
 59      * When defining an OEM specific sensor or sensor manufacturer specific
 60      * sensor, use your reserve domain name as a prefix.
 61      * ex: com.google.glass.onheaddetector
 62      * For sensors of known type, the android framework might overwrite this
 63      * string automatically.
 64      */
 65     const char*    stringType;
 67     /* permission required to see this sensor, register to it and receive data.
 68      * Set to "" if no permission is required. Some sensor types like the
 69      * heart rate monitor have a mandatory require_permission.
 70      * For sensors that always require a specific permission, like the heart
 71      * rate monitor, the android framework might overwrite this string
 72      * automatically.
 73      */
 74     const char*    requiredPermission;
 76     /* This value is defined only for continuous mode and on-change sensors. It is the delay between
 77      * two sensor events corresponding to the lowest frequency that this sensor supports. When lower
 78      * frequencies are requested through batch()/setDelay() the events will be generated at this
 79      * frequency instead. It can be used by the framework or applications to estimate when the batch
 80      * FIFO may be full.
 81      *
 82      * NOTE: 1) period_ns is in nanoseconds where as maxDelay/minDelay are in microseconds.
 83      *              continuous, on-change: maximum sampling period allowed in microseconds.
 84      *              one-shot, special : 0
 85      *   2) maxDelay should always fit within a 32 bit signed integer. It is declared as 64 bit
 86      *      on 64 bit architectures only for binary compatibility reasons.
 87      * Availability: SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_3
 88      */
 89     #ifdef __LP64__
 90        int64_t maxDelay;
 91     #else
 92        int32_t maxDelay;
 93     #endif
 95     /* Flags for sensor. See SENSOR_FLAG_* above. Only the least significant 32 bits are used here.
 96      * It is declared as 64 bit on 64 bit architectures only for binary compatibility reasons.
 97      * Availability: SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_3
 98      */
 99     #ifdef __LP64__
100        uint64_t flags;
101     #else
102        uint32_t flags;
103     #endif
105     /* reserved fields, must be zero */
106     void*           reserved[2];
107 };



现在回到高通定制的sensor HAL层来:(代码位于hardware\qcom\sensors:)

Sensor HAL:


 1 struct sensors_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
 2         common: {
 3                 tag: HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
 4                 version_major: 1,
 5                 version_minor: 0,
 6                 id: SENSORS_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
 7                 name: "Quic Sensor module",
 8                 author: "Quic",
 9                 methods: &sensors_module_methods,
10                 dso: NULL,
11                 reserved: {0},
12         },
13         get_sensors_list: sensors__get_sensors_list,
14 };


1 static int sensors__get_sensors_list(struct sensors_module_t*,
2                                  struct sensor_t const** list)
3 {
4     NativeSensorManager& sm(NativeSensorManager::getInstance());
6     return sm.getSensorList(list);
7 }





1 static struct hw_module_methods_t sensors_module_methods = {
2         open: open_sensors
3 };

 1 /*****************************************************************************/
 3 /** Open a new instance of a sensor device using name */
 4 static int open_sensors(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char*,
 5                         struct hw_device_t** device)
 6 {
 7         int status = -EINVAL;
 8         sensors_poll_context_t *dev = new sensors_poll_context_t();
 9         NativeSensorManager& sm(NativeSensorManager::getInstance());
11         memset(&dev->device, 0, sizeof(sensors_poll_device_1_ext_t));
13         dev->device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;
14 #if defined(SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_3)
15         ALOGI("Sensors device API version 1.3 supported\n");
16         dev->device.common.version = SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_3;
17 #else
18         dev->device.common.version = SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_0_1;
19 #endif
20         dev->device.common.module   = const_cast<hw_module_t*>(module);
21         dev->device.common.close    = poll__close;
22         dev->device.activate        = poll__activate;
23         dev->device.setDelay        = poll__setDelay;
24         dev->device.poll        = poll__poll;
25         dev->device.calibrate        = poll_calibrate;
26 #if defined(SENSORS_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_3)
27         dev->device.batch        = poll__batch;
28         dev->device.flush        = poll__flush;
29 #endif
31         *device = &dev->device.common;
32         status = 0;
34         return status;
35 }

open_sensors用来打开所有的sensor,并返回相应的状态;首先new了一个sensors_poll_context_t ,然后设置device,并返回;

对应的new sensors_poll_context_t,我们来看一下其实现:

 1 struct sensors_poll_context_t {
 2     // extension for sensors_poll_device_1, must be first
 3     struct sensors_poll_device_1_ext_t device;// must be first
 4     sensors_poll_context_t();
 5     ~sensors_poll_context_t();
 6     int activate(int handle, int enabled);
 7     int setDelay(int handle, int64_t ns);
 8     int pollEvents(sensors_event_t* data, int count);
 9     int calibrate(int handle, cal_cmd_t *para);
10     int batch(int handle, int sample_ns, int latency_ns);
11     int flush(int handle);
13 private:
14     static const size_t wake = MAX_SENSORS;
15     static const char WAKE_MESSAGE = 'W';
16     struct pollfd mPollFds[MAX_SENSORS+1];
17     int mWritePipeFd;
18     SensorBase* mSensors[MAX_SENSORS];
19     mutable Mutex mLock;
20 };


 1 /*****************************************************************************/
 3 sensors_poll_context_t::sensors_poll_context_t()
 4 {
 5     int number;
 6     int i;
 7     const struct sensor_t *slist;
 8     const struct SensorContext *context;
 9     NativeSensorManager& sm(NativeSensorManager::getInstance());
10   //获取sensor列表
11     number = sm.getSensorList(&slist);
13     /* use the dynamic sensor list */
14     for (i = 0; i < number; i++) {
15         context = sm.getInfoByHandle(slist[i].handle);  
17         mPollFds[i].fd = (context == NULL) ? -1 : context->data_fd;
18         mPollFds[i].events = POLLIN;
19         mPollFds[i].revents = 0;
20     }
22     ALOGI("The avaliable sensor handle number is %d",i);
23     int wakeFds[2];
24     int result = pipe(wakeFds);
25     ALOGE_IF(result<0, "error creating wake pipe (%s)", strerror(errno));
26     fcntl(wakeFds[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
27     fcntl(wakeFds[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
28     mWritePipeFd = wakeFds[1];
30     mPollFds[number].fd = wakeFds[0];
31     mPollFds[number].events = POLLIN;
32     mPollFds[number].revents = 0;
33 }

通过context = sm.getInfoByHandle(slist[i].handle); 维系了一个handle对应的SensorContext对象指针的句柄;

(context是一个SensorContext结构体,SensorContext包含了一个SensorBase *driver指针;注意这个很重要!就是这个与具体的sensor产生相应的关联;而mPollFds是一个pollfd的结构。context保存着各个打开的sensor,mPollFds用来监听sensor的时候用的文件描述符;)


(1)  poll__activate

(2)   poll__setDelay

(3)   poll__poll

 1 int sensors_poll_context_t::activate(int handle, int enabled) {
 2     int err = -1;
 3     NativeSensorManager& sm(NativeSensorManager::getInstance());
 4     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
 6     err = sm.activate(handle, enabled);
 7     if (enabled && !err) {
 8         const char wakeMessage(WAKE_MESSAGE);
 9         int result = write(mWritePipeFd, &wakeMessage, 1);
10         ALOGE_IF(result<0, "error sending wake message (%s)", strerror(errno));
11     }
13     return err;
14 }


1 int sensors_poll_context_t::setDelay(int handle, int64_t ns) {
2     int err = -1;
3     NativeSensorManager& sm(NativeSensorManager::getInstance());
4     Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
6     err = sm.setDelay(handle, ns);
8     return err;
9 }


 1 int sensors_poll_context_t::pollEvents(sensors_event_t* data, int count)
 2 {
 3     int nbEvents = 0;
 4     int n = 0;
 5     NativeSensorManager& sm(NativeSensorManager::getInstance());
 6     const sensor_t *slist;
 7     int number = sm.getSensorList(&slist);
 9     do {
10         // see if we have some leftover from the last poll()
11         for (int i = 0 ; count && i < number ; i++) {
12             if ((mPollFds[i].revents & POLLIN) || (sm.hasPendingEvents(slist[i].handle))) {
13                 Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
14                 int nb = sm.readEvents(slist[i].handle, data, count);
15                 if (nb < 0) {
16                     ALOGE("readEvents failed.(%d)", errno);
17                     return nb;
18                 }
19                 if (nb <= count) {
20                     // no more data for this sensor
21                     mPollFds[i].revents = 0;
22                 }
23                 count -= nb;
24                 nbEvents += nb;
25                 data += nb;
26             }
27         }
29         if (count) {
30             // we still have some room, so try to see if we can get
31             // some events immediately or just wait if we don't have
32             // anything to return
33             do {
34                 n = poll(mPollFds, number + 1, nbEvents ? 0 : -1);
35             } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);
36             if (n<0) {
37                 ALOGE("poll() failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
38                 return -errno;
39             }
40             if (mPollFds[number].revents & POLLIN) {
41                 char msg;
42                 int result = read(mPollFds[number].fd, &msg, 1);
43                 ALOGE_IF(result<0, "error reading from wake pipe (%s)", strerror(errno));
44                 ALOGE_IF(msg != WAKE_MESSAGE, "unknown message on wake queue (0x%02x)", int(msg));
45                 mPollFds[number].revents = 0;
46             }
47         }
48         // if we have events and space, go read them
49     } while (n && count);
51     return nbEvents;
52 }


1 static int poll__close(struct hw_device_t *dev)
2 {
3     sensors_poll_context_t *ctx = (sensors_poll_context_t *)dev;
4     if (ctx) {
5         delete ctx;
6     }
7     return 0;
8 }


1 static int poll__activate(struct sensors_poll_device_t *dev,
2         int handle, int enabled) {
3     sensors_poll_context_t *ctx = (sensors_poll_context_t *)dev;
4     return ctx->activate(handle, enabled);
5 }


1 static int poll__setDelay(struct sensors_poll_device_t *dev,
2         int handle, int64_t ns) {
3     sensors_poll_context_t *ctx = (sensors_poll_context_t *)dev;
4     return ctx->setDelay(handle, ns);
5 }


1 static int poll__poll(struct sensors_poll_device_t *dev,
2         sensors_event_t* data, int count) {
3     sensors_poll_context_t *ctx = (sensors_poll_context_t *)dev;
4     return ctx->pollEvents(data, count);
5 }



1 return ctx->pollEvents(data, count);


 1 int sensors_poll_context_t::pollEvents(sensors_event_t* data, int count)
 2 {
 3     int nbEvents = 0;
 4     int n = 0;
 5     NativeSensorManager& sm(NativeSensorManager::getInstance());
 6     const sensor_t *slist;
 7     int number = sm.getSensorList(&slist);
 9     do {
10         // see if we have some leftover from the last poll()
11         for (int i = 0 ; count && i < number ; i++) {
12             if ((mPollFds[i].revents & POLLIN) || (sm.hasPendingEvents(slist[i].handle))) {
13                 Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
14                 int nb = sm.readEvents(slist[i].handle, data, count);
15                 if (nb < 0) {
16                     ALOGE("readEvents failed.(%d)", errno);
17                     return nb;
18                 }
19                 if (nb <= count) {
20                     // no more data for this sensor
21                     mPollFds[i].revents = 0;
22                 }
23                 count -= nb;
24                 nbEvents += nb;
25                 data += nb;
26             }
27         }
29         if (count) {
30             // we still have some room, so try to see if we can get
31             // some events immediately or just wait if we don't have
32             // anything to return
33             do {
34                 n = poll(mPollFds, number + 1, nbEvents ? 0 : -1);
35             } while (n < 0 && errno == EINTR);
36             if (n<0) {
37                 ALOGE("poll() failed (%s)", strerror(errno));
38                 return -errno;
39             }
40             if (mPollFds[number].revents & POLLIN) {
41                 char msg;
42                 int result = read(mPollFds[number].fd, &msg, 1);
43                 ALOGE_IF(result<0, "error reading from wake pipe (%s)", strerror(errno));
44                 ALOGE_IF(msg != WAKE_MESSAGE, "unknown message on wake queue (0x%02x)", int(msg));
45                 mPollFds[number].revents = 0;
46             }
47         }
48         // if we have events and space, go read them
49     } while (n && count);
51     return nbEvents;
52 }



1 nb = list->driver->readEvents(data, count);





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