


Let c:iterate tags set the XPath context object.

For 100% compatibility with JET 0.9.x or earlier, remove this statement


--- traverse input model, performing calculations and storing

--- the results as model annotations via c:set tag



- Derive the class name from the name of the command



--- traverse annotated model, performing text generation actions

--- such as ws:file, ws:folder and ws:project






package ;

public class extends Command {

public ResponseCode execute() {

Server srv = getServer();

if (srv.hasCapability(Capabilities.) == false) {

Log.debug("Attempting non-available capability: ");


String = getArgument("");

if ( == null) {

throw new InvalidArgumentException("Require ");


String command = "GROUP";

if ( != null) command += " - " + ;


return srv.getResponse();





package com.lacqui.commands;

public class ArticleCommand extends Command {

public ResponseCode execute() {

Server srv = getServer();

if (srv.hasCapability(Capabilities.READER) == false) {

Log.debug("Attempting non-available capability: READER");


String article-id = getArgument("article-id");

if (article-id == null) {

throw new InvalidArgumentException("Require article-id");


String message-id = getArgument("message-id");

String command = "GROUP";

if (article-id != null) command += " -article-id " + article-id;

if (message-id != null) command += " -message-id " + message-id;


return srv.getResponse();




package com.lacqui.commands;

public class GroupCommand extends Command {

public ResponseCode execute() {

Server srv = getServer();

if (srv.hasCapability(Capabilities.LOGGER) == false) {

Log.debug("Attempting non-available capability: LOGGER");


if (srv.hasCapability(Capabilities.AUTHENTICATOR) == false) {

Log.debug("Attempting non-available capability: AUTHENTICATOR");


String groupname = getArgument("groupname");

if (groupname == null) {

throw new InvalidArgumentException("Require groupname");


String command = "GROUP";

if (groupname != null) command += " -groupname " + groupname;


return srv.getResponse();




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