docker 文档官方下载网址:


Docker provides a way to run applications securely isolated in
a container, packaged with all its dependencies and libraries.Get started with Docker
Try our multi-part walkthrough that covers writing your first app,
data storage, networking, and swarms, and ends with your app
running on production servers in the cloud. Total reading time
is less than an hour.

docker 可以分为社区 community 版本与企业版 enterprise 版本,下面是两种版本的官方介绍:

1. 社区版本:

Docker Engine - Community
Get started with Docker and experimenting with container-based apps.
Docker Engine - Community is available on many platforms, from
desktop to cloud to server. Build and share containers and automate
the development pipeline from a single environment. Choose the Edge
channel to get access to the latest features, or the Stable channel
for more predictability.
开始使用Docker并尝试基于容器的应用程序。Docker Engine-Community在许多

2. 企业版本:

Docker Enterprise
Designed for enterprise development and IT teams who build, ship,
and run business critical applications in production at scale.
Integrated, certified, and supported to provide enterprises
with the most secure container platform in the industry to
modernize all applications. Docker Enterprise comes with
Universal Control Plane (UCP) for managing and orchestrating
the container runtime, and Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)
for storing and securing images in an enterprise grade registry.
序现代化。Docker Enterprise配有用于管理和编排容器运行时的通用控制平面(UCP),
Docker Trusted Registry(DTR)用于在企业级注册表中存储和保护图像。

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