Error in *** : subscript out of bounds


Error in *** : subscript out of bounds






#make this example reproducible
set.seed(0)#create matrix with 10 rows and 3 columns
x = matrix(data =, 30), nrow = 10, ncol = 3)#print matrix
print(x)#attempt to display 11th row of matrix
x[11, ]#attempt to display 4th column of matrix
x[, 4]#attempt to display value in 11th row and 4th column
x[11, 4]



#display number of rows and columns in matrix


#display 10th row of matrix
x[10, ]#display number of columns in matrix
ncol(x)#display 3rd column of matrix
x[, 3]#display value in 10th row and 3rd column of matrix
x[10, 3]


> #attempt to display 11th row of matrix
> x[11, ]
Error in x[11, ] : subscript out of bounds

> #attempt to display 4th column of matrix
> x[, 4]
Error in x[, 4] : subscript out of bounds

> #attempt to display value in 11th row and 4th column
> x[11, 4]
Error in x[11, 4] : subscript out of bounds

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