
Snapchat’s new Snap Map feature is incredibly creepy—it shares your location with all your Friends every time you open Snapchat—and might make you want to consider blocking Snapchat from seeing your location at all. This will affect a few Snapchat features, so let’s look at what you lose.

Snapchat的新“ 快照地图”功能令人毛骨悚然 -每次打开Snapchat时都会与所有“朋友”共享您的位置-可能会让您考虑完全阻止Snapchat查看您的位置。 这将影响一些Snapchat功能,因此让我们看一下您失去了什么。

您失去的功能 (The Features You Lose)

Obviously, if you turn off location permissions, the Snap Map feature won’t work. If you try to use it, you’ll be prompted to enable location services.

显然,如果关闭位置权限,则“快照地图”功能将无法使用。 如果尝试使用它,系统将提示您启用位置服务。

The basic filters are also unusable without location, which is a little odd. It’s understandable that the location-based geofilters and any that used location data—such as the altitude or temperature filters—wouldn’t work, but there’s no reason the color filters shouldn’t.

没有位置的话, 基本过滤器也不可用,这有点奇怪。 可以理解的是,基于位置的地理过滤器以及任何使用位置数据的数据(例如海拔或温度过滤器)均不起作用,但是没有理由不使用颜色过滤器。

You also won’t be able to use Snapchat’s “Add Nearby Users” feature. This is hardly a deal breaker, though, since there are other ways to add Friends in Snapchat.

您也将无法使用Snapchat的“添加附近的用户”功能。 但是,这几乎不会破坏交易,因为还有其他方法可以在Snapchat中添加好友。

Finally, you won’t be able to post any Snaps to shared Stories that are location based. If the city your in has a shared Story for an event, you won’t be able to contribute.

最后,您将无法将任何快照发布到基于位置的共享故事。 如果您所在的城市有一个活动的共享故事,那么您将无法做出贡献。

Other than these few features, Snapchat will continue to work as normal. Strangely, the Lenses that make Snapchat so popular still work, despite the more boring Filters being removed.

除上述几项功能外,Snapchat将继续正常运行。 奇怪的是,尽管删除了更无聊的滤镜,但使Snapchat如此受欢迎的镜头仍然有效。

如何删除Snapchat的位置权限 (How to Remove Snapchat’s Location Permissions)

To make sure that Snapchat has absolutely no access to your phone’s location, we’re going to block it from using it on a system level by changing its app permissions. We’ve got full guides on managing app permission on iOS and on Android, but I’ll give a brief overview here.

为确保Snapchat绝对无法访问您手机的位置,我们将通过更改其应用权限来阻止它在系统级别使用。 我们提供了有关在iOS和Android上管理应用程序权限的完整指南,但是我将在此处进行简要概述。

在iPhone或iPad上 (On an iPhone or iPad)

If your’e using an iOS device, go to Settings, and scroll down until you get to Snapchat.


Change Location from “While Using the App” to “Never”.


Now Snapchat won’t be able to use your location.


在Android手机或平板电脑上 (On an Android Phone or Tablet)

On Android, go to Settings > Apps and select Snapchat from the list.


Select Permissions, and turn “Location” off.


You may get a notification saying that “The app was designed for an older version of Android”, especially if you haven’t updated Snapchat in a while. Tap Deny Anyway. Snapchat should still work just fine, but if it doesn’t, you’ll need to re-enable location services.

您可能会收到一条通知,说“该应用程序是为旧版本的Android设计的”,尤其是如果您有一段时间没有更新Snapchat时。 点击仍然拒绝。 Snapchat 应该仍然可以正常工作,但如果不能正常运行,则需要重新启用位置服务。




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