
* @copyright (c) 2010-2019,  Technology Co., LTD. All Right Reserved.
* @file     duye_epoll.h
* @version
* @brief
* @author
* @date     2013-03-29
* @note
* 1. 2013-03-29 Created this file
*/#pragma once#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <list>
#include <duye_sys.h>
#include <duye_type.h>namespace duye {class EpollEvent {
public:EpollEvent() : m_fd(-1), m_event(0){}EpollEvent(const int32 fd, const uint32 event) : m_fd(fd), m_event(event) {}~EpollEvent() {}/*** @brief get/set fd* @return fd*/int32 fd() const { return m_fd; }/*** @brief get/set events* @return events*/uint32 event() const { return m_event; }/*** @brief is received data, for network event* @return true/false*/bool isRecv() { return m_event & EPOLLIN; }bool isRecv() const { return m_event & EPOLLIN; }/*** @brief is sent data, for network event* @return true/false*/bool isSend() { return m_event & EPOLLOUT; }bool isSend() const { return m_event & EPOLLOUT; }/*** @brief is sent data, for network event* @return true/false*/   bool isClosed() { return (m_event & EPOLLERR) || (m_event & EPOLLHUP); }bool isClosed() const { return (m_event & EPOLLERR) || (m_event & EPOLLHUP); }/*** @brief is disconnection, for network event* @return true/false*/bool isDiscon() { return (m_event == EPOLLERR || m_event == EPOLLHUP) ? true : false; }private:int32   m_fd;   uint32  m_event;
};/*** @brief epoll socket server*/
class Epoll {
public:typedef struct epoll_event SysEvent;typedef std::list<EpollEvent> EventList;public:Epoll();~Epoll();/*** @brief open epoll* @param [in] maxEvent : the number of the max events* @return true/false*/bool open(const uint32 maxEvents = 1024);/*** @brief close epoll* @return true/false*/bool close();   /*** @brief add fd* @param [in] fd : fd* @param [in] epollMode : epoll events(EPOLLIN, EPOLLOUT, EPOLLPRI, EPOLLERR, *      EPOLLHUP, EPOLLET, EPOLLONESHOT), default is EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT* @return true/false*/      bool addfd(const int32 fd, const uint32 epollMode = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT);/*** @brief modify fd* @param [in] fd : fd* @param [in] epollMode : epoll events(EPOLLIN, EPOLLOUT, EPOLLPRI, EPOLLERR, *      EPOLLHUP, EPOLLET, EPOLLONESHOT), default is EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT* @return true/false*/      bool modfd(const int32 fd, const uint32 epollMode = EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT);/*** @brief delete fd* @param [in] fd : fd* @return true/false*/bool delfd(const int32 fd);/*** @brief wait event* @param [out] eventList : return event* @param [in] timeout : wait time out, default is -1, indicate block, millisecond* @return true/false*/bool wait(Epoll::EventList& eventList, const uint32 timeout = -1);/*** @brief get last error string* @return error string* @note */     uint8* error(); private:// create epollbool create();private:int32       m_epollfd; uint32      m_maxEvents;SysEvent*   m_sysEvents;Error       m_error;


* @copyright (c) 2013-2100,  Technology Co., LTD. All Right Reserved.
* @file     duye_epoll.cpp
* @version
* @brief
* @author
* @date     2013-03-29
* @note
* 1. 2013-03-29 Created this file
*/#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <duye_sys.h>
#include <duye_epoll.h>namespace duye {static const int8* DUYE_LOG_PREFIX = "duye.system.epoll";Epoll::Epoll() : m_epollfd(-1), m_maxEvents(0), m_sysEvents(NULL) {m_error.setPrefix(DUYE_LOG_PREFIX);
}Epoll::~Epoll() {close();
}bool Epoll::open(const uint32 maxEvents) {close();m_maxEvents = maxEvents;m_epollfd = epoll_create(m_maxEvents);if (m_epollfd == -1) {ERROR_DUYE_LOG("%s:%d > epoll_create failed \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);return false;}  m_sysEvents = (struct epoll_event*)calloc(m_maxEvents, sizeof(struct epoll_event));if (m_sysEvents == NULL) {ERROR_DUYE_LOG("%s:%d > calloc return NULL \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);return false;}return true;
}bool Epoll::close() {m_maxEvents = 0;if (m_epollfd != -1) {::close(m_epollfd);m_epollfd = -1;}if (m_sysEvents != NULL) {free(m_sysEvents);m_sysEvents = NULL;}    return true;
}bool Epoll::addfd(const int32 fd, const uint32 epollMode) {if (m_epollfd == -1) {ERROR_DUYE_LOG("%s:%d > m_epollfd == -1", __FILE__, __LINE__);return false;}struct epoll_event epollEvent;bzero(&epollEvent, sizeof(struct epoll_event));epollEvent.data.fd = fd;epollEvent.events = epollMode;int32 ret = epoll_ctl(m_epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &epollEvent);if (ret != 0) {ERROR_DUYE_LOG("[%s:%d] epoll_ctl() return = %d", __FILE__, __LINE__, ret);return false;}return true;
}bool Epoll::modfd(const int32 fd, const uint32 epollMode) {if (m_epollfd == -1) {ERROR_DUYE_LOG("[%s:%d] m_epollfd == -1", __FILE__, __LINE__);return false;}struct epoll_event epollEvent;bzero(&epollEvent, sizeof(struct epoll_event));epollEvent.data.fd = fd;epollEvent.events = epollMode;return epoll_ctl(m_epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &epollEvent) == 0 ? true : false;
}bool Epoll::delfd(const int32 fd) {if (m_epollfd == -1) {ERROR_DUYE_LOG("[%s:%d] m_epollfd == -1", __FILE__, __LINE__);return false;}return epoll_ctl(m_epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, NULL) == 0 ? true : false;
}bool Epoll::wait(Epoll::EventList& eventList, const uint32 timeout) {if (m_epollfd == -1) {ERROR_DUYE_LOG("[%s:%d] m_epollfd == -1", __FILE__, __LINE__);return false;}int32 event_count = epoll_wait(m_epollfd, m_sysEvents, m_maxEvents, timeout);if (event_count <= 0) {return false;}for (uint32 i = 0; i < (uint32)event_count; i++) {eventList.push_back(EpollEvent(m_sysEvents[i].data.fd, m_sysEvents[i].events));//       if ((m_sysEvents[i].events & EPOLLERR) ||  //           (m_sysEvents[i].events & EPOLLHUP)) {//           ERROR_DUYE_LOG("[%s:%d] epoll error, close fd \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);//           delfd(m_sysEvents[i].data.fd);//           eventList.push_back(EpollEvent(m_sysEvents[i].data.fd, ERROR_FD));//        continue;//       } else if (m_sysEvents[i].events & EPOLLIN) {//           eventList.push_back(EpollEvent(m_sysEvents[i].data.fd, RECV_FD));//       } else if (m_sysEvents[i].events & EPOLLOUT) {//     eventList.push_back(EpollEvent(m_sysEvents[i].data.fd, SEND_FD));// } else {//     eventList.push_back(EpollEvent(m_sysEvents[i].data.fd, m_sysEvents[i].events));// }}return true;
}uint8* Epoll::error() {return m_error.error;

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