apple 关闭双重认证

Apple Mail can suggest calendar events for you based on dates and times it scans in your messages. While this feature may seem really convenient for some, others may not want to use it all. Thankfully, there is a way to disable it.

Apple Mail可以根据其在邮件中扫描的日期和时间为您建议日历事件。 尽管对于某些人来说,此功能似乎很方便,但其他人可能不想全部使用它。 值得庆幸的是,有一种方法可以禁用它。

Contact and event suggestions are a recent addition to Apple Mail in El Capitan. Whenever you receive a message with an event or a person’s contact info, Mail will show you an option to add it to your calendar or address book, respectively. This works on both macOS and iOS.

联系人和活动建议是El Capitan中Apple Mail的新增功能。 每当您收到包含事件或某人的联系信息的消息时,Mail都会向您显示一个选项,分别将其添加到您的日历或通讯录中。 这适用于macOS和iOS。

Obviously, this is a really convenient feature and it’s easy to see why you wouldn’t want to tediously copy and paste this information from one app to another, when you can simply click a one button and make it happen almost instantaneously.


That said, there are some users who may not want these suggestions. For that, there is a solution: you can turn them off in both macOS and iOS in just a few steps.

就是说,有些用户可能不需要这些建议。 为此,有一个解决方案:您只需几个步骤即可在macOS和iOS中将其关闭。

在macOS中关闭建议 (Turn Off Suggestions in macOS)

First things first: if Mail is adding suggestions automatically (it should be off by default), then you need to disable it. Open Mail’s preferences from the “Mail” menu or by pressing Command+, on your keyboard.

首先,如果Mail自动添加建议(默认情况下应关闭),则需要禁用它。 从“邮件”菜单或按键盘上的Command +,打开Mail的首选项。

On the “General” tab, click the button next to “Add invitation to Calendar” and select “Never”.


Next, to turn off suggestions in Calendar, open the Calendar app, then head to Calendar > Preferences in the menu bar, or press Command+, on your keyboard.

接下来,要关闭“日历”中的建议,请打开“日历”应用程序,然后转到菜单栏中的“日历”>“首选项”,或按键盘上的Command +。

Look to the bottom of the General tab and uncheck the option that says “Show Found in Apps Calendar”.


Confirm on the resulting dialog that you want to turn this feature off.


Lastly, go into your Address Book application and open the preferences from the “Contacts” menu, or by pressing Command+, on your keyboard.

最后,进入“通讯簿”应用程序,然后从“联系人”菜单中打开首选项,或者按键盘上的Command +。

In the Address Book preferences, click the “General” tab and uncheck the box next to “Show contacts found in Apps” feature.


Again, confirm on the resulting dialog that you want to turn this feature off.


That will then completely turn off auto-suggestions for events and contacts in macOS.


在iOS中关闭建议 (Turn Off Suggestions in iOS)

Turning off suggestions in iOS is even easier. First, tap open the Settings, then select “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”.

在iOS中关闭建议甚至更加容易。 首先,点击“设置”,然后选择“邮件,联系人,日历”。

On the resulting screen, scroll down to the “Contacts” section and disable the switch next to “Contacts Found in Mail”.


Scroll down a bit further to the “Calendars” section and disable the switch next to “Events Found in Mail”.


With that, you’re done and you will no longer receive any suggestions for calendar events or contacts when this information is embedded in an email message. If you later decide you do want this feature, simply go back and re-enable each feature.

这样,您完成了,并且此信息嵌入到电子邮件中后,您将不再收到有关日历事件或联系人的任何建议。 如果您以后决定要使用此功能,只需返回并重新启用每个功能即可。


apple 关闭双重认证

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