【单选题】EAN/UCC-13代码的结构有( )个层次

【判断题】我国的商品标准按其适用范围可分为国家标准、区域标准、行业标准、地方标准、企业标准五级。 (5.0分)

【判断题】GBP 49 per piece FOB Hamburg less 2% discount

【判断题】商品质量管理主要包括两个方面:微观质量管理和宏观质量管理。 (5.0分)

【填空题】商品标识代码是____________ 代码。本身不提供任何有关编码对象的信息;商品分类代码是_________ 代码,本身具有某种实际含义。

【多选题】制定标准有利于 (5.0分)

【填空题】商品质量在形成环节上由_______、_________、__________ 构成。 (7.0分)

【单选题】通常出口成交价格的决定因素是 。


【判断题】USD 200 per metric ton including 2% commission



【阅读理解】When I am sick or hurt, I go to the doctor. Doctors help us by treating our illnesses and injuries. Often a doctor will give a patient medicine to make him well.other times, he or she will give a patient instructions. I f a person follows these “ doctor ’ s orders, ” they will feel better soon. Doctors can also help us when we are healthy. They teach us how to take care of ourselves. T hey remind us to eat healthy foods and get plenty of exercise.

【判断题】US $1000 per ton FOB London

【阅读理解】Supermarkets are large stores that sell food and many other products. They sell more food than any other type of food store in the United States. Early supermarkets sold only food and offered few services. Today's supermarkets still sell many different food products, including canned goods, milk products, and frozen foods. However, many also sell car supplies, cleaning products, cooking tools, greeting cards, and other nonfood items.

【阅读理解】People travel for many reasons. Some people travel for work. This kind of travel is called business travel. Others travel to new places so they can relax and have fun. This is called a vacation. People also travel to see family over the holidays. There are many ways to travel. You can fly or drive. You can go by bus or train. You can even go by boat to some places!


【阅读理解】A Close Call It was the first day of school, and our teacher asked us to introduce ourselves. "Hello. You're new, huh?" a girl named Andrea asked me. "Yes, and I don't know anybody," I said. "Neither do I!" Andrea laughed. After school, I was walking along the street. Suddenly Andrea called out, "Watch out! A bus is coming!" "Whoa," I said, moving out of the way. "Thanks— I didn’t see the bus!" "You're welcome," Andrea said. "Let's be more careful." "OK," I said, walking off with her. We've been friends ever since.


【填空题】改善商品质量的对策有_______、_________、____________、_________。 (7.0分)


【填空题】商品质量管理是指以保证商品_______为中心内容,运用现代化的_______和科学方法,对商品________活动过程中影响商品质量的因素加以控制,使顾客得到满意的商品而进行的一系列管理活动。 (15.0分)

【阅读理解】When you arrive at a hotel, you must check in at the reception or front desk. The receptionist will find your reservation and give you the key to your room. Fancy hotels often have someone to help you with a variety of tasks. They can help you get a taxi, make reservations at restaurants, and give you advice about the city. A great convenience that hotels offer is room service. To order room service, you call down to the reception and the food is then brought to your room for you to enjoy. At the proper check-out time, you must leave the room so that the cleaning staff can clean the rooms and make the beds. If you don't leave on time, you will have to pay extra money.


【填空题】企业标准的编号由_____、___________、发布年代号三部分组成 (5.0分)


【阅读理解】根据文章内容判断对错 The Best Sport There are many different kinds of sports. There are sports you can play by yourself, like golf, bowling, fishing, and swimming. There are sports you play with one other person, like tennis and ping-pong. There are sports you play with a team, like soccer, baseball and volleyball. There are so many different sports that it is hard to count them. With all of these choices, how can we tell what the best sport is? Well, now, that is easy. The best sport, the very best sport in the whole world, is the sport you like the best!

【判断题】商品标准是工作标准中的一个组成部分。 (5.0分)

【判断题】GBP 97 per metric ton CIF Copenhagen.

【阅读理解】根据文章顺序将下列句子正确排序 The Olympic Games The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 BC. Today, the Olympic Games have become the world’s leading sports event. Athletes from about 200 countries compete in them. The Olympics include the Summer Games and the Winter Games. Each is held in a different country once every four years. Until the early 1990s the Summer and Winter Games were held in the same year. Today they are separated by two years.


【填空题】商品标准的表现形式分为___________和 __________。 (10.0分)

【阅读理解】Sue ’ s head hurt.Her throat was very sore.it was hard to swallow. She hoped Dr.Lena would call her soon.the waiting room felt hot. Just then,the nurse opened the door to the waiting room . ” Sue Jones ,Dr .Lena is ready to see you , ” she said and led Sue to the doctor ’ s office. In a short time,Dr.Lena opened the door. ” Well,hello,Sue.What is wrong with you? ” “ My throat hurts. My head hurts,and it is hard to swallow. Everything hurts! ” “ My goodness! ” Dr.Lena said. ” You are sick.Let me see your throat. ” Sue opened her mouth and said, “ Ahhhhh ” . “ You have an infection in your throat. I will order some medicine for you. It will get rid of the infection soon, ” Dr. Lena reassured Sue.

【判断题】国际标准属于强制性标准。 (5.0分)

【判断题】通过对产品质量环模型分析可知,影响商品质量的因素主要包括生产环节、流通环节和消费使用环节。 (5.0分)

【简答题】请把这学期的课堂制作和课后的制作作品以照片形式放在word文档,再以word文档的方式提交。注意,作品图片中要有自己的姓名和学号。 (100.0分)

【阅读理解】What is a friend? Friends are special people in your life you can depend on. They understand you and accept you. Friends have a lot in common with each other. Friends share things with each other. A good friend will share his feelings and thoughts with you. A good friend will help you when you are sad. He will laugh with you when you are happy. Friends do not always agree with each other, but it doesn’t mean they do not like each other. True friends are precious. Treat them well and keep the friendship all your life!

【填空题】PDCA循坏分为四个阶段,即_________、_________、__________、_______ (20.0分)


【判断题】JPY 1003 per yard CIF Qingdao including 2%discount


【单选题】出口总成本包括 。

【单选题】国家标准由_______标准化行政主管部门制定。 (10.0分)


【多选题】在有机组成上,商品质量由_____________、社会质量和_________ 构成。 (5.0分)

【填空题】如图 T4.1 所示电路,负载为三角形,各相的电阻相等, R u =R v =R w =10Ω ,电源电压为 380V ,问电流表 A 1 及 A 2 的读数各是( )A和( )A。

【阅读理解】John called Lisa on the phone. “ let ’ s go to the new restaurant near your office building “ Yummy Yummy? That ’ s a good res t aurant. But you have to make a reservation fires, ” L isa told John When John called the restaurant, someone answered the phone. ” Yummy Yummy, ” the woman said. ” May I help you? “ I ’ d like to make a reservation, ” John said “ For how many people? ” “ For two. ” “ What time would you like to come? ” the woman asked. “ Around six o ’ clock this evening ,” John told her. “ May I have your name,please? ” the woman asked again. “ John Smith , ” John replied. John Smith, ” John replied. John then called Lisa back. “ We have a reservation fo r six o ’ clock. I’ m going home to change my clothes. I ’ ll pick you u p at 5:30."

【单选题】根据商品分类的唯一性原则,商品分类时,在( )范围内,只能采用一种分类标志。


【阅读理解】N o matter where you go to eat when you are away from home , you are going to see a menu. When the waiter or waitress gives you the menu. Y ou have to make some decisions. One decision is what to drink. Drink choices are listed on the menu. Next, you have to or der your main course. You may have a hard time picking among all of the choices After you finish your meal, you will have a chance to order dessert. T he dessert menu is usually separate from the main menu.

java源文件基本布局结构_请调试课本 “第117页”5.4.1节 菜单资源 的代码, 并将程序运行的屏幕截图 和 核心源代码的截图(布局文件,菜单资源文件,Java文件,程序结构图等)提交。...相关推荐

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