
时间限制:1 秒

内存限制:32 兆




输入包含多组测试用例,每组用例首先包含2个整数n(0<=n<=26)和m(0<m<50), 分别表示有n个亲属关系和m个问题, 然后接下来是n行的形式如ABC的字符串,表示A的父母亲分别是B和C,如果A的父母亲信息不全,则用-代替,例如A-C,再然后是m行形式如FA的字符串,表示询问F和A的关系。
3 2
0 0

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {new Task().solve() ;    }
}class Task{InputReader in = new InputReader(System.in) ;PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out) ;class Node{Node father , mother ;char val ;Node(char val , Node father , Node mother){this.val = val ;this.father = father ;this.mother = mother ;}}int dfs(Node first , Node second){if(first == second) return 0 ;if(first.father != null){int high = dfs(first.father , second) ;if(high != -1) return high + 1 ;}if(first.mother != null){int high = dfs(first.mother , second) ;if(high != -1) return high + 1 ;}   return -1 ;}void solve(){int n , m ;while(true){n = in.nextInt() ;m = in.nextInt() ;if(n == 0 && m == 0) break ; Map<Character , Node> mapper = new HashMap<Character, Task.Node>() ;while(n-- > 0){String args = in.next() ;Node father = mapper.get(args.charAt(1)) ;if(father == null){father = new Node(args.charAt(1) , null , null) ;mapper.put(args.charAt(1), father) ;}Node mother = mapper.get(args.charAt(2)) ;if(mother == null){mother = new Node(args.charAt(2) , null , null) ;mapper.put(args.charAt(2), mother) ;}Node node = mapper.get(args.charAt(0)) ;if(node == null){node = new Node(args.charAt(0) , father, mother) ;mapper.put(args.charAt(0), node) ;}else{node.father = father ;node.mother = mother ;}}while(m-- > 0){String args = in.next() ;if(args.charAt(0) == args.charAt(1)){out.println("-") ;continue ;}Node first = mapper.get(args.charAt(0)) ;Node second = mapper.get(args.charAt(1)) ;if(first == null || second == null){out.println("-") ;continue ;}int cnt = dfs(first, second) ;if(cnt != -1){if(cnt == 1) out.println("child") ;else if(cnt == 2) out.println("grandchild") ;else{for(int i = 1 ; i <= cnt - 2 ; i++) out.print("great-") ;out.println("grandchild") ;}}else{cnt = dfs(second , first) ;if(cnt != -1){if(cnt == 1) out.println("parent") ;else if(cnt == 2) out.println("grandparent") ;else{for(int i = 1 ; i <= cnt - 2 ; i++) out.print("great-") ;out.println("grandparent") ;}}else out.println("-") ;}}}out.flush();}
}class InputReader {  public BufferedReader reader;  public StringTokenizer tokenizer;  public InputReader(InputStream stream) {  reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768);  tokenizer = new StringTokenizer("");  }  private void eat(String s) {  tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(s);  }  public String nextLine() {  try {  return reader.readLine();  } catch (Exception e) {  return null;  }  }  public boolean hasNext() {  while (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {  String s = nextLine();  if (s == null)  return false;  eat(s);  }  return true;  }  public String next() {  hasNext();  return tokenizer.nextToken();  }  public int nextInt() {  return Integer.parseInt(next());  }  public long nextLong() {  return Long.parseLong(next());  }  public double nextDouble() {  return Double.parseDouble(next());  }  public BigInteger nextBigInteger() {  return new BigInteger(next());  }  }

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