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/*!* type-is* Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson* MIT Licensed*/'use strict'/*** Module dependencies.* @private*/var typer = require('media-typer')
var mime = require('mime-types')/*** Module exports.* @public*/module.exports = typeofrequest
module.exports.is = typeis
module.exports.hasBody = hasbody
module.exports.normalize = normalize
module.exports.match = mimeMatch/*** Compare a `value` content-type with `types`.* Each `type` can be an extension like `html`,* a special shortcut like `multipart` or `urlencoded`,* or a mime type.** If no types match, `false` is returned.* Otherwise, the first `type` that matches is returned.** @param {String} value* @param {Array} types* @public*/function typeis (value, types_) {var ivar types = types_// remove parameters and normalizevar val = tryNormalizeType(value)// no type or invalidif (!val) {return false}// support flattened argumentsif (types && !Array.isArray(types)) {types = new Array(arguments.length - 1)for (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {types[i] = arguments[i + 1]}}// no types, return the content typeif (!types || !types.length) {return val}var typefor (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {if (mimeMatch(normalize(type = types[i]), val)) {return type[0] === '+' || type.indexOf('*') !== -1? val: type}}// no matchesreturn false
}/*** Check if a request has a request body.* A request with a body __must__ either have `transfer-encoding`* or `content-length` headers set.* http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.3** @param {Object} request* @return {Boolean}* @public*/function hasbody (req) {return req.headers['transfer-encoding'] !== undefined ||!isNaN(req.headers['content-length'])
}/*** Check if the incoming request contains the "Content-Type"* header field, and it contains any of the give mime `type`s.* If there is no request body, `null` is returned.* If there is no content type, `false` is returned.* Otherwise, it returns the first `type` that matches.** Examples:**     // With Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8*     this.is('html'); // => 'html'*     this.is('text/html'); // => 'text/html'*     this.is('text/*', 'application/json'); // => 'text/html'**     // When Content-Type is application/json*     this.is('json', 'urlencoded'); // => 'json'*     this.is('application/json'); // => 'application/json'*     this.is('html', 'application/*'); // => 'application/json'**     this.is('html'); // => false** @param {String|Array} types...* @return {String|false|null}* @public*/function typeofrequest (req, types_) {var types = types_// no bodyif (!hasbody(req)) {return null}// support flattened argumentsif (arguments.length > 2) {types = new Array(arguments.length - 1)for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {types[i] = arguments[i + 1]}}// request content typevar value = req.headers['content-type']return typeis(value, types)
}/*** Normalize a mime type.* If it's a shorthand, expand it to a valid mime type.** In general, you probably want:**   var type = is(req, ['urlencoded', 'json', 'multipart']);** Then use the appropriate body parsers.* These three are the most common request body types* and are thus ensured to work.** @param {String} type* @private*/function normalize (type) {if (typeof type !== 'string') {// invalid typereturn false}switch (type) {case 'urlencoded':return 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'case 'multipart':return 'multipart/*'}if (type[0] === '+') {// "+json" -> "*/*+json" expandoreturn '*/*' + type}return type.indexOf('/') === -1? mime.lookup(type): type
}/*** Check if `expected` mime type* matches `actual` mime type with* wildcard and +suffix support.** @param {String} expected* @param {String} actual* @return {Boolean}* @private*/function mimeMatch (expected, actual) {// invalid typeif (expected === false) {return false}// split typesvar actualParts = actual.split('/')var expectedParts = expected.split('/')// invalid formatif (actualParts.length !== 2 || expectedParts.length !== 2) {return false}// validate typeif (expectedParts[0] !== '*' && expectedParts[0] !== actualParts[0]) {return false}// validate suffix wildcardif (expectedParts[1].substr(0, 2) === '*+') {return expectedParts[1].length <= actualParts[1].length + 1 &&expectedParts[1].substr(1) === actualParts[1].substr(1 - expectedParts[1].length)}// validate subtypeif (expectedParts[1] !== '*' && expectedParts[1] !== actualParts[1]) {return false}return true
}/*** Normalize a type and remove parameters.** @param {string} value* @return {string}* @private*/function normalizeType (value) {// parse the typevar type = typer.parse(value)// remove the parameterstype.parameters = undefined// reformat itreturn typer.format(type)
}/*** Try to normalize a type and remove parameters.** @param {string} value* @return {string}* @private*/function tryNormalizeType (value) {if (!value) {return null}try {return normalizeType(value)} catch (err) {return null}


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