题目链接:Choosing The Commander




#pragma GCC optimize("-Ofast","-funroll-all-loops")
//#define int long long
using namespace std;
const int N=1e5+10;
int t[N*30][2],idx,cnt[N*30],q;
inline void insert(int x,int v){int p=0;for(int i=26;i>=0;i--){int k=x>>i&1;if(!t[p][k])   t[p][k]=++idx;p=t[p][k];    cnt[p]+=v;}
int ask(int x,int y){int p=0,res=0;for(int i=26;i>=0;i--){if(y>>i&1){if(x>>i&1)  res+=cnt[t[p][1]],p=t[p][0];else res+=cnt[t[p][0]],p=t[p][1];}else{if(x>>i&1)   p=t[p][1];else p=t[p][0];}if(!cnt[p]) break;}return res;
signed main(){cin>>q;for(int i=1,op,p,l;i<=q;i++){scanf("%d %d",&op,&p);if(op==1)  insert(p,1);else if(op==2)    insert(p,-1);else scanf("%d",&l),printf("%d\n",ask(p,l));}return 0;

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