
When you freelance or own a business, it can be challenging to get away from work, especially if you love what you do. This past weekend I took some time off from work for the first time in months, and it was a reminder of how much we need to walk away sometimes in order to stay at the top of our game.

当您是自由职业者或自己的企业时,离开工作可能会充满挑战,特别是如果您热爱自己的工作。 过去的这个周末,我几个月来第一次休假,这提醒着我们有时需要离开多少才能保持比赛的最高水准。

You may not always mind working long hours or weekends, but at some point, when you work non-stop you face the risk of burning out. Which isn’t good for you or your clients. Here are a few things you can do now to avoid burning out.

您可能并不总是介意长时间或周末工作,但是在某些情况下,当您不停地工作时,您会面临倦怠的风险。 这对您或您的客户不利。 您现在可以采取以下几项措施来避免疲惫。

1. Get Organized


If you don’t have control of the day-to-day business administration activities, it can be a major source of stress. At the end of a 14-hour workday with your nose to the screen, do you really want to deal with two more hours of miscellaneous to-dos that are necessary to keep your business running? I don’t. So I use a project management system to stay on task, a bookkeeper for my finances and a number of other systems to help my business run without too much daily interference from me.

如果您无法控制日常的业务管理活动,则可能会成为压力的主要来源。 在一个14小时的工作日结束时,您的鼻子伸向屏幕,您是否真的要处理两个小时的其他待办事项,这对于保持业务正常运转是必不可少的? 我不。 因此,我使用项目管理系统来完成任务,使用财务簿记员,并使用许多其他系统来帮助我的企业运转,而不会受到我的日常干扰。

2. Make a List


I admit to being a consummate list-maker. Without my daily task list, I would be lost in the sea of things that I need to do with no idea where to start. A list can be overwhelming, but it can also be a great way to focus.

我承认自己是一位制表大师。 没有我的日常任务清单,我将迷失在需要做的事情的海洋中,却不知道从哪里开始。 列表可能不胜枚举,但也可以成为集中注意力的好方法。

3. Prioritize


We all have a million things we need to get done and if you have a list as mentioned above, you know this better than anyone. But luckily, most of our to-dos don’t need to be done at the same time. Take your list (or whatever you use to keep track of your tasks), and break it up into more manageable segments, based on priority. For example, you may have lists for today, tomorrow, this week, next week, this month, sometime in the future. And then mark the most important items on each of the lists so you know those are the things you need to do first every day.

我们都有要做的一百万件事,如果您有如上所述的清单,您比任何人都知道。 但幸运的是,我们的大多数待办事项无需同时完成。 列出您的清单(或用于跟踪任务的任何清单),并根据优先级将其分为更易于管理的细分。 例如,您可能有今天,明天,本周,下周,本月,将来某个时间的列表。 然后在每个列表中标记最重要的项目,这样您便知道这些是您每天首先需要做的事情。

4. Schedule Time Off


If you have a packed schedule, there’s no chance you will be able to take a break or do anything non-work related without shuffling your time and causing more stress. One way to ensure you take time out (30 minutes a day is a great start) is by scheduling in the time as if it were another meeting. In time, this will become second nature to you and will be one of the most valuable slots of time during your day. And don’t forget to schedule a vacation.

如果您的日程安排很紧凑,那么您就没有机会休息或进行任何与工作无关的事情,而不会浪费时间并造成更大的压力。 确保您超时(每天30分钟是一个很好的开始)的一种方法是安排时间,就好像是另一次会议一样。 随着时间的流逝,这将成为您的第二天性,并将成为您一天中最有价值的时间段之一。 而且,别忘了安排假期。

5. Know Your Stressors


There are probably certain things that you don’t love about your job, so you probably procrastinate and put them off as long as you can. Then when you finally tackle them, they take longer and are much more painful than they need to be. Be able to identify what these stressors are, so you can create a plan for getting them done and off your list as quickly as possible.

您可能对某些事情不满意,因此您可能会拖延并尽可能推迟。 然后,当您最终解决它们时,它们花费的时间更长,并且比需要的痛苦还要痛苦得多。 能够确定这些压力源是什么,因此您可以制定一个计划以使它们完成并尽快从列表中删除。

6. Outsource


If you have more work than you can handle and it’s causing you to work non-stop, consider outsourcing. Subcontractors can be a great way to off-load extra work and even the stressors identified above that you want to get away from.

如果您的工作量超出了您的承受能力,并且导致您不停地工作,请考虑外包。 分包商可能是减轻额外工作负担的好方法,甚至是您想要摆脱的上述压力源。

7. Say No


It’s always tough to turn down work, but there may not be a quicker way to burnout than taking on work you really don’t want to do. Create an ideal client and an ideal project and measure all incoming work against that list before taking it on. If it doesn’t meet your ideal criteria, pass it off to a colleague or a subcontractor.

拒绝工作总是很困难的,但是没有比真正不想做的工作更快的倦怠方法。 创建一个理想的客户和理想的项目,并在继续之前对照该清单衡量所有传入的工作。 如果它不符合您的理想标准,则将其传递给同事或分包商。

8. Eliminate the Riff-Raff


If you find you have a few non-ideal clients and projects in the mix, consider cutting them loose. This will likely alleviate some stress and free up time for taking on more of the work you want.

如果发现混合了一些不理想的客户和项目,请考虑将其松散。 这样可能会减轻一些压力,并腾出时间来进行更多您想要的工作。

9. Set Work Hours


Some of us work better when we have a set schedule. If this is the case for you, try creating work hours. It can be 9-5, 5-9, whatever, but once you set them, stick to them. And that means when the day is done, you’re done…e-mail included.

设定时间表后,我们中有些人的工作会更好。 在这种情况下,请尝试创建工作时间。 可以是9-5、5-9,无论如何,但是一旦设置好它们,就坚持下去。 这意味着一天结束后,您就完成了……包括电子邮件。

10. Take On a Different Project


If you’re doing the same exact thing day in and day out, you’re on a fast track to burning out…and maybe some boredom, too. Be open to taking on a different kind of project to add some variety. You might find a new skill and be able to expand your service offerings at the same time.

如果您日复一日地在做同样的事情,那么您将很快地精疲力尽……也许还会有些无聊。 开放承接另一种项目以增加一些多样性。 您可能会发现一种新技能,并且能够同时扩展服务范围。

11. Go Out for a Drink


Or a shopping trip, or an ice cream sundae…whatever your guilty pleasure. Socializing and unwinding can do wonders to stop a path to burnout. And it’s fun!

或购物之旅,或冰淇淋圣代……无论您有罪恶感如何。 社交和放松可以创造奇迹,阻止职业倦怠。 这很有趣!

12. Blow Off Some Steam


This is especially important after (or in the middle of) a particularly stressful day. You need to decompress in order to refocus, and you don’t want the frustration and stress to build and create a time bomb. Do something that can act as your reset button — workout, scream, punch a pillow – and take a deep breath before jumping back in.

这在特别紧张的一天之后(或中间)尤为重要。 您需要进行解压缩以重新聚焦,并且您不希望沮丧和压力来构建和创建定时炸弹。 做一些可以用作重置按钮的事情-锻炼,尖叫,打枕头-深呼吸,然后再跳回去。

13. Go Back to the Beginning


From time-to-time, it’s a good idea to revisit where you were before getting started on your own. What were your first goals? What kept you going? And then celebrate your accomplishments and acknowledge how far you’ve come.

时不时地重新考虑自己的位置是一个好主意。 您的首要目标是什么? 是什么让你继续前进? 然后庆祝您的成就并确认您的成就。

Have you faced burnout? How do you recognize it’s time to re-center yourself?

你有没有倦怠感? 您如何识别是时候重新定位自己了?

Photo of man, image credit: Michael LorenzoPhoto of calendar, image credit: Pawel KryjPhoto of ice cream, image credit: Sanja Gjenero

男士照片,图片来源: Michael Lorenzo 日历照片,图片来源: Pawel Kryj 冰淇淋照片,图片来源: Sanja Gjenero

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/13-ways-to-avoid-burnout/



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