视频会议 sdk 选择

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Video conferencing App / Country Hangouts Meet Houseparty Ms Teams Zoom
USA 30 8 11 4
France 23 30 16 2
Germany 15 26 11 17
Spain 64 2360 15 27
Italy 140 423 30 55
视频会议应用程序/国家 环聊聚会 家庭聚会 团队女士 放大
美国 30 8 11 4
法国 23 30 16 2
德国 15 26 11 17
西班牙 64 2360 15 27
意大利 140 423 30 55

The convenience of these apps is defined by their rich-features: video calling, ability to share screens, and interact in real-time.
As these video conferencing applications become more specialized, a large number of distinctive productive and socializing features are being added to differentiate apps, especially by businesses. For those businesses poised to develop the next level of customer engagement with their video-conferencing app, the following discussion is a value addition.
随着这些视频会议应用程序变得更加专业化,大量独特的生产性和社交功能正被添加到差异化应用程序中,尤其是企业。 对于准备通过视频会议应用程序开发更高层次的客户参与度的那些企业,以下讨论是增值的。
Developing a video conferencing application framework for your business is very similar to that of any other application you would make for
为您的企业开发视频会议应用程序框架与为 AppStore or Google Play. AppStore或Google Play制作的任何其他应用程序非常相似。
The core technology is to deploy Publisher-subscriber exchange wherein WebRTC protocol is used to involve Voice Over Internet protocol technologies such as Signaling, TURN servers, and STUN creating P2P connection.
核心技术是部署发布者-订户交换,其中WebRTC协议用于涉及Internet语音协议技术,例如信令,TURN服务器和STUN创建P2P连接。 However, the biggest challenge is deciding on the strategy you need to take to develop the app: 但是,最大的挑战是确定开发应用程序所需采取的策略:

开发视频会议应用程序的三种策略 (Three strategies to develop a video conference application)

The strategy choices present options to optimize scale, speed, convenience against independence, and safety. This creates a solution built from scratch to develop its data warehouse which contrasts with third-party solutions and supports proprietary code to fight security breaches.
策略选择提供了一些选项,可以优化规模,速度,反对独立性的便利性和安全性。 这创建了一个从头开始构建的解决方案来开发其数据仓库,该解决方案与第三方解决方案形成对比,并支持专有代码来应对安全漏洞。

  • On-premise – Peer-to-peer approach


WebRTC will use peer-to-peer for intermediaries for communication for direct, device to device for browser to browser, and encrypts media transport by default for a secure solution for real-time communication. Multi-party capabilities for additional burden application for failing certain circumstances will be significant.
WebRTC将使用点对点的中介进行通信,以实现直接的,设备到设备的访问,以及浏览器到浏览器的访问,并默认加密媒体传输,以提供实时通信的安全解决方案。 在某些情况下无法提供额外负担的多方功能将非常重要。

  • On-premise – Media Server approach


Open-source options to build on-premise web conference applications with media server approach for building, signaling layer with STUN/TURN servers with the actual media server, and configuration.
使用媒体服务器方法构建内部Web会议应用程序的开源选项,用于构建,使用实际媒体服务器的STUN / TURN服务器发信号层以及配置。

  • Third-Party API providers


A host of solutions are developed by several developers with a supportive live video platform with global business, V
几位开发人员开发了一系列解决方案,其中包括具有全球业务支持能力的实时视频平台, onage Video API ,MirrrorFly Video API, ToxBox OpenTok – richest set for live video features for market. Vonage Video API,MirrrorFly Video API,ToxBox OpenTok –市场上最丰富的实时视频功能集。

开发电视会议APP的平台部分的类型 (Type of Platform Section for developing Videoconference APP )

  • Web-Based Application


This platform will allow the app to be opened or used from the browser of the user. The technology is a typical WebRTC which is a standard for communication applications but the limitation is the use of Codecs in the set for a specific WebRTC. An example is the vidyo.io JavaScript SDK which allows the browser to identify differences.
该平台将允许从用户的浏览器打开或使用该应用程序。 该技术是典型的WebRTC,它是通信应用程序的标准,但是限制是特定WebRTC集中使用编解码器。 vidyo.io JavaScript SDK是一个示例,它可以使浏览器识别差异。

  • Native Application


Native video chat applications will need additional software to be downloaded and installed before your customer can use the application. The clear advantage is that the user can launch an app easily when natively installed over that of a URL.
本地视频聊天应用程序将需要下载和安装其他软件,然后您的客户才能使用该应用程序。 明显的优势是,在本地安装时,用户可以通过URL轻松启动应用程序。

定义视频会议应用程序的功能 (Define Your Features of Video Conference App)

  • Pre Call Video Preview: A pre-check camera setting for participants to review their appearance before they go live in the conferencing.

    呼叫前视频预览 :一种预先检查的摄像头设置,供与会人员在参加会议之前检查其外观。

  • Chat:Online conversations/IM between participants with supported features for attachments and emoticons

    聊天 :参与者之间的在线对话/即时消息,具有附件和表情符号的受支持功能

  • File-Sharing:Supported for files to be shared

    文件共享 :支持共享文件

  • Multi -Party Video Conference: Support multiple numbers of users

    多方视频会议 :支持多个用户

  • Desktop Sharing:Allow participants to present or view the desktop or screen

    桌面共享 :允许参与者演示或查看桌面或屏幕

  • Recording : Allow the conference to be recorded for further review or assessment

    录制 :允许录制会议以供进一步审核或评估

  • Filters/Icons :Use of various elements for categorization and special display features

    过滤器/图标 :使用各种元素进行分类和特殊显示功能

  • Whiteboard:Ideal to present an idea, like a teacher so all other participants can view written elements on the whiteboard

    白板 :像老师一样理想地表达想法,以便所有其他参与者可以在白板上查看书面元素

  • Live Streaming:Of event as it happens without storing before distributing online

    实时流式传输 :发生事件时,无需进行在线存储即可存储

视频会议应用程序的开发:技术方面 (Development of the Video Conferencing App: Technical Side )

The following features will define technology and business requirements with the app

  1. Backend Development:The right design wireframes must be used to ensure full functional features.

    后端开发 :必须使用正确的设计线框以确保完整的功能部件。

  2. UI Design: will have to be incorporated in the design stage for the ultimate user experience since intuitively these are attractive for features and video chat apps to be confusing.

    UI设计 :必须将其整合到设计阶段才能获得最终的用户体验,因为从直觉上讲,它们对于功能和视频聊天应用程序令人迷惑很有吸引力。

  3. iOS and Android Compatibility: The app should run on both operating systems – iOS and Android and not be restricted to one platform.

    iOS和Android兼容性 :该应用程序应同时在两种操作系统(iOS和Android)上运行,并且不限于一个平台。

Video conference app development has become a simple and efficient method to add features to your business applications. Simplified technology is easily available in the form of third-party APIs which form the bulwark of
视频会议应用程序开发已成为向业务应用程序中添加功能的一种简单有效的方法。 简化的技术很容易以第三方API的形式获得,这些API构成了现在流行的 Video Conferencing API's that are popular right now. 视频会议API的堡垒。

十大视频会议API和SDK提供程序 (Top 10 Video Conferencing API & SDK Providers )

Build best-fit communication tool for your company with these popular video-conferencing APIs that customize video-conferencing, live broadcasting, screen sharing, push notifications:

1. MirrorFly (1. MirrorFly)

MirrorFly is one of the top video calling experiences, which is setting the new normal for top-quality video conferencing. It is an excellent platform to build powerful programming tools for video conferencing. Features available
MirrorFly是顶级视频通话体验之一,这为高质量视频会议树立了新常态。 它是构建用于视频会议的强大编程工具的绝佳平台。 可用功能

  • Peer-to-peer calling
  • Group conferencing
  • live broadcasting
  • best HD video quality
  • one-time license costs
  • low latency technologies & Easy scaling
  • Video encoders
  • End-to-end encryption

The best feature perhaps is the ‘control’ available to manage the layout of the application such that each member can see and hear. Support any platform integration – iOS or Android, along with mobile integration and web application integration. Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) and Peer 2 Peer connections are easy to set up with this API.
最好的功能也许是可用于管理应用程序布局的“控件”,以便每个成员都可以看到和听到。 支持任何平台集成– iOS或Android,以及移动集成和Web应用程序集成。 使用此API可以轻松设置Web实时通信(WebRTC)和对等2。

2. PubNub (2. PubNub)

Built for virtual conversations, meetings, conferences for businesses and enterprise entities, PubNub offers top-quality integration features, given its core WebRTC API.
PubNub专为企业和企业实体的虚拟对话,会议和会议而构建,凭借其核心WebRTC API,PubNub提供了高质量的集成功能。

  • Transfers metadata pre-call
  • Extensile plugins
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Messaging broadcasting
  • WebRTC signaling
  • Push notification

Peer connections are established quickly with encryption and direct connection, allowing it to be Operating System-independent deployment. On iOS or Android, PubNub allows quick integration of voice and video calling on mobile apps, as per standard Telephony Calling Systems.
通过加密和直接连接可以快速建立对等连接,从而使其可以独立于操作系统进行部署。 在iOS或Android上,PubNub允许根据标准电话呼叫系统在移动应用程序上快速集成语音和视频呼叫。

3. 继续飞行 (3. CONTUS FLY)

Known for its interactive text, video and voice building API, messaging apps and calling apps can be developed quickly. Characteristic features which will power your business communications include:
以其交互式文本,视频和语音构建API闻名,可以快速开发消息传递应用程序和呼叫应用程序。 将为您的业务沟通提供动力的特征包括:

  • Video conferencing
  • Video recording
  • Live broadcasting
  • Screen sharing
  • cross-platform support
  • SIP and VoIP calls
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Low latency

With this API or native SDK, data consumption can be optimized for very low. conferencing features ensures native solution and range of add-on features such as push notifications, social integrations, data streaming, audio chat, video chats has made ContusFly a hot favorite on the enterprise API circuit to build customized video-conferencing solutions.
使用此API或本机SDK,可以将数据消耗优化到非常低的水平。 会议功能可确保本机解决方案和一系列附加功能,例如推送通知,社交集成,数据流,音频聊天,视频聊天,使ContusFly在企业API电路上成为构建定制视频会议解决方案的热门之选。

4. 特威里奥 (4. Twilio)

Where you need video calling solutions for the entire sales team to small-sized core technology developers teams, Twilio video calling features will provide your platform-fit solutions.
What you get with Twilio’s APIs and SDKs are the following:

  • Screen sharing
  • live broadcasting
  • workflow integration
  • cloud recording

5. Cometchat (5. Cometchat)

CometChat API optimized business communication is real time chat and video calling functionality. This operates as a five-stage procedure to customize the ready-to-use features within the enterprise’s digital channels.
经过CometChat API优化的业务通信是实时聊天和视频通话功能。 此过程分为五个阶段,以自定义企业数字渠道中的即用型功能。

  • Group video chat
  • One-to-one chat
  • Cross-platform performance
  • End-to-end encryption

The features can be tailored to meet organizational needs. Cometchat features to aid businesses by first asking for target audience identification, along with feature list, tech stack, and shortlisting of product features, tech stack, design, app designing concluding with a budget and costing features. Thus, the end-to-end deployment of video conferencing platforms is offered by Cometchat for customized solutions.
可以定制功能以满足组织需求。 Cometchat功能可通过首先要求目标受众标识,功能列表,技术堆栈以及产品功能,技术堆栈,设计,应用设计(包括预算和成本计算功能)的入围列表,来帮助企业。 因此,Cometchat为定制解决方案提供了视频会议平台的端到端部署。

6. 薪资 (6. Vonage)

Tokbox Now called Vonage, this API is built to help customize video chats easily. The strong features are security-enhancing, encryption, recording, and deployment of their own firewall using their own servers. The app itself is very popular, and allows mass participation of users supporting following features:
Tokbox现在称为Vonage,此API旨在帮助轻松自定义视频聊天。 强大的功能是使用自己的服务器来增强安全性,加密,记录和部署自己的防火墙。 该应用程序本身非常受欢迎,并允许支持以下功能的用户大规模参与:

  • high-quality video/voice
  • plug-and-play video features
  • Seamless integration
  • Video call encryption

It has a library for core functionality to connect sessions, publishing streams for the session, and streams subscribing sessions. The core platform is WebRTC for video and text chat. For enterprises it has an OpenTok video platform, running on Java API.
它具有用于连接会话,发布会话流和订阅会话流的核心功能的库。 核心平台是用于视频和文本聊天的WebRTC。 对于企业而言,它具有在Java API上运行的OpenTok视频平台。

7. inch (7. Sinch)

Video calling functionality is built for proprietary Sinch Video Call integration. Easily a much appreciated SDK provider, Sinch dominates the Video Call API platform due to its advanced features which integrate current and new applications which support all platforms.
视频通话功能是为专有的Sinch视频通话集成而构建的。 Sinch无疑是一个备受赞誉的SDK提供者,由于其先进的功能集成了支持所有平台的当前和新应用程序,因此Sinch主导了Video Call API平台。

  • Seamless integration
  • Lightweight SDK
  • Uses SaaS cloud platform

Hence, Sinch is optimized for cross-platform integration, on iOS, Android as well as Javascript. Other features include peer-to-peer support, adaptive software for any-platform use. Integrating WebRTC with SDK and APIs for video calling features will ensure businesses have a powerful platform for video conferencing experience due to Sinch’s integrated features.
因此,Sinch已针对iOS,Android和Javascript上的跨平台集成进行了优化。 其他功能包括对等支持,适用于任何平台的自适应软件。 借助Sinch的集成功能,将WebRTC与SDK和API集成以实现视频通话功能将确保企业拥有强大的视频会议体验平台。

8. Apphitect (8. Apphitect)

A new age platform built using latest technologies, this video conferencing-enabled API supports enterprise communication. This West Asia-based application supports reliable SDK for video calls and API which supports market needed solutions for connectivity and device building.
这个启用了视频会议的API是使用最新技术构建的新时代平台,支持企业通信。 这个基于西亚的应用程序支持用于视频通话的可靠SDK和API,从而支持市场所需的连接性和设备构建解决方案。

  • personal chats
  • group presentation
  • custom-built personal voice and video calls
  • sharing multimedia
  • meeting participants upto 100

Network communities and user engagement are built for a secure cloud environment on enterprise video calls/chats and secure platforms.

9. Quickblox (9. Quickblox )

If a well-established SDK provider is what you need, then Quickblox API is the ideal platform for multiparty video conferencing, with features for creating sessions, getting callbacks, and more. The video conference community it supports has ten to twelve users at a given point of discussion. The primary technology it uses is webRTC and secures peer-to-peer connectivity.
如果您需要成熟的SDK提供程序,则Quickblox API是用于多方视频会议的理想平台,并具有创建会话,获取回调等功能。 它支持的视频会议社区在给定的讨论点有10到12个用户。 它使用的主要技术是webRTC,可确保对等连接。

  • own video chat apps
  • enables real-time chat
  • push notifications
  • audio calling
  • Sophisticated Admin Panel
  • Secure video calling
  • End-to-end encryption

Additionally, communication tools for app builders are also commercially developed by Quickblox. This is one of the most common APIs on social networking apps as well as enterprises with special features such as content settings, location, users, and ratings.
此外,Quickblox还在商业上开发了用于应用程序构建者的通信工具。 这是社交网络应用以及具有特殊功能(例如内容设置,位置,用户和评分)的企业上最常见的API之一。

10. Vidyo (10. Vidyo )

Vidyo Communications has built embedded video digital communications platforms using patented technologies for application, network, device, and environment wherein teams have the highest experience. This API is highly favored by the
Vidyo Communications已使用专利技术为应用程序,网络,设备和环境构建了嵌入式视频数字通信平台,其中团队拥有最高的经验。 该API受到

  • healthcare industry
  • Education industry

Using its VidyoCloud with Feature-rich APIs, multiparty meetings, peer-to-peer connectivity, and advanced video conferencing features can be exploited by businesses for the best user experience.

结论 (Conclusion)

Covid-19 breakout has upturned the way businesses conduct themselves. Most have effectively made an effective transition by implementing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and finding the ‘most useful’ solution to re-strategize for digitized enterprise processes and operations. Products and solutions which improve business performance are the need of the hour. Driving such transformation in the business communication lexicon are ready-to-implement Video Conferencing products such as in above list. Covid-19的突破改变了企业的经营方式。 大多数企业通过实施技术验收模型(TAM)并找到“最有用的”解决方案来为数字化企业流程和运营进行重新战略制定,从而有效地实现了有效过渡。 每小时都需要提高业务绩效的产品和解决方案。 诸如上述清单中所示的即刻实施的视频会议产品正在推动商务通信词典中的此类转换。
Developing a video conference application efficiently is possible and hopefully this article will provide you the insights you need to accomplish it.

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/513348/

视频会议 sdk 选择

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