
Layoffs are an unfortunate consequence of an economic recession. While as an established freelancer or entrepreneur you can survive the economic downturn by expanding your client base and introducing new services, professionals who previously worked happily as employees without much thought to being on their own are now entering the world of freelancing to make a living, even if only temporary.

裁员是经济衰退的不幸后果。 作为一名既有的自由职业者或企业家,您可以通过扩大客户群和引入新服务来度过经济不景气的时期,而以前曾作为员工愉快地工作而又不怎么自以为是的专业人士现在正进入自由职业的世界,即使只是暂时的

This situation is probably going to stick around for a while, as discussed in “Laid off workers turn to freelance Web sites” by Lori Matsukawa of KINGS 5 news in Seattle, and “Freelancing: A real option” by Cindy Krischer Goodman of The Miami Herald.

这种情况可能会持续一段时间,正如西雅图KINGS 5新闻的Lori Matsukawa的“ 解雇工人转向自由的网站 ”以及迈阿密的 Cindy Krischer Goodman的“ 自由职业:一种现实选择 ”中所讨论的那样。先驱

What does this mean for you? It means increased competition, and you need to be ready.

这对您意味着什么? 这意味着竞争加剧,您需要做好准备。

Even if you’ve been freelancing for a while, it may be time to take a look at what you have working for you and get ready to do more. Here are some things you can do now to maintain your favorable position in the freelance market:

即使您已经工作了一段时间,也可能是时候看看自己的工作并准备做更多的事情了。 您现在可以做一些事情来保持自己在自由职业者市场中的有利地位:

Get Aggressive


In the marketing sense, that is. Do you have years of freelance experience under your belt? Toot your own horn to make potential clients feel secure about hiring you. Specifically lay out the benefits of working with you that are unique to you. Be confident and let your experience show.

从营销意义上讲,就是这样。 您有多年的自由职业者经验吗? 吹牛角,使潜在客户对雇用您感到放心。 特别列出与您合作的独特优势。 要有信心,让您的经验展现出来。

Focus on Customer Service


The best customers are repeat customers, and the best way to create repeat customers is by doing an outstanding job and providing unbeatable customer service. Some easy ways to do this include being responsive during and after the project, ask what they liked and didn’t like about working with you, talk to them about other projects they have in the queue, and start to build ongoing relationships.

最好的客户是回头客,而创建回头客的最佳方法是出色地工作并提供无与伦比的客户服务。 一些简单的方法可以做到这一点,包括在项目进行期间和之后做出回应,询问他们喜欢和不喜欢与您合作的情况,与他们谈论他们排队中的其他项目以及开始建立持续的关系。



Don’t forget the importance of networking. Referrals are second-best to repeat customers, and the best way to get referrals is by meeting people, getting to know them and then asking them for referrals. Have you created your elevator pitch yet?

不要忘记网络的重要性。 推荐是回头客的第二好方法,获得推荐的最佳方法是与人见面,认识他们,然后要求他们推荐。 您创建了电梯音高了吗?

Sharpen Your Skills


One of the best and most cost effective ways to find new business is by having new services to offer. There are thousands of great online tutorial sites and how-to articles to help you improve the skills you already have and learn some new ones. Here are some really great resources to check out:

寻找新业务的最好,最具成本效益的方法之一就是提供新服务。 有成千上万个优秀的在线教程网站和操作方法文章,可帮助您提高已有的技能并学习一些新知识。 这里有一些很棒的资源可供查看:

  • Stepping Up Your Skills: Areas for Continual Improvement as a Web Designer on Vandelay Design

    提升技能: Vandelay Design上的Web设计师的持续改进领域

  • 20 Websites That Made Me A Better Web Developer on Six Revisions


  • 70+ Photoshop Tutorials to improve your Skills as Web Designer on Best Photoshop Tutorials


  • Ten Resources to Improve your WordPress and Design Skills on Graph Paper Press


Stand Out


When a client has many high-quality service providers to choose from, they tend to zero in on the one or two that stand out in their minds. Move yourself to the top of the list by being memorable. Get to know the company before a personal contact, follow up, and make your presentation and/or proposal impeccable.

当客户有许多高质量的服务提供商可供选择时,他们往往会选择一个或两个突出的想法。 令人难忘,将自己移到列表的顶部。 在进行个人联系之前先了解公司,进行跟进,并使您的演讲和/或建议无懈可击。

You’re an established freelancer with a lot to offer potential clients. Keeping these fundamentals in mind will help you stay at the top of your game and allow you to capitalize on your freelancing experience.

您是一位经验丰富的自由职业者,可以为潜在客户提供大量服务。 牢记这些基本原则将帮助您在游戏中处于领先地位,并使您能够充分利用自由职业者的经验。

Have you seen an increase in competition lately? What have you done to secure your position? Image credit: Andy Steel

您最近是否看到竞争加剧? 您做了什么来确保自己的位置? 图片来源: Andy Steel




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