
Given a binary tree, find its minimum depth.

The minimum depth is the number of nodes along the shortest path from the root node down to the nearest leaf node.


int minDepth(TreeNode* root)
{int res = 0;if(!root)return res;else{res = 1;queue<TreeNode*> q;q.push(root);int layer_size_left = q.size();while(!q.empty()){TreeNode * temp = q.front();q.pop();-- layer_size_left;if(temp->left)q.push(temp->left);if(temp->right)q.push(temp->right);if(!temp->left && !temp->right)return res;if(layer_size_left == 0){++ res;layer_size_left = q.size();}}}return res;}


int minDepth(TreeNode* root)
{if(!root)return 0;int l = minDepth(root->left);int r = minDepth(root->right);if(!l)return 1 + r;if(!r)return 1 + l;return l > r ? 1 + r : 1 + l;



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