
Gmail is already pretty great, but with the addition of a few carefully selected Google Chrome extension, you can get it to do so much more. Here are some of our favorites.

Gmail已经相当不错了,但是通过添加一些精心选择的Google Chrome扩展程序,您可以使它发挥更大的作用。 这里有一些我们的最爱。

We typically don’t recommend using a lot of browser extensions because they can be a privacy nightmare. Still, it’s hard to resist extensions that can significantly improve things for you. We’ve checked out all these extensions ourselves, testing them, looking at their reputations among users, and favoring extensions that make their source code public when possible. Still, you should learn how to make sure Chrome extensions are safe before using them and use them sparingly.

我们通常不建议使用很多浏览器扩展,因为它们可能是隐私的噩梦。 不过,很难抵制可以为您带来明显改善的扩展。 我们已经亲自检查了所有这些扩展,对它们进行了测试,查看了它们在用户中的声誉,并偏爱在可能的情况下将其源代码公开的扩展。 尽管如此,您仍应学习如何确保Chrome扩展程序安全使用,并谨慎使用。

FlowCrypt (FlowCrypt)

FlowCrypt is an easy way to make sure any message you send from your Gmail account gets encrypted—even attachments!—using PGP encryption. FlowCrypt places a button on the UI that lets you compose a secure message when you click it. Once you and the recipient install FlowCrypt you can send encrypted messages to anyone on your contact list, whether they have FlowCrypt or not. If the recipient has FlowCrypt installed, messages are decrypted automatically when they’re opened on the other end. However, if they don’t have it installed, you have to create a one-time password which you should share not via email, for obvious reasons.

FlowCrypt是使用PGP加密来确保从Gmail帐户发送的所有邮件都被加密(甚至包括附件)的简便方法。 FlowCrypt在UI上放置一个按钮,可让您在单击时撰写安全消息。 一旦您和收件人安装了FlowCrypt,您就可以将加密的消息发送给您的联系人列表中的任何人,无论他们是否具有FlowCrypt。 如果收件人安装了FlowCrypt,则在另一端打开邮件时会自动将其解密。 但是,如果他们没有安装它,你必须创建你应该通过电子邮件分享,原因很明显的一次性密码。

发现地 (Discoverly)

Discoverly is like a private eye for Gmail. Anytime you receive an email from an unknown person, it scours the internet, revealing the person’s Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, and even LinkedIn to show you who they are. Discoverly connects all the information from these sites and outs it together for you to see the person’s mutual connections, work info and position, and it even displays their tweets.

Discoverly就像是Gmail的私人眼睛。 每当您收到来自陌生人的电子邮件时,都会搜索互联网,并显示该人的Twitter,Facebook,Gmail甚至LinkedIn,以向您显示他们的身份。 发现连接来自这些站点的所有信息,然后将它们一起发布,以供您查看此人的相互联系,工作信息和职位,甚至显示其推文。

Note: For any information to appear, the sender must be using the email that they’ve associated with those accounts.


钥匙火箭 (KeyRocket)

Did you know there are keyboard shortcuts for most things you can do in Gmail? Well, KeyRocket helps you learn all the shortcuts by prompting you with suggestions and shortcuts for actions you regularly do with a subtle notification when you could have used a shortcut instead of a series of mouse clicks. You can even create your own shortcuts if that makes it easier. You’ll be a Gmail power user in no time using KeyRocket.

您是否知道可以在Gmail中执行大多数操作的键盘快捷键? 好吧, KeyRocket可以通过提示您一些建议和快捷方式来帮助您学习所有快捷方式,这些提示和快捷方式是您本可以使用快捷方式而不是一系列鼠标单击操作时通过微妙的通知定期执行的操作。 您甚至可以创建自己的快捷方式(如果这样可以简化操作)。 使用KeyRocket,您将立即成为Gmail的高级用户。

KeyRocket is also available for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Outlook from their website.

KeyRocket也可从其网站上用于Microsoft Word,Excel,PowerPoint或Outlook。

按Gmail排序 (Sortd for Gmail)

Sortd is the first ever smart skin for Gmail that lets you organize emails and tasks. It provides you with a seamless and intuitive way to sort and prioritize emails and tasks. It works like other task management services, by putting items into a kind of “to-do list” where you can drag and drop messages into different columns–or lists.

Sorted是有史以来第一款适用于Gmail的智能皮肤,可让您整理电子邮件和任务。 它为您提供了一种无缝,直观的方式来对电子邮件和任务进行排序和优先级排序。 通过将项目放入一种“待办事项列表”,您可以在其中将消息拖放到不同的列或列表中,从而像其他任务管理服务一样工作。

像素块 (PixelBlock)

PixelBlock is for those of us who don’t agree with all the tracking that’s going on these days when you’ve read someone’s email. The extension notifies you with a red eye on the message to indicate when a tracker attempt has been used to notify the sender if you have opened or read the email.

PixelBlock适用于那些不同意这些天您阅读某人的电子邮件时正在进行的跟踪的人。 该扩展程序在消息上以红眼通知您,以指示何时使用了跟踪器尝试来通知发件人(如果您打开或阅读了电子邮件)。

Checker Plus (Checker Plus)

Checker Plus for Gmail is great for people who have more than one Gmail account they continuously switch back and forth between. It uses a handy drop-down menu right inside Chrome, along with desktop notifications to make it the quickest way to manage multiple emails without actually having to go to your Gmail inbox’s url. Some other features include voice notifications for when you’re away from the computer, monitor any Gmail or custom labels, and run in the background even when Chrome is closed.

Checker Plus for Gmail非常适合拥有多个Gmail帐户且不断来回切换的用户。 它使用Chrome内部的便捷下拉菜单以及桌面通知,使其成为管理多封电子邮件的最快方法,而无需实际转到Gmail收件箱的网址。 其他一些功能包括语音通知,用于通知您何时离开计算机,监视所有Gmail或自定义标签,以及即使Chrome关闭也可以在后台运行。

Digify (Digify)

Digify lets you manage the attachments you send to others with complete and utter control. You can send attachments, track who got them and if they were forwarded, or set an expiration date to prevent people from opening it past a specific date. You can even un-send an attachment and revoke a person’s permissions to view a file!

Digify使您可以完全完全地控制发送给他人的附件。 您可以发送附件,跟踪附件的接收者以及是否转发,或者设置有效期限以防止人们在特定日期之前打开附件。 您甚至可以取消发送附件并撤消某人查看文件的权限!

您不再需要扩展的两个重要功能 (Two Great Features You No Longer Need Extensions For)

Some of the best extensions aren’t actually extensions. The next two are web-based applications that give you the same functionality of an extension without having to download anything to your computer.

一些最好的扩展实际上不是扩展。 接下来的两个是基于Web的应用程序,它们为您提供扩展功能的相同功能,而无需下载任何内容到您的计算机。

Gmail离线版 (Gmail Offline)

Gmail Offline is precisely what it sounds like. Gmail offline used to be an extension but now is an integrated part of your Gmail experience. With it, you can read, reply, and even search through all your messages without the need to connect to the internet. All you have to do is go into your Gmail settings and you’re on your way to viewing your inbox in offline mode.

离线版Gmail听起来就是这样。 离线版Gmail曾经是扩展程序,但现在已成为您Gmail体验中不可或缺的一部分。 有了它,您可以阅读,回复甚至搜索所有消息,而无需连接到Internet。 您所要做的就是进入Gmail设置,即可以离线模式查看收件箱。

Go to your Gmail inbox, click the settings cog in the top right, then click on “Settings.”


Next, click “Offline” at the top of the pane, then click “Enable Offline Mail.” Select the settings you want to enable, then click “Save Changes.”

接下来,单击窗格顶部的“脱机”,然后单击“启用脱机邮件”。 选择要启用的设置,然后单击“保存更改”。

Depending on the settings you chose, Gmail now stores everything for up to 90 days on your computer for you to access without an internet connection.


Gmail右键菜单 (Gmail Right-Click Menu)

One of Gmail’s new features lets you right-click any message to reveal a context menu of options to choose from, including reply, archive, delete, and mark a message as read, etc. This is something that’s been lacking from the web interface for quite some time and until recently, only had three options: delete, archive, and mark as read. Although this is a simple update, it comes as a way to make your life that much easier when dealing with emails in your Gmail inbox.

Gmail的一项新功能使您可以右键单击任何邮件以显示上下文菜单,从中选择选项,包括回复,存档,删除以及将邮件标记为已读等。这是Web界面缺少的功能,相当长的一段时间,直到最近,只有三个选项:删除,存档和标记为已读。 尽管这是一个简单的更新,但是它是一种使您的Gmail收件箱中的电子邮件处理起来更加轻松的方法。

Users should start seeing this feature soon, as it is slowly being reported for personal Gmail accounts.


Those are just a few of the many great extensions available in the Chrome Store. Have a favorite extension we didn’t mention? Leave it in the comments below.

这些只是Chrome应用商店中众多出色扩展中的几个。 有我们没有提到的最喜欢的扩展程序吗? 留在下面的评论中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/402035/the-best-chrome-extensions-for-making-gmail-better/



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