
Agenturfotografin/Shutterstock.comAgenturfotografin / Shutterstock.com

If you suddenly find yourself working from home or another remote location, you’re going to miss those interactions with other people. Video conferencing can help by allowing you to talk face-to-face, even if it is via a screen.

如果您突然发现自己在家中或其他偏远的地方工作,将会错过与其他人的互动。 视频会议可以帮助您进行面对面的交谈,即使它是通过屏幕进行的。

Fortunately, there are plenty of free video conferencing apps you can use to connect.


Google环聊 (Google Hangouts)

Supports: Up to 10 participants for an unlimited duration.


If you have a Google account, you have access to Google Hangouts. For free Gmail and G Suite Basic customers, Google Hangouts allows for up to 10 people to chat in a video call. The service also supports simultaneous voice chat and allows participants to join a conference via email or a shareable link.

如果您拥有Google帐户,则可以访问Google环聊。 对于免费的Gmail和G Suite基本客户,Google环聊最多允许10个人在视频通话中聊天。 该服务还支持同步语音聊天,并允许参与者通过电子邮件或共享链接加入会议。

In response to the coronavirus crisis, Google has relaxed some restrictions for all G Suite and G Suite for Education customers, regardless of tier. Customers can now hold video conferences with up to 250 participants through to July 1, 2020.

为了应对冠状病毒危机,Google 放宽了对所有G Suite和G Suite for Education客户(无论级别)的一些限制 。 到2020年7月1日,客户现在可以举行多达250人的视频会议。

Other Enterprise-level features that are available to all G Suite customers include the ability to stream video to up to 100,000 viewers within a domain, and the ability to record and save meetings directly to Google Drive.

所有G Suite客户都可以使用的其他企业级功能包括将视频流传输到域中最多100,000个观看者的功能,以及直接将会议记录和保存到Google云端硬盘的功能。

You can use Google Hangouts in most web browsers, or via the Google Hangouts apps for iPhone and Android.


CISCO Webex会议 (CISCO Webex Meetings)

Supports: Up to 100 participants for an unlimited duration.


CISCO is a name usually associated with pricey Enterprise products, generally beyond the reach of free users. Webex is the company’s web conferencing solution, and it comes with a robust free option for those looking for a barebones video conferencing solution.

CISCO是通常与昂贵的Enterprise产品相关联的名称,通常是免费用户无法获得的。 Webex是该公司的网络会议解决方案,它为那些寻求准系统视频会议解决方案的人提供了强大的免费选项。

Host up to 100 participants in a single call, for as long as you want. There are no limits on the number of calls you can place, and you get 1 GB of cloud storage with your free account. Conferences include support for features like screen sharing, video recording, and file sharing.

一次通话最多可容纳100位参与者,只要您愿意。 您可以拨打的电话数量没有限制,并且免费帐户可获得1 GB的云存储空间。 会议包括对屏幕共享,视频录制和文件共享等功能的支持。

Webex allows users in up to 52 countries to use a standard telephone to join any conference. Participants who want to use their webcams have a choice of website, dedicated desktop apps, or mobile apps for iPhone and Android (complete with their own screen sharing features).

Webex允许多达52个国家/地区的用户使用标准电话加入任何会议。 想要使用网络摄像头的参与者可以选择网站,专用桌面应用程序或适用于iPhone和Android的移动应用程序(具有自己的屏幕共享功能)。

缩放会议 (Zoom Meetings)

Supports: Up to 100 participants for 40 minutes.

支持: 40分钟内最多100位参与者。

Zoom is a full video conferencing suite aimed at Enterprise-level users, with an attractive free option. Users with a free account can host video conferences for up to 100 participants, but conferences of 3 members or more are limited to 40 minutes.

Zoom是面向企业级用户的完整视频会议套件,其中有一个吸引人的免费选项。 具有免费帐户的用户最多可以主持100个参与者的视频会议,但3个或更多成员的会议限制为40分钟。

You can upgrade to a paid plan to remove these restrictions, or simply keep your conferences short and sweet. There are no limits on the number of meetings you can host, so you could simply host a new call once you’ve hit the limit.

您可以升级到付费计划以消除这些限制,或者只是使会议简短而愉快。 可以举行的会议数量没有限制,因此一旦达到限制,您可以简单地主持一个新呼叫。

Zoom allows participants to join via the web, dedicated apps, browser extensions, and mobile devices using iPhone and Android apps. Users can call in via phone if they need to. Free users can also record video or audio locally and share screens with other conference participants.

缩放允许参与者通过Web,专用应用程序,浏览器扩展以及使用iPhone和Android应用程序的移动设备加入。 用户可以根据需要通过电话呼叫。 免费用户还可以在本地录制视频或音频,并与其他会议参与者共享屏幕。

Skype的 (Skype)

Supports: Up to 50 participants for an unlimited duration.


Skype is a popular VoIP app that most users will have heard of by now. It’s suitable for video conferencing for small teams of up to 50 people (including the host), free of charge. The company rolled out the expanded video calling feature in April 2019, improving on the previous limit of 25.

Skype是一种流行的VoIP应用程序,到目前为止,大多数用户已经听说过。 它适用于多达50人的小型团队(包括主持人)的视频会议,免费。 该公司于2019年4月推出了扩展的视频通话功能,比之前的25个限制有所改进。

Anyone can join the meeting from a web browser on a computer. On a mobile device, people may need to download the Skype app to participate.

任何人都可以通过计算机上的Web浏览器加入会议。 在移动设备上,人们可能需要下载Skype应用才能参与。

Skype includes a useful cloud-based call recording feature that any member of the call can trigger. This will notify other participants that the call is being recorded, and allows users to save and share the recording for up to 30 days.

Skype包括有用的基于云的呼叫记录功能 ,该呼叫的任何成员都可以触发。 这将通知其他参与者该呼叫正在录音,并允许用户保存和共享录音长达30天。

自由会议 (FreeConference)

Supports: Up to five video participants and 1000 audio participants for an unlimited duration.


Contrary to what the name suggests, FreeConference isn’t a free service. It’s a premium service with a decent free option that might be useful in some instances. For video conferencing, FreeConference only supports up to 5 participants on the free tier.

顾名思义,FreeConference不是一项免费服务。 这是一项带有体面的免费选项的优质服务,在某些情况下可能会有用。 对于视频会议,FreeConference仅在免费层上最多支持5位参与者。

What makes FreeConference potentially shine, however, is its support for up to 1000 audio participants to call in via telephone. The service also takes a software-free approach to video calling, allowing most users to connect with nothing more than a browser.

但是,使FreeConference发挥潜力的原因是它支持多达1000个音频参与者通过电话呼叫。 该服务还采用了无软件方式进行视频通话,从而使大多数用户仅需使用浏览器即可进行连接。

FreeConference also offers mobile apps for iPhone and Android, which are open to free users. Unfortunately, there is no ability to record your call unless you’re willing to upgrade to a premium package.

FreeConference还提供了适用于iPhone和Android的移动应用程序,向免费用户开放。 不幸的是,除非您愿意升级到高级套餐,否则无法记录通话。

吉西 (Jitsi)

Supports: Up to 75 participants for an unlimited duration.


Jitsi is a 100% free and open source project with a fantastic feature set. You can choose between using the hosted version of Jitsi at meet.jit.si, or you can download and host your own video conferencing solution for total flexibility.

Jitsi是一个100%免费的开源项目,具有出色的功能集。 您可以使用Jitsi的托管版本的选择meet.jit.si ,或者你可以下载和主机总灵活性自己的视频会议解决方案。

Currently, Jitsi supports a maximum of up to 75 participants per call, although performance may suffer with more than 35. The project is working on “going beyond 100” participants at once. The service supports phone-in audio participants in both the hosted and self-hosted versions. The service supports screen sharing and has mobile apps for iPhone and Android (plus an F-Droid package).

目前,Jitsi每个呼叫最多支持75位参与者,尽管性能可能超过35位。该项目正在努力使“参与者超过100位 ”一次。 该服务支持托管和自托管版本的电话输入音频参与者。 该服务支持屏幕共享,并具有适用于iPhone和Android的移动应用程序(以及F-Droid软件包 )。

To record your Jitsi conference, you can stream to YouTube and then pass the link around (private or unlisted) or simply download the file for safekeeping.


There are no premium tiers to Jitsi, and the project remains free thanks to 8×8, which uses the technology in its own products.


保持远程工作 (Keep Working Remotely)

Video conferencing is a powerful tool for businesses, students, and groups who want to stay connected over long distances. It’s also a great way of staying in touch with colleagues and classmates when you simply can’t be there in person.

对于希望长时间保持联系的企业,学生和团体,视频会议是一种强大的工具。 当您根本无法亲自与同事和同学保持联系时,这也是一种很好的方式。

If you’re new to the world of working remotely, don’t miss our top tips for effectively working from home. We recommend video calls over phone calls for better interactions with your coworkers.

如果您不熟悉远程工作,请不要错过我们在家中有效工作的重要秘诀 。 我们建议通过电话进行视频通话,以更好地与您的同事互动。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/661906/the-6-best-free-video-conferencing-apps/



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