roll around
( of time or event)happen
happen regularly
Christmas rolled around again.
Will you still be here when spring rolls around?

do other chores
fix windchill

in the back of the car

After some technical hitches, the show finally got under way.

hitch up
She leapt from the car,hitched up her dress and sprinted down the road after him.

get under way
Let us get under way,we are already late.

have the passenger seat

Every puff of cigarete takes some number of minutes off of your life.

poke my head into the front of the car.

At two minutes per puff,you have taken nine years off your life.

it is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.

The letter was a bluff.

bluff out

He has not been the same swashbuckling player since suffering a knee injury.

be left high and dry孤立无援,处于困境

out of box开箱即用

on two counts在两个方面

however, that due to optimizations turned on in the release build, the instruction
pointer will sometimes be off by a few code lines, or even skip lines altogether
(as the optimizer did not generate code for them). This should not be a concern, if
it is, turn off optimizations

The article takes the form of a series of instructions, and pertinent information
about the steps involved are given as we go, in a loosely test-driven manner, as follows

be slated to

He is slated for the office.
The delegation is slated to arrive next week.

At the time of writing, this is 1.9.45

rattle off [词典] 轻易地说出(或做到);  
[例句]Asked what English he knew, Mr Semko rattled off 'One, two, three'

Throw/cast light on 使明白,阐明
cast light on 使……的真相大白
cast light upon 使明白,阐明

shine a light on
This can shine a light on what would be missing if the work was never performed

be more engaged  更加投入
be engaged with 忙于,从事
I will be engaged with a client this evening.

I am afraid that i am a little muddled.I am not exactly sure where to begin.

be apt for 适合
be apt to 易于

obsession 痴迷,着魔,困扰,使...痴迷的人
pull off成功完成,做成(困难的事情),停靠

on a single charge加一次油
It can reach speeds of 40 knots,cruise comfortably for long periods at
25 knots and can travel 100 nautical miles on a single charge.crave for 渴望,渴求,渴望得到
 I also crave for the freedom you mentioned,but i have never experienced it.
be projected to 预计
 A company that is not sustainable will not be alive in five years.
He enjoys woring a way that benefits the world s waterway, and understands
that reducing pollutants is the wave of the future.


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