



Building Metro-style applications with C++
by Using Visual Studio 11 Beta

通过VS11 Beta开发Metro风格(M风)的C++程序

Visual Studio 11 Beta supports C++ developers with a set of easy to use C++ templates for building Metrostyle
applications. These templates are focused on ensuring that C++ developers can easily build Metro-style
applications that can take advantage of the touch-first experience of Windows 8.

VS11 Beta 为C++的开发者提供了大量简单易用的C++模板,可以用来开发metro风格的程序(个人认为metro丑的像坨X)这些模板主要用来确保C++开发者可以方便的开发M风程序,体现Win8极致触摸的优势

Designing the User Interface

Visual Studio 11 Beta provides developers with a design surface they can use to drag and drop controls and
see the design surface update in real time. This design surface supports XAML for native C++ applications.
IntelliSense is available for the properties and events exposed by controls.


C++ developers can use many of the templates available to Visual C# and Visual Basic developers as
a starting point for their applications. Visual Studio 11 Beta also includes a number of additional C++
templates, enabling developers to take advantage of the features not available through managed code.

C++开发者现在可以使用大量的C#和VB的模板作为程序的开始(哥真用不着,特别是VC++那个恶心的托管代码语法,看见就想骂人) VS11 Beta版当然也包含了不少的C++的模板,让开发者可以不用修改代码就可以得到许多先进的功能(从MFC看来,这不一定是好事)
In addition to the standard templates, these additional templates are available to C++ developers:


• WinRT Component DLL. This template enables you to create a dynamically linked server
library that you can use in your Metro-style applications.

• DirectX Application. This template enables developers to create applications that use DirectX graphics.
You can use Blend for Visual Studio to lay out the user interface and generate the XAML code for
your C++ application.



Implementing Application Logic with C++

Visual Studio 11 Beta provides the same facilities for rapid C++ code development that are available to other
languages. Comprehensive editing and IntelliSense support for Metro-style applications with C++ means that
developers experience an IDE that is fully aware of new platform capabilities such us objects, interfaces, and types.
When designing applications, you can move seamlessly between your XAML code that defines the user interface
and C++ code that implements logic. IntelliSense for your XAML objects is available within the C++ code editor.
The parallel programming support in the C++ concurrency namespace enables developers to take advantage of
multi-core and many-core architectures.

VS11 Beta提供了同样的功能可以使你C++代码在其他语言也可用(当然,仅限Windows平台) 。对Metro风格的程序C++复合编辑和自动完成意味着。。。

In Visual Studio 11 Beta, the Parallel Patterns Libraries have been extended to provide better performance, more
control, and richer support for the parallel patterns that developers need most. These include:
• The Parallel Patterns Library, which supports fork-join parallelism, asynchrony, and task continuations.
• Agents and Messaging, which enable developers to express dataflow
pipelines that naturally decompose into concurrent units.
• Concurrency safe containers package, which provides common Standard
Template Library data structures such as queue, vector, and map.
• A Customizable scheduler and resource manager, to facilitate the smooth
composition of the components that implement parallelization.

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are increasingly used for performing general purpose computations. C++
Accelerated Massive Parallelism (C++ AMP) delivers support for this approach and helps developers speed up the
data parallel algorithms implemented by their applications. C++ AMP is provided in the concurrency namespace.
Developers can simply insert or wrap their data in the new concurrency::array or concurrency::array_view template
classes, convert their code to use the new overload for the concurrency::parallel_for_each method to iterate
through this data, and then apply the functions available in the data parallel API to implement their algorithms.

Testing and Debugging C++ Applications
Producing quality applications means testing earlier in the development cycle. Visual Studio 11 Beta introduces a
native framework for unit testing in C++. This helps developers ensure that changes they make to their code deliver
the correct experience, and also helps developers find issues during the code-build-debug cycle rather than during
software testing.
Visual Studio ships with an updated debugging and diagnostic experience for Metro-style applications with C++.
This support includes:
• A Metro-style application simulator. Metro-style applications are full-screen and need to be able to respond to
hardware events like screen rotations or calls to geolocation APIs. The simulator enables a developer on a single
computer to run applications and simulate common touch, location, screen resolution, and rotation actions.
• Improved support for remote debugging. You can now perform remote debugging by simply tethering your
computer to another computer with a single Ethernet cable or by using Wi-Fi.
• The Parallel Watch window. This window enables you to observe the values of an expression across all threads and
processes, and perform sorting and filtering on the result.
• Updated concurrency Visualizer. The visualizer enables you to profile parallel C++ applications to locate
performance bottlenecks.

• C++ AMP Debugging. Debugging a C++ AMP application is as straightforward as debugging any other C++

这是官方的说明, 一有空我就会翻译这个,睡了,太晚了


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