
=> 安全分析的手段有三种:FTA, FMEA, FMEDA。其中FTA和FMEA用来支持硬件设计,FMEDA用来进行硬件设计的验证。

(4) 5.8 evaluation of the hardware architectural metrics: FMEDA


(5) 5.9 evaluation of safety goal violations due to random hardware failures: FTA


(6) 5.10 hardware integration and testing: 硬件集成测试


Evaluation of safety goal violations due to random hardware failures.


The objective of the requirements in this clause is to make available criteria that can be used in a rationale that the residual risk of a safety goal violation, due to random hardware failures of the item, is sufficiently low.


除了FTA以外,还有一种方法可以完成和FTA类似的工作,叫做cut-set analysis,割集分析。


Quantitative target values of requirement in table 6 shall be expressed in terms of average probability per hour over the operational lifetime of the item.


A quantitative analysis of the hardware architecture with respect to the single-point, residual and dual-point faults shall provide evidence that target values of requirement table 6 have been achieved.


The quantitative analysis shall consider:


a) the architecture of the item;


b) the estimated failure rate for the failure modes of each hardware part that would cause a single-point fault or a residual fault;


c) the estimated failure rate for the failure modes of each hardware part that would cause a dual-point fault;


d) the diagnostic coverage of safety-related hardware elements by safety mechanisms;


e) the exposure duration in the case of dual-point faults.


Situation when the item is in power-down mode are not included in the calculation of the average probability per hour, thereby preventing the artificial reduction of the average probability per hour.



Evaluation of the hardware architectural metrics.


The objective of this clause is to evaluate the hardware architecture of the item against the requirements for fault handling as represented by the hardware architectural metrics.


This clause describes two hardware architectural metrics for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the architecture of the item to cope with random hardware failures.


=> FMEDA是针对硬件随机失效的分析方法。

For electromechanical hardware parts, only the electrical failure modes and the failure rates are considered.


The estimated failure rates for hardware parts used in the analyses shall be determined:


(1) using hardware part failure rates data from a recognised industry source.

使用公认的工业数据库中的硬件元器件失效率,例如 SN29500。

(2)  using statistic hased on field returns or tests. In this case, the estimated failure rate should have an adequate confidence level.


(3) using expert judgement founded on an engineering approach based on quantitative and qualitative arguments. Expert judgement shall be exercised in accordance with structured criteria as a basis for this judgement. These criteria shall be set before the estimation of failure rates is made.


The criteria for expert judgement can include field experience, testing, reliability analysis and novelty of design.





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