Evaluation of safety goal violations due to random hardware failures.


The objective of the requirements in this clause is to make available criteria that can be used in a rationale that the residual risk of a safety goal violation, due to random hardware failures of the item, is sufficiently low.


除了FTA以外,还有一种方法可以完成和FTA类似的工作,叫做cut-set analysis,割集分析。


Quantitative target values of requirement in table 6 shall be expressed in terms of average probability per hour over the operational lifetime of the item.


A quantitative analysis of the hardware architecture with respect to the single-point, residual and dual-point faults shall provide evidence that target values of requirement table 6 have been achieved.


The quantitative analysis shall consider:


a) the architecture of the item;


b) the estimated failure rate for the failure modes of each hardware part that would cause a single-point fault or a residual fault;


c) the estimated failure rate for the failure modes of each hardware part that would cause a dual-point fault;


d) the diagnostic coverage of safety-related hardware elements by safety mechanisms;


e) the exposure duration in the case of dual-point faults.


Situation when the item is in power-down mode are not included in the calculation of the average probability per hour, thereby preventing the artificial reduction of the average probability per hour.




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