
Andrey Suslov/Shutterstock, WPA/QiAndrey Suslov / Shutterstock,WPA /齐

If you’ve taken the time to shop for a wireless charger, then you’ve probably bumped into the term “Qi-Certified.” But what the heck is Qi, and why should you use a Qi-Certified wireless charger?

如果您花时间购买无线充电器 ,那么您可能会碰到“ Qi认证”一词。 但是Qi到底是什么,为什么要使用经过Qi认证的无线充电器?

Qi只是无线充电标准 (Qi Is Just a Wireless Charging Standard)

Qi (pronounced “chee”) is a standard for wireless energy transmission. It’s a format that’s maintained by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), and it aims to standardize wireless charging across all devices in the same way that the USB or Bluetooth standards have standardized data transmission across all devices.

Qi(发音为“ chee”)是无线能量传输的标准。 这种格式由无线电源联盟(WPC)维护,旨在以与USB或蓝牙标准在所有设备之间标准化的数据传输相同的方式来标准化所有设备上的无线充电。

But why does wireless charging need to be standardized?


Well, without a standard like Qi, wireless charging would be a serious pain in the ass. Imagine if every smartphone used its own unique cable instead of Micro-USB, USB-C, or Lightning. Without the Qi standard, that’s the nonsense that you’d have to deal with.

好吧,如果没有Qi这样的标准,无线充电将是一个沉重的麻烦。 试想一下,如果每个智能手机都使用自己独特的电缆而不是Micro-USB,USB-C或Lightning。 没有Qi标准,这就是您必须处理的废话。

We say “basically” because, technically speaking, it’s possible for unstandardized wireless chargers to work with unstandardized phones. But co-mingling power standards with unsupported devices is both ineffective and dangerous.

我们之所以说“基本”,是因为从技术上讲,非标准的无线充电器可以与非标准的手机一起使用。 但是,将功率标准与不受支持的设备混合在一起既无效又危险。

Qi标准使事情变得安全而轻松 (The Qi Standard Keeps Things Safe and Easy)

Wireless chargers rely on magnetic induction or magnetic resonance to transmit energy (Qi uses both). It’s sort of like the magnetic field that surrounds the Earth. Your phone contains a coil that converts this magnetic energy into electrical energy, which then charges the battery. Simple, right?

无线充电器依靠磁感应或磁共振来传输能量(Qi会同时使用)。 有点像环绕地球的磁场。 您的电话包含一个线圈,该线圈将磁能转换为电能,然后为电池充电。 简单吧?


That’s why it’s technically possible for unstandardized wireless chargers to work unstandardized receivers in phones. But let’s imagine a world without wireless charging standards. You’d run into three big problems:

这就是为什么非标准的无线充电器在技术上可以在电话中的非标准接收器上工作的原因。 但是,让我们想象一个没有无线充电标准的世界。 您将遇到三个大问题:

  • Overloading Phones: Smartphones have built-in voltage limiters that prevent wired overcharging. But wireless charging relies on a coil, like a coil on an electric stovetop. Without a wireless charging standard, a high powered wireless charger (say, 25 watts) could damage a low-powered wireless phone’s coil (which may have a limited range of 0-5 watts) along with its battery and other internals.

    手机过载:智能手机具有内置的电压限制器,可防止有线过度充电。 但是无线充电依赖于线圈,就像电炉灶上的线圈一样。 如果没有无线充电标准,高功率无线充电器(例如25瓦)可能会损坏低功率无线电话的线圈(可能具有0-5瓦的有限范围)及其电池和其他内部组件。

  • Overheating: This is already a common problem for high-voltage (or cheap) wireless chargers. Without proper power management or ventilation, heat will build up and damage your phone. Enough heat can cause a battery to deteriorate, which can also lead to fires.

    过热:对于高压(或廉价)无线充电器,这已经是一个普遍的问题 。 如果没有适当的电源管理或通风,热量将会积聚并损坏手机。 热量过多会导致电池变质,还可能引起火灾。

  • Heat Transfer to Nearby Objects: Without built-in Foreign Object Detection (FOD), a wireless charger may be inclined to push magnetic energy at things that aren’t phones, like pieces of metal or nearby objects. This can cause overheating, fires, or burns.

    热量到附近物体的传递:如果没有内置的异物检测(FOD),无线充电器可能会倾向于将磁能推向不是手机的东西,例如金属碎片或附近的物体。 这可能会导致过热,火灾或燃烧。

The Qi wireless charging standard effectively ensures that we’ll never run into these problems. When a phone or charger is Qi-Certified, it’s tested by the Wireless Power Consortium for safety, effectiveness, and compatibility. Qi-Certified devices must operate from 0-30 watts (the Qi standard can go up to 1 kilowatt, but not for phones), pass temperature tests, and comply with Qi FOD standards. They also need to be compatible with all other Qi-Certified devices (phones or chargers), the same way that all Micro-SD cards work with all Micro-SD ports.

Qi无线充电标准有效地确保了我们永远不会遇到这些问题。 如果手机或充电器获得Qi认证,则将通过无线电源联盟的安全性,有效性和兼容性测试。 经Qi认证的设备必须在0到30瓦之间运行(Qi标准可以达到1千瓦,但不适用于电话),必须通过温度测试,并符合Qi FOD标准。 它们还需要与所有其他经过Qi认证的设备(电话或充电器)兼容,就像所有Micro-SD卡可以与所有Micro-SD端口一起使用一样。

存在其他无线充电标准,这些标准已死 (Other Wireless Charging Standards Exist, and They’re Dead)


We’re talking about Qi as if it’s the only standard for wireless charging. That’s because, while there are other wireless charging standards, they aren’t really relevant anymore.

我们正在谈论Qi,好像它是无线充电的唯一标准。 这是因为,尽管还有其他无线充电标准,但它们实际上不再相关。

Honestly, we’re okay with that. Different wireless charging standards don’t play nice together, so it’s better (at a consumer level) for all phones and wireless chargers to support a single format. But for the sake of knowledge and tech history, what are some of the other wireless charging standards?

老实说,我们对此表示满意。 不同的无线充电标准不能同时发挥作用,因此(在消费者级别)所有电话和无线充电器最好支持单一格式。 但是出于知识和技术历史的原因,其他一些无线充电标准是什么?

Well, there’s Powermat (PMA), which uses magnetic induction to charge devices. Remember those funky charging mats from 2008 or 2009? Those were PMA wireless chargers. Samsung Galaxy phones (the S8, S9, and S10) still support the PMA standard (alongside Qi), but people complain that the S10 doesn’t work with all PMA chargers.

好吧,有Powermat(PMA),它使用磁感应为设备充电。 还记得2008年或2009年那些时髦的充电垫吗? 那些是PMA无线充电器。 三星Galaxy手机(S8,S9和S10)仍支持PMA标准(以及Qi),但人们抱怨 S10不能与所有PMA充电器一起使用。

The other notable wireless charging standard is called AirFuel (formerly Rezence) which relies on magnetic resonance to charge devices. It’s supported by a handful of outdated devices that nobody cares about, including an iPhone 5s case.

另一个值得注意的无线充电标准称为AirFuel (以前称为Rezence),它依靠磁共振为设备充电。 包括iPhone 5s外壳在内的一些过时的设备 ,无人问津,都支持它。

Should these alternative wireless charging standards get another shot at life? That’s like asking if it’s okay for another USB standard to come out. It might drive competition a little bit, but it would also make everything more complicated than it needs to be.

这些替代性无线充电标准是否应该重新焕发生命? 这就好比问问另一个USB标准是否可行。 它可能会稍微推动竞争,但也会使一切变得复杂。

Qi标准的未来 (The Future of the Qi Standard)

Wireless charging is a hot topic right now, and it’s hard to tell where things are going. The technology is still in its early stages, and while charging a phone on a plastic stand is nice and all, wireless charging has a lot of potential for future applications.

无线充电现在是一个热门话题,很难说清事情的发展方向。 这项技术仍处于早期阶段,虽然可以在塑料支架上为手机充电非常好,但无线充电在未来的应用中仍具有很大的潜力。

Just don’t expect a wirelessly charged car anytime soon.  As of right now, the WPC seems to be laser focused on… kitchen appliances and power tools. Hey, don’t judge, we all have to start somewhere, right?

只是不要期望很快就会有无线充电的汽车。 截至目前,WPC似乎专注于…… 厨房用具和电动工具 。 嘿,不要判断,我们都必须从某个地方开始,对吧?

Daniel Jedzura/Shutterstock丹尼尔·杰祖拉/ Shutterstock

The name of the game here is efficiency and convenience. There’s no point in selling a wireless charger if it wastes power, charges significantly slower than wired solutions, or is too inconvenient for regular use. Right now, the Qi standard can support up to 1 kilowatt of power transfer. By focusing on kitchen appliances and power tools, the WPC will hopefully find a way to perfect wireless kilowatt power transfer, while also figuring out how to build integrated wireless chargers (in counter tops, under carpeting, etc.).

这里的游戏名称是效率和便利性。 如果无线充电器浪费功率,充电速度明显慢于有线解决方案,或者对于常规使用而言非常不便,那么出售无线充电器毫无意义。 目前,Qi标准可以支持高达1千瓦的功率传输。 通过专注于厨房用具和电动工具,WPC有望找到一种完善无线千瓦功率传输的方法,同时还可以弄清楚如何构建集成的无线充电器(在桌面,地毯下等)。

不要购买未经认证的无线充电器 (Don’t Buy Un-Certified Wireless Chargers)

If a wireless charger isn’t Qi-Certified, then you should avoid buying it or using it. Qi-Certified chargers from Anker, CHOETECH, and Yootech are already incredibly cheap, and they come with the guarantee that your phone won’t overheat or become damaged while wirelessly charging.

如果无线充电器未经Qi认证,则应避免购买或使用它。 来自Anker , CHOETECH和Yootech的经过Qi认证的充电器已经非常便宜,并且它们提供了保证,在无线充电时您的手机不会过热或损坏。

If you want to buy an older PMA or AirFuel charger (for whatever reason) make sure that your device complies to their charging standards first. Or, you could just drop $12 on a Qi-Certified charger from CHOETECH.

如果您想购买旧的PMA或AirFuel充电器(无论出于何种原因),请确保您的设备首先符合其充电标准。 或者,您也可以在CHOETECH的经过Qi认证的充电器上花费12美元。

Sources: Wireless Power Consortium, MakeZens, Wikipedia

资料来源: 无线电源联盟 , MakeZens , Wikipedia

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/425885/what-is-a-qi-certified-wireless-charger/



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