2992.357000  1000  A+B Problem
1214.840000  1002  487-3279
1070.603000  1004  Financial Management
880.192000  1003  Hangover
792.762000 1001 Exponentiation
752.486000 1006 Biorhythms
705.902000  1005  I Think I Need a Houseboat
686.540000 1011 Sticks
647.566000  1007  DNA Sorting
576.027000 1088 滑雪
477.234000 1061 青蛙的约会
468.836000 3468 A Simple Problem with Integers
450.155000 1008 Maya Calendar
446.634000 1273 Drainage Ditches
419.379000 1163 The Triangle
407.761000 1050 To the Max
393.379000 1159 Palindrome
376.830000 1012 Joseph
374.326000 1014 Dividing
369.802000  2388  Who's in the Middle
366.970000 1207 The 3n + 1 problem
364.083000 3278 Catch That Cow
356.327000 3264 Balanced Lineup
347.763000 2299 Ultra-QuickSort
346.309000 1258 Agri-Net
332.917000 1458 Common Subsequence
330.133000  2027  No Brainer
329.541000 1664 放苹果
329.527000 1017 Packets
325.570000 1328 Radar Installation
325.525000 2533 Longest Ordered Subsequence
325.496000 2262 Goldbach's Conjecture
320.331000 2528 Mayor's posters
317.657000 2352 Stars
317.411000 1182 食物链
313.113000 2503 Babelfish
306.123000 2406 Power Strings
303.218000 1125 Stockbroker Grapevine
302.017000 1046 Color Me Less
299.128000 2823 Sliding Window
296.454000 1218 THE DRUNK JAILER
296.038000 2104 K-th Number
294.646000 1753 Flip Game
290.229000 1013 Counterfeit Dollar
281.835000 3259 Wormholes
280.265000 2000 Gold Coins
278.982000 2777 Count Color
276.372000 1028 Web Navigation
274.680000 2524 Ubiquitous Religions
269.119000 1979 Red and Black
267.649000 1067 取石子游戏
265.397000 2017 Speed Limit
264.708000 3624 Charm Bracelet
264.304000 1936 All in All
264.210000 2488 A Knight's Journey
263.909000 2479 Maximum sum
263.671000 1503 Integer Inquiry
261.695000 1298 The Hardest Problem Ever
260.738000 1062 昂贵的聘礼
260.707000 1459 Power Network
255.321000 2387 Til the Cows Come Home
254.957000 1316 Self Numbers
254.388000 1068 Parencodings
251.434000 3461 Oulipo
249.071000 1321 棋盘问题
249.060000 2739 Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers
248.720000 1611 The Suspects
246.785000 2485 Highways
245.112000 1703 Find them, Catch them
243.642000 1552 Doubles
243.474000 2386 Lake Counting
243.399000 2105 IP Address
242.382000 3094 Quicksum
240.439000 1019 Number Sequence
239.652000 1077 Eight
239.550000 3349 Snowflake
239.143000 1742 Coins
238.661000 2492 A Bug's Life
238.580000 1517 u Calculate e
238.415000 3253 Fence Repair
237.587000 1113 Wall
237.076000 1658 Eva's Problem
236.121000 1915 Knight Moves
235.873000 3176 Cow Bowling
235.159000 2159 Ancient Cipher
234.000000 2186 Popular Cows
232.536000 1276 Cash Machine
230.352000 1363 Rails
228.627000 1094 Sorting It All Out
228.511000 1330 Nearest Common Ancestors
228.062000 2187 Beauty Contest
227.749000 2513 Colored Sticks
227.678000 2109 Power of Cryptography
224.819000 2774 Long Long Message
224.128000 2140 Herd Sums
223.756000 3673 Cow Multiplication
221.879000 2253 Frogger
221.798000 3030 Nasty Hacks
221.030000 2195 Going Home
220.606000 3469 Dual Core CPU
219.889000 2081 Recaman's Sequence
218.782000 3041 Asteroids
216.774000 3062 Celebrity jeopardy
216.006000 1042 Gone Fishing
214.460000 1080 Human Gene Functions
213.482000 2390 Bank Interest
212.790000 1338 Ugly Numbers
211.859000 1083 Moving Tables
210.338000 2301 Beat the Spread!
209.896000 3006 Dirichlet's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions
209.703000 1519 Digital Roots
209.236000 1401 Factorial
209.076000 2656 Unhappy Jinjin
209.010000 3630 Phone List
208.195000 1657 Distance on Chessboard
207.487000 1423 Big Number
207.480000 2421 Constructing Roads
207.197000 1251 Jungle Roads
207.025000 2136 Vertical Histogram
206.861000 1811 Prime Test
202.090000 1160 Post Office
202.087000 1274 The Perfect Stall
201.664000 1579 Function Run Fun
201.239000 1504 Adding Reversed Numbers
200.477000 3070 Fibonacci
200.113000 1018 Communication System
199.705000 2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator
199.171000 1201 Intervals
198.759000 1157 LITTLE SHOP OF FLOWERS
198.073000 2636 Electrical Outlets
197.815000 2418 Hardwood Species
196.654000 1922 Ride to School
196.354000 2350 Above Average
194.460000 1045 Bode Plot
194.272000 1953 World Cup Noise
193.705000 2255 Tree Recovery
193.261000 3159 Candies
193.224000 1308 Is It A Tree?
193.169000 2013 Symmetric Order
191.531000 1141 Brackets Sequence
191.443000 2828 Buy Tickets
191.154000 3980 取模运算
190.755000 1860 Currency Exchange
190.702000 1679 The Unique MST
190.378000 3233 Matrix Power Series
190.300000 2362 Square
190.271000 3126 Prime Path
189.855000 2411 Mondriaan's Dream
188.821000 2521 How much did the businessman lose
188.741000 2676 Sudoku
188.499000 2155 Matrix
188.010000 1789 Truck History
187.895000 2602 Superlong sums
187.883000 1185 炮兵阵地
186.590000 2665 Trees
186.388000 1065 Wooden Sticks
186.339000 2578 Keep on Truckin'
186.245000 2236 Wireless Network
186.185000 2509 Peter's smokes
185.592000 1426 Find The Multiple
185.221000 1477 Box of Bricks
184.680000 3299 Humidex
183.067000 3321 Apple Tree
183.052000 1543 Perfect Cubes
182.986000 1118 Lining Up
182.862000 1663 Number Steps
182.419000 2840 Big Clock
182.232000 3100 Root of the Problem
182.131000 2389 Bull Math
181.805000 1844 Sum
181.673000 2593 Max Sequence
181.401000 2240 Arbitrage
181.334000 1149 PIGS
181.202000 1837 Balance
181.191000 3273 Monthly Expense
181.044000 3067 Japan
180.864000 1988 Cube Stacking
180.720000 2243 Knight Moves
179.878000 1562 Oil Deposits
179.147000 1256 Anagram
179.042000 2141 Message Decowding
179.018000 2909 Goldbach's Conjecture
178.491000 1469 COURSES
178.466000 1656 Counting Black
178.427000 2251 Dungeon Master
177.412000 2728 Desert King
177.381000 1565 Skew Binary
177.165000 1035 Spell checker
177.160000 1743 Musical Theme
176.957000 2752 Seek the Name, Seek the Fame
176.824000 1200 Crazy Search
176.757000 1015 Jury Compromise
176.658000 3268 Silver Cow Party
176.600000 3438 Look and Say
176.589000 3589 Number-guessing Game
176.509000 2449 Remmarguts' Date
176.066000 1833 排列
175.893000 1032 Parliament
175.685000 1195 Mobile phones
175.579000 2551 Ones

简单题:1000 1004 1003 1005 1007 2388 1207 2027 1046 1218 2000 2017 1936 1298 1316 1552 2105 3094 1517 1658 2159 1363 2140 3673 3030 2081 3062 2390 1338 2301 1519 1401 2656 1657 1579 2636 1922 2350 1045 1953 2013 3980 2521 2602 2665 2578 2509 1477 3299 1543 1663 2840 3100 1844 2593 2141 1656 1565 3438 3589 1032

比简单题难一点:1328 1013 1019 1042 1083 2136 2255 1065

STL使用:1002 2503 3253 2418 1256 1833
数学题:1006 1061 1008 1423 1811 2551
模拟题:1012 1017 1028 1503 1068 1504
Java大数:1001 2389

DFS:1011 1088 1979 1321 2386 2362 2676 1562
线段树:3468 3264 2528 2777 2828
网络流:1273 1459 3469 1149
二分图:3041 1274 1469
快速幂:3070 3233

动态规划:1163 1050 1159 1014 1458 1664 2533 3624 2479 1742 3176 1276 1080 1160 1018 1157 1141 2411 1185 1837
1035 1015

BFS:3278 2488 1077 1915 3126 1426 2243 2251
树状数组:2299 2352 2155 3321 3067 1195
最小树:1258 1125 2485 2421 1251 1789 2728

最短路:3259 1062 2387 2253 3159 1860 2240 3268
素数筛:2262 2739 3006 2909
并查集:1182 2524 1611 1703 2492 1308 2236 1988
KMP:2406 3461 2752

位运算:1753 2965
哈希:3349 1200
凸包+几何:1113 2187 1118
二分搜索:2109 3273
后缀数组:2774 1743

百度胡光 - 算法之路 出品


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