
  1. 某方法被认为如何如何:it is well known that; it is regarded as; it is believed to ; It is generally acknowledged that; In general, it has been shown that;It is thought that …
    It is believed that …
    It has been reported that …
    It is a widely held view that …
    It has commonly been assumed that …According to Smith (2001), …
    According to recent reports, …
    According to many in the field …
    Many scholars hold the view that …
    Smith (2001) holds the view that …
    Recent research has suggested that …
    There is some evidence to suggest that …
    If Smith’s (2001) findings are accurate, …
  2. 某方法很重要:important; critical; crucial; it is of great significance that; play a significant role; valuable;
  3. 大量研究:a massive number of ; various; hundreds/thousands of ; extensive; a large number of; a variety of;
  4. 少量研究:only a small percentage; only a limited number of studies;
  5. “揭示”“表明”:reveal, report, suggested, proposed, indicate, have shown that;
  6. 在过去一段时间:during recent decades; recently; in recent years;
  7. 导致,造成:lead to; result in; cause; contribute; consequently
  8. 花式夸过往研究:with the recent advances; prior studies have largely focused on; has the potential to; provide insight to; allow for a better understanding of; facilitate more accurate detection;
  9. 越来越受到关注:There have been increasingly attentions; has received lots of attentions; with the rapid emergence of; recent findings have greatly increased the number of;


  1. 有相关性:are strongly associated with; highly correlated with; related to;is similar in design to;  have distinct functions in; is comparable to that;is similar to that;Similarly,;Likewise,;In the same way,
  2. 下结论,因此:therefore; hence; thus; consequently; as a result; accordingly;Because of this,thereby;Overall, these cases support the view that …
  3. 举例:such as; for example, for instance; is a good illustration of …;This is evident in the case of …;has been exemplified in a report by Smith et al. (2001)
  4. 解释原因:mainly because of; due mainly to; caused by; is an important factor; the reason for the discovery is that; is the major cause of; owing to; for this reason;因may cause/can lead to/can result in/can give rise to果;果resulting from/stems from因;owing to
  5. 引起注意的连接词:clearly; notably, accordingly, unfortunately; typically; importantly; indeed; in particular; remarkably; in fact; as a matter of fact;briefly;strikingly


  1. 转折:while;despite; however; yet; although; nonetheless; meanwhile; in spite of; rather than; instead of; unfortunately
  2. 过去的观点:prior work on; a prior study; previously; in the past; in the recent literature;Previous studies of X ;Over the past few decades, In recent years, The first systematic study of X was reported by Smith et al. in 2001.
  3. 研究不足:lacking; there is no clear indication; has not yet been fully investigated; despite these advances, it can be difficult to infer; little is known about; there were few clues toward; it has remained a significant challenge to; these studies underscore the importance of;Researchers have not treated X in much detail.;Most studies in the field of X have only focused on …Previously published studies on the effect of X are not consistent.;do not take account of …,;;Such approaches, however, have failed to address …;be limited to;has a number of limitations.; involve potential measurement error.;make no attempt to specify/compare/separate /account for /suggest why …/analyse how …/assess the effectiveness of …/use a standardised method of …
  4. 需要继续探索:there is a urgent need to; here we sought to;These studies would have been more usefulconvincing/
    persuasive/ if they had focused on /had included …/addressed …/considered …
  5. 与之相反:in contrast; there was a controversy; whereas
  6. 链接连词:in addition; additionally; furthermore; moreover; also; eventually; on one hand, on the other hand; besides;
  7. 已有工作的评述:simple; suitable; well established; informative; effective;


  1. 研究目的:aim to; the purpose of this study is to;
  2. 在本研究中:in this work; our work; our study; we are dedicated to;
  3. 研究的一系列“动作”:explore; applied; validated; implement; promote; investigated; assessed; carry out; analyze; report; establish; observed;
  4. 解决问题:to address the limitation; to investigate; to overcome the difficulties; in order to better characterize; to understand the potential role of; to demonstrate;
  5. 研究价值展望:provide insights to;


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