One of the responsible things to do when a year is ending is to reflect on it. What accomplishments you have made, what challenges did you face, what did you learn, and how you can make the remainder of the year count.

一年结束时要做的负责任的事情之一就是反思。 您所取得的成就,您面临的挑战,所学到的知识以及如何使一年中的剩余时间成为现实。

One experience that I can definitely share, and hopefully it would be beneficial to readers, is being awarded the 2019 Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship and receive the Deep Learning Nanodegree from Udacity, completely free of charge. And this year, Bertelsmann Tech is opening another scholarship application, which you should definitely try if you have a passion for data and cloud tech.

我绝对可以分享的一种经验,希望对读者有益,它被授予2019年贝塔斯曼技术奖学金,并完全免费获得Udacity的深度学习纳米学位。 今年,贝塔斯曼技术学院将开放另一个奖学金申请,如果您对数据和云技术充满热情,那么您绝对应该尝试。

Many people have asked online what it was like to apply for the Bertelsmann Tech scholarship, win it, and complete the Nanodegree from Udacity. Also, what benefit can one receive from achieving all that? So hopefully this article can help answer some of those questions that you might have.

许多人在线询问了申请贝塔斯曼技术奖学金,获得奖学金并完成Udacity的纳米学位的感觉。 另外,实现所有这些目标可以得到什么好处? 因此,希望本文可以帮助回答您可能遇到的一些问题。

Let’s begin!


1.贝塔斯曼技术奖学金到底是什么? (1. What exactly is the Bertelsmann Tech scholarship)

Well, Bertelsmann is a media, services, and education company that operates in about 50 countries around the world. Their CEO, Thomas Rabbe, spoke that it was their mission to empower many individuals across the world with the increasing demand for digital skills. They work together with Udacity to provide free nanodegree courses that would otherwise be expensive if paid in full personally.

好吧,贝塔斯曼(Bertelsmann)是一家媒体,服务和教育公司,业务遍及全球约50个国家。 他们的首席执行官托马斯·拉贝(Thomas Rabbe)表示,这是他们的使命,是使全球许多人对数字技能的需求不断增长。 他们与Udacity合作提供免费的纳米学位课程,否则如果全额支付,则费用会很高。

In 2019, they offered nanodegree in Data Analysis, AI/Deep Learning, and Data Science. This year, they are offering three new programs. I’ve included the link below if you want to find out more.

在2019年,他们在数据分析,人工智能/深度学习和数据科学领域提供了纳米学位。 今年,他们提供了三个新程序。 如果您想了解更多信息,我已添加了以下链接。


2.申请奖学金(2. Applying for the Scholarship)

Last year’s application required applicants to write short essays about (1) why should you receive the scholarship, and (2) what do you plan to do with the skills that you will have acquired in the scholarship or how you would have benefitted from this scholarship. We were also asked about our confidence in our Python skills.

去年的申请要求申请人撰写简短的论文,内容涉及(1)为什么要获得该奖学金,以及(2)您打算如何利用该奖学金获得的技能或如何从该奖学金中受益。 我们还被问到对Python技能的信心。

This year though, the application is a lot more simple and easy. You simply need to answer a few questions about yourself and your current skills in Python and SQL.

但是今年,该应用程序变得更加简单和容易。 您只需要回答一些关于您自己以及您当前在Python和SQL中的技能的问题。

3.如何完成选择 (3. How the selection is done)

There are two main stages that you have to pass in order to receive the full scholarship.


The first one is the application stage. There are thousands and thousands of people around the world applying, and only about 10k-15k are accepted into the three programs, that means about 3–5k for each ND program are selected to pass the application process.

第一个是应用阶段。 世界上有成千上万的人在申请,这三个程序仅接受约1万至15千,这意味着每个ND程序要选择约3-5千才能通过申请程序。

The second stage is called Phase 1. Phase 1 is where you are given the basics or fundamental courses of the ND program that you applied for. To see which candidates can actually finish the entire course. The duration is about 3 months, the same as last year. Of the 3–5k applicants, only about 300–500 (10%) are awarded the full scholarship, i.e. Phase 2, where the awardees begin the full ND program and finish the remaining courses.

第二阶段称为第1阶段。第1阶段为您提供所申请ND计划的基础或基础课程。 查看哪些候选人实际上可以完成整个课程。 持续时间约为3个月,与去年相同。 在3-5k的申请者中,只有大约300-500(10%)的学生获得了全额奖学金,即第二阶段,即受奖者开始了完整的ND课程并完成了剩余的课程。

That’s it. after that, it is up to the scholars to finish the ND in 6 months.

而已。 之后,要由学者们在6个月内完成ND。

Below is the timeline for this year’s scholarship



Do not be fooled, these time window may seem long, but participating in Phase 1 and Phase 2 is not as easy as it seems. Especially with Covid-19 pandemic. It took me longer than I expected to finish the course thanks to Covid-19 and the “new normal” everyone had to adapt into.

不要上当,这些时间窗口可能看起来很长,但是参与阶段1和阶段2并不像看起来那么容易。 特别是Covid-19大流行。 多亏了Covid-19和每个人都必须适应的“新常态”,我花了比预期更长的时间才能完成课程。

4.我的经验 (4. My Experience)

Now, we get to the fun part. I will share with you my story from applying all the way to graduating.

现在,我们进入有趣的部分。 我将与您分享我从申请到毕业的整个故事。

4.1申请流程 (4.1 Application process)

In 2019, I chose the Deep Learning program because I believed the resources (learning materials, forums, tips and tricks, best practices, etc.) for Deep Learning are still harder to attain than the other two if I chose to learn by myself in other online courses or websites.


I wrote the essays and submitted my application. One or two months later, I received this.

我写了论文并提交了申请。 一两个月后,我收到了这个。

I was so happy and ecstatic that my application stood out and I got accepted into Phase 1.


The key was that I had to really know what I want out of the program and why I (and also Bertelsmann) would benefit from this receiving (and giving) of scholarship.


So, if there is another scholarship with the similar application process, the key here is that You really, really have to sell it.


But this year is a bit simpler, and therefore in my opinion, harder. Why? Well, with no essays in the application and only a few checkboxes, it can be different to set yourself apart from the competition.

但是今年比较简单,因此我认为更加艰难。 为什么? 好吧,由于应用程序中没有论文,只有几个复选框,因此使自己在竞争中脱颖而出可能会有所不同。

But, that shouldn’t stop anyone from trying, am I right? :)

但是,那不应该阻止任何人尝试,对吗? :)

4.2第一阶段 (4.2 Phase 1)

This is where the fun of the Bertelsmann Tech scholarship begins.


So, in each ND program, the students were gathered into three global Slack groups, each according to the program that they applied for. And each student had been given access to the basics or foundational courses for their ND programs.

因此,在每个ND计划中,学生都根据他们申请的计划分为三个全球Slack组。 每个学生都可以使用其ND课程的基础知识或基础课程。

The instructions for this phase, and to get to Phase 2, were simple and straightforward.


We had to pass the fundamental courses in time AND actively participate in the Slack groups.


Sounds simple right? Complete the course and participate in the group Slack for 3–4 months, easy right?

听起来很简单吧? 完成课程并参加Slack小组3到4个月,容易吗?

Not so fast,


Because it was “easy” and “simple”, everyone could easily do it, i.e. the competition is also fierce and it was easy to slip up. The most common slip ups people made were:

因为它既“简单”又“简单”,所以每个人都可以轻松做到这一点,即竞争也很激烈,很容易滑脱。 人们最常见的滑倒现象是:

  1. They finished the course so fast, got bored, and no longer participated in the group他们如此快速地完成了课程,感到无聊,不再参加小组
  2. They finished the course in time and participated in the group, but not enough他们及时完成课程并参加了小组,但还不够

Mistake #1 was likely due to boredom, urgent matters in the office, etc. The point is they did not consistently participate in the Slack group. Mistake #2 is the most dangerous. Because many people did finish their course in time, they did participate in the Slack groups, but they got drowned by those who were way more active. Some of them even complained to Udacity, saying that they disagreed/protested the selection outcomes for their friends. These highly active people usually participate in study group sessions (we called them Study Jams), posted in the Slack groups on a daily basis or a few days in a week, either useful thinks, answers to other student’s questions, motivational quotes, or possibly even a funny meme to relax.

错误#1可能是由于无聊,办公室紧急事务等。要点是他们没有始终参加Slack组。 错误2是最危险的。 因为许多人确实按时完成了课程,所以他们确实参加了Slack小组,但被更活跃的人淹死了。 他们中的一些人甚至向Udacity投诉,说他们不同意/抗议朋友的选择结果。 这些活动活跃的人通常参加研究小组的会议(我们称为研究果酱),这些会议每天或每周几天在Slack小组发布,有用的想法,对其他学生问题的回答,励志名言,或者可能甚至是一个有趣的模因放松。

The point is, the ones who passed onto Phase 2, were those who“madly” wanted these scholarships AND they showed it. In ALL 3–4 MONTHS of Phase 1.

关键是,进入第二阶段的人是那些“疯狂地”想要这些奖学金的人,他们证明了这一点。 在阶段1的所有3-4个月中

What did I do in Phase 1? I gathered with my fellow Indonesian scholars after office hours, worked together in the course, organized and participated in regular meetings, and kept working on it. I even published one of the projects I made from the skills I got in Phase 1.

我在第一阶段做了什么? 我在下班后与印尼学者同行聚会,在课程中共同努力,组织和参加了例行会议,并一直在努力。 我什至发表了我在第一阶段获得的技能所完成的项目之一。

And after a lot of hard work, those 3–4 months felt way longer. But it was worth it, especially with this e-mail.

经过大量的努力,这3-4个月的时间更长了。 但这是值得的,尤其是使用此电子邮件。

4.3第二阶段 (4.3 Phase 2)

Now the real hard work begins.


There were 5 main courses, 5 projects that we had to submit before 17th of Sept. Plus one extracurricular if one feels extremely motivated. Working on these 5 projects were not the biggest challenge. It was Covid-19.

9月17日之前,我们必须提交5个主要课程,5个项目。如果有上进心,那么我们还要提供一门课外活动。 在这5个项目上工作并不是最大的挑战。 那是Covid-19。

The world was thrown a huge wrench into its machine and everyone around the globe had to adapt to a “new normal”, including in Indonesia. Work from office from 9 AM to 6 PM turned to Work from Home with longer, random work hours. Sometimes it was still the same, other times you had to work from the moment you opened your eyes until 10 PM. It was really unpredictable. I couldn’t plan my time properly. I had to prioritize my work first, of course. Since many people were laid off because of the pandemic.

世界陷入了巨大的僵局,全世界的每个人都必须适应“新常态”,包括印度尼西亚。 从上午9点到下午6点的办公室工作变成了更长的随机工作时间在家工作。 有时候情况还是一样,其他时候从睁开眼睛直到晚上10点,您都必须工作。 这真的是不可预测的。 我不能适当地安排时间。 当然,我必须优先考虑我的工作。 由于大流行导致许多人被解雇。

I had no choice but to work on my nanodegree late at nights and weekends full time. It was exhausting.

我别无选择,只能在深夜和周末全职研究纳米学位。 太累了。

Nearly six months had passed. In the end, with the help of praying, coffee, Google, and Udacity’s mentors and student hub, I managed to finish it before the big deadline and graduated. Plus I managed to do it without sacrificing my health.

近六个月过去了。 最后,在祈祷,喝咖啡,谷歌以及Udacity的导师和学生中心的帮助下,我设法在最后期限之前完成了工作并毕业了。 另外,我设法做到了这一点,却没有牺牲自己的健康。

4.4我得到了什么 (4.4 What did I get)

That was the process and journey in 2019’s Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship and Udacity’s Deep Learning ND. I was also asked, what benefit did I get from doing all this. Here are some of them

这就是2019年贝塔斯曼技术奖学金和Udacity的深度学习ND的过程和历程。 我还被问到,从这一切中我得到了什么好处。 这里是其中的一些

  1. I met and befriended lots of awesome people with the same drive and passion during the scholarship and nanodegree. We exchanged ideas and awesome topics and motivated each other to progress. I still have contact with some of them. Who knows how we will benefit from this network in the future. And who knows whom you might meet in 2020’s Bertelsmann Tech Scholarship, too在奖学金和纳米学位课程期间,我遇到了许多具有同等动力和热情的杰出人士并结识了他们。 我们交流了想法和令人敬畏的主题,并相互激励着进步。 我仍然与其中一些人保持联系。 谁知道我们将来如何从这个网络中受益。 还有谁知道你会在2020年的贝塔斯曼科技奖学金上遇到谁
  2. No doubt the skill and knowledge was as good as I thought. The lecturers, mentors, and student hub were so amazing. The lectures were relatively easy to follow and understand. The practice projects were also very intuitive, they also provided the solutions as well in case we get stuck with one or two lines of codes or the concept behind them.毫无疑问,技能和知识都和我想的一样好。 讲师,导师和学生中心真是太神奇了。 这些讲座相对容易理解和理解。 练习项目也非常直观,它们还提供了解决方案,以防我们陷入一两行代码或其背后的概念中。
  3. The projects were very unique. The experience I got from working the Nanodegree projects were unbelievably so good. The problems were unique. The cases were real. Udacity also provided students with 99 hours of GPU enabled workspace to run our codes and model faster than using our own private laptops. They also gave us a set of clear objectives for us to achieve in the project (min accuracy, max loss, clear and concise explanation of our logic/thought process). No other online course could have provided the same experience for me.这些项目非常独特。 我从纳米学位项目获得的经验真是太好了。 这些问题是独特的。 案件是真实的。 与使用我们自己的私人笔记本电脑相比,Udacity还为学生提供了99个小时的启用GPU的工作区,以运行我们的代码和模型。 他们还为我们在项目中实现了一系列明确的目标(最低准确性,最大损失,对逻辑/思想过程的清晰明了的解释)。 没有其他在线课程可以为我提供相同的体验。

Overall, it was an amazing experience. Udacity did not exaggerate the term nanoDEGREE for their Deep Learning ND. It almost felt like a mini master’s program. One that I recommend to others to achieve.

总体而言,这是一次了不起的经历。 Udacity并未夸大其深度学习ND的术语nanoDEGREE。 几乎感觉像是一个迷你硕士课程。 我建议其他人实现的目标。

最后的话 (Last words)

Hopefully, this post is helpful to those who want to apply and learn in the Bertelsmann Tech scholarship and Udacity ND, or at least motivate you to keep learning.

希望这篇文章对希望在贝塔斯曼科技奖学金和Udacity ND中申请和学习的人有所帮助,或者至少激励您继续学习。

“Stay hungry, stay foolish” — Steve Jobs

“保持饥饿,保持愚蠢” —史蒂夫·乔布斯

“Stay safe and healthy” — Anyone with common sense




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