int n_cols = 4;   // 角点行的个数int n_rows = 6;   //角点列的个数int n_pix = 100;  //每一个块的像素int col = n_pix * (n_cols + 1);   // 生成标定图的列int row = n_pix * (n_rows + 1);  //生成标定图的行Mat map = Mat(row, col, CV_8UC1, Scalar::all(0));  //初始化将所有的像素设为0for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {                     // 遍历所有像素点for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {if (int(i / n_pix) % 2 == 0) {             //如果是奇数行if (int(j / n_pix) % 2 != 0) {<Vec3b>(i, j)[0] = 255;<Vec3b>(i, j)[1] = 255;<Vec3b>(i, j)[2] = 255;}}if (int(i / n_pix) % 2 != 0) {            //如果是偶数行if (int(j / n_pix) % 2 == 0) {<Vec3b>(i, j)[0] = 255;<Vec3b>(i, j)[1] = 255;<Vec3b>(i, j)[2] = 255;}}}}imshow("1", map);waitKey();


  1. UESTC 1851 Kings on a Chessboard

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  2. Numbers on the Chessboard

    You are given a chessboard of size n×nn×n. It is filled with numbers from 11 to n2n2 in the followin ...

  3. [poj2446]Chessboard

    Description 给定一个m×n的棋盘,上面有k个洞,求是否能在不重复覆盖且不覆盖到洞的情况下,用2×1的卡片完全覆盖棋盘. Input 第一行有三个整数n,m,k(0<m,n<=3 ...

  4. 【CodeForces - 1027B 】Numbers on the Chessboard (没有营养的找规律题,无聊题)

    题干: You are given a chessboard of size n×nn×n. It is filled with numbers from 11 to n2n2 in the foll ...

  5. Numbers on the Chessboard(CF-1027B)

    Problem Description You are given a chessboard of size n×n. It is filled with numbers from 1 to n^2  ...

  6. Codewars-The wheat/rice and chessboard problem(棋盘放谷粒)

    棋盘放谷粒 科学作家大卫·布拉特纳说,从前,有一个骗子为高端客户制作棋盘--在这个例子中,他是一个国王. 工匠很好;他的棋盘不仅仅是漂亮.他知道,国王喜欢下棋.于是他想出一个计谋,骗国王交出一大笔财产 ...

  7. LightOJ1171 Knights in Chessboard (II)(二分图最大点独立集)

    题目 Source Description Given an m x n ches ...

  8. UVA10284 POJ2512 Chessboard in FEN【国际象棋】

    In the FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation), a chessboard is described as follows: • The Board-Content is ...

  9. UVA10751 Chessboard【数学水题】

    A king wishes to go for a walk of a square chessboard with the following conditions: • Each two cons ...

  10. POJ1657 Bailian1657 Distance on Chessboard【基础】

    Distance on Chessboard 描述 国际象棋的棋盘是黑白相间的8 * 8的方格,棋子放在格子中间.如下图所示: 王.后.车.象的走子规则如下: 王:横.直.斜都可以走,但每步限走一格. ...


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