In the FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation), a chessboard is described as follows:
• The Board-Content is specified starting with the top row and ending with the bottom row.
• Character ‘/’ is used to separate data of adjacent rows.
• Each row is specified from left to right.
• White pieces are identified by uppercase piece letters: PNBRQK.
• Black pieces are identified by lowercase piece letters: pnbrqk.
• Empty squares are represented by the numbers one through eight.
• A number used represents the count of contiguous empty squares along a row.
• Each row’s sum of numbers and characters must equal 8.
    As for example:
5k1r/2q3p1/p3p2p/1B3p1Q/n4P2/6P1/bbP2N1P/1K1RR3, is the FEN notation description of the following chessboard:

    The chessboard of the beginning of a chess game is described in FEN as:
    Your task is simple: given a chessboard description in a FEN notation you are asked to compute the number of unoccupied squares on the board which are not attacked by any piece.
Input is a sequence of lines, each line containing a FEN description of a chessboard. Note that the description does not necessarily give a legal chess position. Input lines do not contain white space.
For each line of input, output one line containing an integer which gives the number of unoccupied squares which are not attacked.
Sample Input
Sample Output

问题链接:UVA10284 POJ2512 Chessboard in FEN
UVA10196 Check The Check【模拟+回溯】
POJ4001 HDU4121 UVA1589 UVALive5829 Xiangqi【模拟+回溯】


/* UVA10284 POJ2512 Chessboard in FEN */#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>using namespace std;const int N=8;
const int drow[]={1,1,-1,-1,1,0,-1,0,1,1,-1,-1,2,2,-2,-2};
const int dcol[]={1,-1,1,-1,0,1,0,-1,2,-2,2,-2,1,-1,1,-1};char board[N][N];void getboard(string& s)
{int r=0,c=0;for(int i=0;s[i];i++){if(isdigit(s[i]))for(int j=0;j<s[i]-'0';j++)board[r][c++]='.';else if(isalpha(s[i]))board[r][c++]=s[i];else if(s[i]=='/')r++,c=0;}
}void judge(int row,int col,char k,int start,int end,char flag)
{for (int i=start;i<=end;i++){int nextrow=row+drow[i];int nextcol=col+dcol[i];int tem=0;while(nextrow>=0&&nextrow<N&&nextcol>=0&&nextcol<N){if((flag=='p'||flag=='k'||flag=='n')&&tem==1)break;if(board[nextrow][nextcol]==k)board[nextrow][nextcol]='1';if(isalpha(board[nextrow][nextcol]))break;nextrow+=drow[i];nextcol+=dcol[i];tem++;}}
}void pawn(int x, int y, char k, char flag)
{if(flag == 'p')return judge(x, y, k, 0, 1, 'p');elsereturn judge(x, y, k, 2, 3, 'p');
}void knight(int row,int col,char k)
{return judge(row, col, k, 8, 15, 'n');
}void bishop(int row, int col, char k)
{return judge(row, col, k, 0, 3, 'b');
}void rook(int row, int col, char k)
{return judge(row, col, k, 4, 7, 'r');
}void queen(int row, int col, char k)
{return judge(row, col, k, 0, 7, 'q');
}void king(int row, int col, char k)
{return judge(row, col, k, 0, 7, 'k');
}void deal()
{for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){switch (board[i][j]){case 'p':pawn(i,j,'.','p');break;case 'P':pawn(i,j,'.','P');break;case 'n':knight(i,j,'.');break;case 'N':knight(i,j,'.');break;case 'b':bishop(i,j,'.');break;case 'B':bishop(i,j,'.');break;case 'r':rook(i,j,'.');break;case 'R':rook(i,j,'.');break;case 'q':queen(i,j,'.');break;case 'Q':queen(i,j,'.');break;case 'K':king(i,j,'.');break;case 'k':king(i,j,'.');break;default:break;}}
}int main()
{string s;while(getline(cin,s)){getboard(s);deal();int cnt=0;for(int i=0;i<N;i++)for(int j=0;j<N;j++)cnt+= board[i][j]=='.'? 1:0;printf("%d\n",cnt);}return 0;

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