
free命令用来显示内存使用情况。display information about free and used memory on the system。

free 命令相对于top 提供了更简洁的查看系统内存使用情况:

[xxx@localhost ~]$ free -mtotal       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7743       5163       2580          0        378       1844
-/+ buffers/cache:       2940       4802
Swap:         9919        260       9659


       free - Display amount of free and used memory in the system
       free [-b | -k | -m] [-o] [-s delay ] [-t] [-l] [-V]
       free  displays the total amount of free and used physical and swap mem-
       ory in the system, as well as the buffers  used  by  the  kernel.   The

shared memory column should be ignored; it is obsolete.




The  -b  switch  displays  the amount of memory in bytes; the -k switch
       (set by default) displays it in kilobytes; the -m switch displays it in

-b 单位以bytes显示,-k以kB来显示,-m 以MB为单位来显示

The -t switch displays a line containing the totals.


The -o switch disables the display of a "buffer adjusted" line.  If the
       -o option is not specified, free subtracts buffer memory from the  used

memory and adds it to the free memory reported.

-o参数bufferd 这一行是否显示,默认会显示,并且回访到free memory的报告中

The -s switch activates continuous polling delay seconds apart. You may
       actually specify any floating point number for delay, usleep(3) is used

for microsecond resolution delay times.

-s 是多少s显示一次 并且一直会调用free命令

The -l switch shows detailed low and high memory statistics.

-l 请看原文,我还没用过这个

The -V switch displays version information.
       -V 显示版本信息




buffer/cache.used 为实际应用程序占用的量



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