

2010-06-12 回答

help size

SIZE Size of array.

D = SIZE(X), for M-by-N matrix X, returns the two-element

row vector D = [M, N] containing the number of rows and columns

in the matrix. For N-D arrays, SIZE(X) returns a 1-by-N

vector of dimension lengths. Trailing singleton dimensions

are ignored.

[M,N] = SIZE(X) for matrix X, returns the number of rows and

columns in X as separate output variables.

[M1,M2,M3,...,MN] = SIZE(X) returns the sizes of the first N

dimensions of array X. If the number of output arguments N does

not equal NDIMS(X), then for:

N > NDIMS(X), size returns ones in the "extra" variables,

i.e., outputs NDIMS(X)+1 through N.

N < NDIMS(X), MN contains the product of the sizes of the

remaining dimensions, i.e., dimensions N+1 through


M = SIZE(X,DIM) returns the length of the dimension specified

by the scalar DIM. For example, SIZE(X,1) returns the number

of rows.

When SIZE is applied to a Java array, the number of rows

returned is the length of the Java array and the number of columns

is always 1. When SIZE is applied to a Java array of arrays, the

result describes only the top level array in the array of arrays.

在matlab里输入help size 可看,size(A,2)是返回A矩阵第二列元素个数

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