
  • Word Preparation
    • report: 报告
    • overtime: 超时地
    • stay up: 熬夜
    • burn out: 筋疲力尽
    • sort out: 整理
  • Grammar
    • on time vs. in time

Word Preparation

report: 报告

a spoken or written description of something containing information that sb. needs to have

I could finish this report on Monday.

Have you seen his report?

overtime: 超时地

(time spent at work) after the usual working hours

New employees need to work overtime to finish these tasks.

I felt really tired after working overtime for a week.

stay up: 熬夜

Don’t stay up too late. You have class tomorrow.

I used to stay up late to watch movies with friends.

burn out: 筋疲力尽

If you keep working like that, you will burn out.

If you are doing so much work, you will get burned out and hurt your eyes.

sort out: 整理

There are so much data here! When could we sort them out?

I have no idea how to sort out these bills.


on time vs. in time

on time:准时,按时
in time:及时,迟早,表示正赶上时候或恰在需要的时候

  • The bus always arrives on time.
  • The company will lose a lot of money if the work isn’t completed on time.
  • We just arrived at the train station in time.
  • David said he’d take me to the concert, if he’s home in time.

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